I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 111 - Chapter Wedding Live Stream

Chapter 111 - Chapter Wedding Live Stream

Chapter111: Wedding Live Stream

Translator: _Min_

Again, Song Yu urgently tugged on w.a.n.g Lans sleeve, reminding her in a hushed voice, Mom, remember, were still live streaming!

The idea of live streaming the grand wedding had been w.a.n.g Lans. She had even hired professional journalists and equipped them with the best audio gear to broadcast how extravagant the Song family could be.

But she hadnt expected this to become her biggest obstacle.

w.a.n.g Lan took a deep breath and mustered a smile, her voice straining to stay soft. No, no, of course not. The old master couldnt attend due to health issues, so the butler is here in his stead.

Zhang Hua covered her mouth in feigned surprise. Really? 1 heard the old master has been quite healthy recently. Also, didnt he prefer Song Lings ex-wife?

w.a.n.g Lans fingers trembled as she pointed at Zhang Hua, hissing, Zhang Hua!

Zhang Hua reveled in w.a.n.g Lans visible struggle to contain her anger. She hadnt thought this day would come.

Just as it seemed a fight would erupt between w.a.n.g Lan and Zhang Hua, the organizer swiftly intervened to separate them.

Still, the excellent audio equipment captured every word, and the audience watching the live stream burst into excited chatter.

The live-stream viewers began an animated discussion in the comments section, their words scrolling like rapid-fire bullets across the screen.

Who would have thought that even high-society ladies could bicker like this! One comment exclaimed.

My only concern is, does Old Master Song really disapprove of Jiang Yue? Why? Shes a nationally renowned dancer; she should be more than a match for Song Ling, another viewer speculated.

Bold of you to say, but youre right, chimed in another. Jiang Yue is indeed worthy of Song Ling. And lets not forget, Song Lings ex-wife was nothing but a country b.u.mpkin. 1 cant understand why the old man ever favored her.

I cant fathom Grandpa Songs taste either, someone retorted. Ive heard that not only is Song Lings ex-wife from a humble background, but shes also hideous. So ugly that even a pig would jump in fright!

No wonder Song Ling never took his former wife to any events, a sympathetic comment appeared. Just thinking about it makes me realize how pitiable he is. But no worries; once he marries our dear Jiang Yue, hell finally be able to proudly escort his wife to galas, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

Over at Gu Corporation.

Gu Dai turned her gaze from the scrolling comments on her computer screen to Meng Zhi. Third Brother, is this important matter you mentioned the wedding between Song Ling and Jiang Yue?

Meng Zhis eyes narrowed as he fixated on the barrage of comments, his irritation escalating with each pa.s.sing second. He couldnt fathom itthese people had never even met Daidai, so why were they so quick to malign her based on hearsay?

Suppressing a disgruntled sigh, Meng Zhi quickly turned his attention to Gu Dai, offering words of comfort. Daidai, dont listen to them. Youre incredibly beautiful, my most beautiful little princess.

Gu Dai handed Meng Zhi a gla.s.s of water and smiled. I know, Third Brother, and youre underestimating me. Im not affected by their words.

Meng Zhi looked at Gu Dai, his heart swelling with affection and pain.

Daidai, youve become strong because youve been through so much.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhis resentment towards Song Ling intensified, as if he could barely resist the urge to tear the man to shreds. Only when he thought of the grand gift that he and his two brothers had prepared for Song Ling did a smidgen of that seething hatred subside.

His thoughts were interrupted when Gu Dai asked, Third Brother, did you and our elder brothers secretly plan something for Song Ling and Jiang Yues wedding?

Meng Zhi snapped out of his thoughts, his eyes widening in disbelief. How did you know? Did I accidentally spill the beans?

Gu Dai sighed and shook her head. Third Brother, youve never been good at hiding things. Plus, you suddenly invited me to watch the wedding. You mustve arranged something.

Meng Zhi nodded seriously, making a mental note to improve his poker face so he wouldnt give himself away so easily next time.

Gu Dais eyes fell on the live-streamed wedding venue, momentarily lost in thought. The opulence of this ceremony far outstripped what she had experienced three years ago.

Perhaps this was the difference between love and the absence of it..