I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 134: Don't Blame me for Being Rude

Chapter 134: Don't Blame me for Being Rude

Chapter 134: Dont Blame me for Being Rude

Translator: _Min_

When Song Ling was enveloped in irritation, his phone buzzed. Seeing that it was a call from w.a.n.g Lan, he hesitated for a moment before answering, a frown already in place.

Song Ling asked, What is it?

w.a.n.g Lans voice choked with emotion: Son, your grandpa has kicked us out of the house because of that wicked girl, Gu Dai. The property is in his name, and we dont know what to do tonight.

w.a.n.g Lans derogatory term for Gu Dai made Song Lings frown deepen. He spoke coldly, Ill send you an address later. Go and stay there.

w.a.n.g Lan quickly agreed, Good, son. Thank G.o.d for you; otherwise, wed be at a complete loss.

On the other end, Song Yu, upon hearing Song Lings voice, urgently chimed in: Big brother, Im the real granddaughter. Why is grandpa favoring Gu Dai?

Faced with w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yus questions, Song Ling didnt want to answer. He just wanted to end the call.

But w.a.n.g Lan beat him to it, speaking faster than he could hang up.

w.a.n.g Lan said. Son, Ive been neglectful before, nearly getting you married to two women of poor character. Just wait, this time Ill find you a well-rounded young lady from a good family.

Song Yu added quickly, Brother, youre such a great man; surely there are plenty of excellent women lined up to marry you. Youll bring home someone far better than Gu Dai or Jiang Yue.

w.a.n.g Lan, hearing Song Yus words, grew anxious and interjected: How can you even compare those two? One is a shameless woman pretending to be innocent, and the other is a two-faced, malicious b.u.mpkin. I suspect the mess at this mornings wedding might very well be Gu Dais doing!

Song Yu agreed. Exactly, after all, that vile Gu Dai is always up to no good. She just cant stand to see brother happy and wants to ruin

Hearing their words, Song Lings frown turned into a scowl. He took a deep breath and cut them off sharply. Enough!

w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu were stunned into silence by Song Lings harsh tone.

Recovering first, Song Yu spoke in disbelief, Brother, youre actually yelling at me?

With a cold snort, Song Ling spoke to them icily. Id like you to be more mindful of your words and actions!

Song Ling didnt give w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu time to react. He continued, Dont think Im unaware of what youve done to Gu Dai over these past three years! Regardless, she saved grandpa back then. You should stop whatever youre doing now, or dont blame me for being rude.

With that, he hung up the phone.

w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu sat dumbfounded, staring at each other as the line went dead. Both saw the hurt reflected in each others eyes.

All they had ever wanted was a deserving wife for Song Ling. Yet, not only did he show no grat.i.tude, he even scolded them!

And as for the old man, they had stood by his side for so many years, only to be overshadowed by Gu Dai in a mere three years.

If only Gu Dai had remained the timid housewife she once was, they could have vented their frustrations on her. But now, she had transformed into a prominent figure in the Gu family of the capital city.

Song Yu was so infuriated that her face almost contorted. After holding it in for a long time, she finally couldnt help but say, Mom, we cant let Gu Dai get away with this. We have to teach her a lesson!

Although w.a.n.g Lan was equally angry, she hesitated. But your brother said

Song Yu interrupted, So what if he said it? Mom, think about how weve been mistreated. Can you really swallow that insult?

w.a.n.g Lan responded. I cant!

Song Yu nodded, Exactly. Lets think about how to deal with Gu Dai.

After hanging up, Song Ling angrily tossed his phone onto the desk. To his surprise, it rang again the next second.

a.s.suming it was w.a.n.g Lan again, he answered without even looking, his tone far from pleasant. What else do you want? Spit it out!

Zhou Ci, hearing Song Lings irritated voice, responded with a chuckle, Hey, man, who got under your skin like this? I just saw the entertainment news.. Is it about the wedding?