I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 142: No Intentions of Dating

Chapter 142: No Intentions of Dating

Chapter 142: No Intentions of Dating

Translator: _Min_

Rea.s.sured by Gu Dais promise, Meng Zhi finally relaxed. In that case, Ill head upstairs. Call me if you need anything.

Alright, Gu Dai responded, nodding.

Zhou Ci watched Meng Zhis figure ascending up the stairs and couldnt help but stand closer to Gu Dai. What were you two talking about just now?

Their voices had been so low that even with his ears straining, Zhou Ci hadnt been able to catch the conversation.

Suppressing a yawn, Gu Dai said casually, We were just praising you.

It seemed more like you were speaking ill of me, Zhou Ci countered, as he found that hard to believe.

Gu Dai looked at him, surprised by his perceptiveness.

Yet she had no intention of confirming his suspicion. Changing the subject, she said, So, what other goals do you have?

Zhou Ci leaned in, lowering his voice. Miss Gu, 1 dont think thats the right way to put it. 1 merely wish to be friends with you. And perhaps, if fate allows, to take things further.

Gu Dai, unamused, pushed him away. Dont stand so close when speaking to me. Ill let it slide this time, but not again. Youve been warned.

Her eyes flicked briefly to his lower body.

Zhou Ci s.h.i.+vered involuntarily under her gaze. A sudden chill enveloped him; particularly around his lower half.

Yet, paradoxically, her implicit threat only piqued his interest further. Gu Dai was proving to be even more fiery and challenging than hed antic.i.p.ated, making him all the more infatuated.

Meeting her scrutinizing gaze, Zhou Ci bowed his head. Very well, Ill keep my distance next time. Now, whats your take on what Ive just said?

Leaning back on the sofa, Gu Dai idly examined the silver bracelet on her wrist. You might as well give it up. I have no intentions of dating.

Zhou Ci nodded, then spoke as though he had an epiphany. 1 get it. You must be deeply hurt by Song Ling, now mistrustful of all men.

Gu Dais eyebrows knitted slightly, surprised by Zhou Cis conclusion. She wanted to correct him, but he didnt give her the chance.

Im not like other men, he rushed on, without giving her the chance to speak, selling himself. If you date me, I promise to treat you wholeheartedly, to help you overcome past emotional scars. And you wont have to worry about family conflicts; my family adores you. If I ever wrong you, theyd be the first to pick up a stick to teach me a lesson.

Zhou Ci paused before quickly adding, Not that Id ever give them a reason to, of course.

Skeptical of Zhou Cis enthusiastic ramble, Gu Dai posed a question. And what, exactly, sets you apart from other men?

Caught off guard, Zhou Ci stalled for a moment. His mind raced before he replied, I used to be someone that just cruised through my days, but since meeting you, Ive felt hope and purpose. Ill start taking work seriously, living a more productive life.

Plus, once we start dating, Ill listen to you, stay loyal, and wont be easily swayed by others. Most importantly, Ive always been working on my body, so Im definitely in better shape than Song Ling. Hes always cooped up in his office, barely moving. So, 1 can promise you

Noticing Gu Dais increasingly icy gaze and her foots threatening rise, Zhou Ci promptly closed his mouth.

Realizing how many advantages hed listed, Zhou Ci looked to Gu Dai for her response. So, what do you think? Will you be with me?

Without hesitation, Gu Dai replied, No.

Stunned, Zhou Ci sought clarification. Why?

Before Gu Dai could respond, Zhou Ci introspectively wondered aloud, Is there something Im still lacking? Tell me what it is, and 111 change it immediately!