I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 411

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 Taking advantage of people's dangers, beasts!

Wei Yu's Adam's apple moved slightly, realizing his own reaction, and quickly looked away from that fair leg.

But after a while, his eyes returned to her again.

Her cheeks were blushing, her neckline was wide open, and the exposed skin was glowing with a faint crimson...

The white and slender legs are moving restlessly on the quilt. She is very hot, and it is abnormally hot...

Wei Yu walked slowly to the side of the bed, his deep eyes fell on her, then he leaned over and put his hand against her forehead.

When the extremely hot temperature reached the back of his hand, Wei Yu's face darkened.

Because I was a little annoyed that the bed was occupied when I came back to rest, and now I have to worry about the life and death of this strange woman.

He walked to the cabinet, opened the medicine cabinet, and rummaged for antipyretics.

The fever-reducing medicine placed on the face is very eye-catching, and the syringe is next to it. Wei Yu directly took a medicine, then a syringe, turned around and walked towards the woman on the bed.

She was very hot, and her limbs were writhing restlessly, but the range was very small. If you look closely, there was thin sweat on her forehead.

Wei Yu held the syringe in one hand and lifted the quilt with the other.

With this move, the picture in front of him shocked his vision, but he quickly stabilized his mind and continued to pull off her collar.

Pei Jiao was so burnt out that she didn't know how to cooperate at all, so she just rubbed against whichever side was cooler.

When Wei Yu's hand touched Pei Jiao's skin, Pei Jiao subconsciously moved over, hugged his hand, and then pressed his cheek into his palm.

Very well-behaved and soft.

Danger: "..."

He moved his gaze down, and there were bruises on her exposed shoulders, as well as on her arms. As for whether there were bruises on her legs, belly and back under the quilt, he didn't know.

Seeing that most of the skin injuries on her body have been treated, and she can twist and turn now, it seems that there is no internal injury.

Wei Yu withdrew his hand and held her arm instead. She struggled a little, and the neckline opened a large area again, Wei Yu quickly looked away.

But he knew very well that once he looked away, he couldn't get the shot.

So Wei Yu turned his gaze back with a cold face.

So what, she doesn't know.

With this mentality in mind, Wei Yu began to inject her with antipyretic injections.

The moment the needle pierced the skin, Pei Jiao bit her lips tightly, made a whimpering sound, and frowned tightly.

With a thought in his mind, Wei Yu comforted him in a low voice: "It's okay."

The voice was much gentler than usual, and it really comforted her miraculously. Even the frowning eyebrows slowly relaxed, and she became more at ease.

After the antipyretic needle was injected, Wei Yu pulled the quilt up for her.

He was about to get up when he suddenly paused, then lowered his head, and saw a hand protruding from the quilt, grasping his little finger.

She has no strength, and he can easily shake it off if she doesn't grab it hard.

But Wei Yu didn't shake off her hand immediately, he leaned over slowly, looked at her face from a close distance, after staring at her face for a while, his thin lips parted slightly, as if he said to himself: "We , have you seen it somewhere?"

Pei Jiao couldn't hear, and his consciousness was already deeply sluggish.

When Ji He came in yawning, he saw his young master kneeling on the bed, leaning over, very close to the **** the bed.

This posture and the angle Ji He looked at, all tell him that the young master is kissing that girl...

No! Maybe kissing that girl forcefully!

Depend on! Beast!

Take advantage of others!

"Master!" Ji He said.

Wei Yu was distracted and didn't hear Ji He's voice coming in, until Ji He's voice suddenly came, he suddenly got up, turned his head, and his cold eyes fell on Ji He.

Ji He was taken aback, and stepped back: "I won't bother you anymore, you guys go on, go on."

(end of this chapter)