I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 146: Slit Wrist

Chapter 146: Slit Wrist

Chapter 146: Slit Wrist

Translator: _Min_

The sky darkened, plunging the world into an impenetrable blackness.

For two hours, Song Ling sat immobile, his eyes vacant as they stared into the void. He couldnt make sense of who Gu Dai really was.

When Zhao Xuan entered the villa and turned on the lights, he found Song Ling in this state. After hesitating for a few minutes, he mustered the courage to speak, Mr. Song, Miss Jiang Yue couldnt reach you on your phone, so she called me.

Song Lings eyes s.h.i.+fted slightly towards Zhao Xuan. His voice was cold, Tell her not to contact me anymore.

Zhao Xuan looked uneasy. He lowered his head and spoke softly, But Miss Jiang Yue said that if you ignore her and dont answer her calls, shell have no reason to live and will commit suicide.

Song Lings eyebrows furrowed, and he stood up abruptly. However, due to staying in one position for too long, his body was stiff, causing him to collapse back onto the sofa.

Zhao Xuans expression turned to one of alarm. He hurried over, intending to help Song Ling up. Mr. Song, are you alright?

Song Ling glared at him, snapping, Get out!

Feeling a s.h.i.+ver run down his spine, Zhao Xuan didnt dare to linger. He quickly left the villa.

Song Ling turned on his phone with a grim expression. He saw that Jiang Yue had called him hundreds of times. The next second, her call came through again. He hesitated for a moment before answering.

Immediately, Jiang Yues choked sobs emanated from the other end of the phone.

Brother Song Ling, you finally answered. 1 thought you were ignoring me! Youre the only person left in my life. If you also ignore me, 1 dont know what 111 do, Jiang Yue sobbed.

Song Ling rubbed his temples, responding in a detached tone, Hmm.

Jiang Yue didnt expect Song Ling to remain so calm after hearing her words. In the past, even when she was just in a bad mood, he would go to great lengths to cheer her up. Now, here she was, crying, and he showed no reaction whatsoever.

All of this could be blamed on Gu Dai. If she hadnt undergone such a significant change, Song Lings attention would have never s.h.i.+fted to her, and Jiang Yue would have easily married him.

Jiang Yues eyes were filled with resentment, but her voice remained pitifully soft. Brother Song Ling, lets talk. Can you come to my house?

Unmoved, Song Ling responded coolly, I dont think theres anything left for us to discuss. You should get some rest and stop contacting me.

Jiang Yue didnt speak; her crying just grew louder.

After a long time pa.s.sed without any comforting words from Song Ling, her sobbing began to subside. She murmured, Song Ling, are you still mad at me? If you are, 1 cant go on living. Ill die right now.

With that, she abruptly hung up the phone.

Song Lings face darkened even further. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his jacket from the sofa, rushed to his car, and sped toward Jiang Yues house.

Upon arriving, he burst through the door. All the windows were open, and the curtains fluttered in the wind. The place seemed empty, devoid of human presence.

Suddenly, a possibility flashed through his mind. He quickly made his way to the balcony and looked down. Fortunately, the area below was empty; Jiang Yue hadnt jumped.

So where had she gone?

Song Ling searched several rooms but found no trace of her, and her phone was unreachable, likely turned off.

Just when he was at a loss, a clattering noise came from the bathroom, followed by the sound of water splattering onto the floor.

Song Ling kicked open the bathroom door and rushed in. There on the floor lay a blood-stained knife. The clear water was gradually being overtaken by the red hue of blood. Jiang Yue, dressed in a white gown, lay pale and lifeless in the bathtub, her wrist marked by a gash.

Song Ling bent down to lift Jiang Yue out of the bathtub. Jiang Yue, are you alright?

With a light cough, Jiang Yue opened her eyes. Brother Song Ling, youre here. Thank goodness you still wanted to see me.

Lowering his gaze, Song Ling spoke coldly, Dont talk. Im taking you to the hospital.

Jiang Yue looked momentarily stunned. Recovering quickly, she a.s.serted, Im not going to the hospital!

Ignoring her protest, Song Ling started to carry her toward the hospital.

Realizing what he was doing, Jiang Yues resistance intensified. Blood continued to flow from her wrist. I wont go to the hospital. Theres a first-aid kit at home. Just bandage me up, and itll be fine..