I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 122: Not Right in the Head

Chapter 122: Not Right in the Head

Chapter 122: Not Right in the Head

Translator: _Min_

w.a.n.g Lan felt the stinging sensation in her wrist where Jiang Yue had flung her hand away. She stared at Jiang Yue incredulously. How dare you resist!

Song Yu was equally shocked that Jiang Yue had fought back. Seething with anger, she took a few steps towards Jiang Yue, grabbed a fistful of her hair, and demanded, How dare you treat my mom like this?

The amount Song Yu had once adored Jiang Yue was now equal to the disgust he felt, knowing that Jiang Yue was related by blood to the woman who had disrupted her family.

Taking advantage of Song Yus grip on Jiang Yue, w.a.n.g Lan landed slaps on both of Jiang Yues cheeks.

Jiang Yue didnt need to look in a mirror to know her face must be swollen and red by now. She lifted her eyes to Song Ling, her last hope, and cried out, Brother Song Ling, save me

When he heard Jiang Yues plea, he spoke in a cold, stern voice, Mom, Song Yu, dont lay a hand on her.

Both w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu were stunned. Youre still siding with her, even now? they asked in disbelief.

As w.a.n.g Lan realized this, she raised her hand to slap Jiang Yue again.

But Song Ling moved swiftly, s.h.i.+elding Jiang Yue behind him and taking the slaps meant for her.

w.a.n.g Lan froze upon seeing her slaps land on her own son.

Song Yu was dumbstruck. She stepped forward and said in disbelief, Brother, after all that Jiang Yue has done, youre still protecting her? Are you intending to marry her?

Without hesitation, Song Ling nodded and said, Yes, 1 still intend to marry her.

Meng Zhi, hearing Song Lings voice through the computer, looked at Gu Dai with concern and softly said, Daidai

Gu Dai shook her head and calmly responded, Dont worry about me; Ive already considered this.

Meng Zhi couldnt shake the feeling that Gu Dai was merely putting on a brave face. His resentment towards Song Ling boiled in his heart.

Meng Zhi took a deep breath and softly said to Gu Dai, Daidai, this guy named Song Ling is not right in the head; he doesnt think like a normal person!

Hearing Meng Zhis choice of words to describe Song Ling, Gu Dai couldnt help but burst into laughter. She knew her third brother was concerned for her, so she rea.s.sured him, Third Brother, 1 truly am not upset because of Song Ling. Dont worry. Besides, Im particularly looking forward to w.a.n.g Lans reaction now.

Although Gu Dai said this, Meng Zhi still couldnt shake his underlying concern. He felt she was merely putting on a brave face.

With that thought, Meng Zhis feelings transformed into a swirl of resentment aimed at Song Ling. He vowed to himself that he wouldnt let him off the hook in the future.

w.a.n.g Lan found herself gasping for breath after she heard Song Lings declaration about Jiang Yue. Jiang Yue carries the blood of Jiang Lin, that vile woman, and you still want to marry her? I tell you, its impossible! I wont allow her to set foot in this house!

Song Yu chimed in, Exactly, brother. There are so many people in the world. Why are you so fixated on Jiang Yue?

Jiang Yue remained silent, hiding behind Song Ling, her face a portrait of pitiable vulnerability.

Ignoring the objections of w.a.n.g Lan and Song Yu, Song Ling turned his head slightly towards Zhao Xuan and ordered, Call the master of ceremonies back in. The wedding will proceed.

Jiang Yue, tucked behind Song Ling, felt a surge of triumphant delight. To think that this exceptional man still believed in her and loved her despite everything.

Just then, Song Zhi, who had stepped out for a moment, returned in a frantic rush. Something terrible has happened! The old master is about to jump off a cliff!

Song Lings face drained of color. What?

Upon hearing Song Zhis alarming news, Gu Dai leapt to her feet, grabbed her car keys, and dashed out.

Meng Zhi quickly followed, but Gu Dai was too fast. By the time he reached the ground floor, all he saw was the tail light of Gu Dais red sports car speeding away.

Song Min stood at the edge of a cliff, leaning on his cane. One more step, and he would plunge into the abyss below, his body lost to the ravines depths.

When Song Ling stepped out of the car, his eyes were met with a scene that drained the color from his usually composed face. Grandpa, youre dangerously close to the cliffs edge! Please step back; we can discuss whatevers troubling you once youre safe.

w.a.n.g Lan, who in her heart almost wished her father-in-law would take the fateful step, knew she had to say the socially acceptable thing in front of the a.s.sembled crowd. Yes, Dad, lets talk about it when you come back from the edge.

Song Min gave a disdainful snort, his voice laced with suspicion.. If I step back, will Song Ling actually listen to me?