I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Chapter 344 Li Xiwu: My Child

Pei Jingzhou said lightly: "It's something that hasn't been written yet."

He Wang slapped the table: "That's not necessarily true. It's not that you don't know Lao Qin, and he doesn't seem interested in anything. Sometimes I'm really worried about my safety, for fear that Lao Qin will secretly fall in love with me."

Pei Jingzhou glanced at He Wang: "You remind me of a sentence."

He Wang was curious: "What are you talking about?"

Pei Jingzhou smiled with thin lips: "Baidu can't find you, but Sogou must be all about you."

He Wang: "..."

These words are really hurtful, so bad that there is no edge.

He Wang stood up, and finished what he had just said: "Old Qin is lukewarm, a blind date, it is logically impossible for him to happen, but this time, guess what? Qin agreed to the blind date, and planned to take the initiative to meet Pei Jiao."

Speaking of this, He Juan hissed, rubbed his chin, and had a smirk on his face: "Old Qin is holding back, he must like Pei Jiao, otherwise, what kind of relationship does he have? I bet, if he can catch up with Pei Jiao, then Girl, it won't be long before she really becomes fourth brother and your brother-in-law."

Pei Jingzhou's tone was very light: "Old Qin is not bad in all aspects. If Pei Jiao can develop a good impression of him, it will be a good marriage."

"Yeah, I think so too."

He laughed wildly and said, "That girl Pei Jiao is bluffing and rambunctious, which matches Lao Qin's low-key and calm personality very well."

Pei Jingzhou looked up at him: "Are you finished?"

He Wang was taken aback: "Huh?"

Pei Jingzhou got up and buttoned his suit jacket in front of his belly: "After you finish speaking, hurry up, I have to go home."

After finishing speaking, Pei Jingzhou came out from behind, took out his coat and put it on his arms, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and he looked ready to go home.

He Wang looked eagerly: "Fourth brother, go home now? Are you really not going to the game? Play and relax."

Pei Jingzhou didn't turn back and walked out, and said as he walked: "I'm not like you, I am free and unattended, I am married, my wife and the hot kang are waiting for me."

"..." He Wang was speechless written all over his face.

This person really writes 'I'm married' on his face all the time, for fear that others won't know!

There is also the phrase that my wife is hot on the kang, ha ha, no children.

He caught up with a few strides, and walked beside Pei Jingzhou: "Did you quarrel with sister-in-law?"

Pei Jingzhou: "Did I say that I quarreled with her?"

"That's not true." He Fan took a deep look at Pei Jingzhou, then looked away and muttered to himself: "Then what does Chen Xin's words mean..."

Pei Jingzhou didn't answer.

The car stopped there waiting, Chen Xin opened the door, and Pei Jingzhou leaned over to get into the car.

Chen Xin was about to close the car door when He Wang called him back: "Assistant Chen."

Chen Xin raised his head and raised a standard professional smile: "Young Master He."

He Wang said: "I'm still standing here, you just close the car door, what do you mean, why don't you ask me first if I can get in the car?"

Chen Xin replied with a smile: "Young Master He, Mr. Pei is going home, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to take you all the way."

"Who said you want to take me all the way." He Wan stepped down the stairs, pulled Chen Xin away, bent down and sat on it, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw my sister-in-law, I miss her very much, let's go drop by tonight, by the way A supper."

After finishing speaking, he was about to close the car door.

Chen Xin looked embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled back the car door: "Young Master He, it is not suitable for you to go today."

He used a little force in vain: "If there is something inappropriate, let go."

Chen Xin didn't let go: "Young Master He, come down and talk."

He Wan turned his head to look at Pei Jingzhou: "Fourth brother, look at him, he is against heaven."

Pei Jingzhou's brows and eyes were irritable, and Chen Xin could see that this was the rhythm of getting angry. He kept looking at He Wang, reminding him not to be cannon fodder.

Naihe He Wang seemed to not understand Chen Xin's hint at all.

No, it's not that I don't understand it, how could I not understand it? In fact, I understand it and deliberately pretend not to understand it.

Pei Jingzhou said in a deep voice, "Okay."

Chen Xin and He Wang stopped their hands at the same time, and they also fell silent at the same time.

Pei Jingzhou gave He Wang a sideways glance, but he didn't drive him away from the car, so he turned his eyes and closed his eyes to rest: "Drive."

He Wang smiled, and gave Chen Xin a smug look. Chen Xin was speechless, but Mr. Pei didn't drive He Wang off, and Chen Xin naturally understood that this was acquiescence, so he closed the car door and stepped aside.

On the way back to Luhu Lake, He Wang was honest and did his duty, and he didn't talk about boring topics. He still talked about the He family's affairs and his recent plans.

Actually, He Huang was so shameless that he planned to take advantage of this time to chat with Pei Jingzhou about the He family.

Talking all the way to the door of the house, Pei Jingzhou opened the door, and when he was about to go in, his foot suddenly stopped.

He Fanxin, who was following behind, said, "It's already here, you won't drive him out again at the door, will you?" No, tonight's meal is settled, he walked forward with his head held high.

Pei Jingzhou shouted: "Wait a minute."

He Wang didn't pay attention, and when he realized it, he had already stepped on something.

He didn't take it seriously, and looked down, it turned out to be an Ultraman toy.

Just now he confiscated his foot and stepped on one of Ultraman's arms. He Wan bent down to pick it up, and shook Ultraman with the broken arm in front of his eyes: "Fourth Brother, a child is visiting at home. ?

Pei Jingzhou's eyes fell on the broken Ultraman in He Wang's hand, his eyes were a little cold.

He Wan noticed it, and said with a dry smile: "Be careful next time, be careful next time."

Pei Jingzhou withdrew his gaze and walked in. He Wang followed up shaking the Ultraman in his hand: "Is sister-in-law at home?"

Just after asking this question, Pei Jingzhou raised his hand to signal him to be quiet.

He Zhuangmei's heart skipped a beat, and he thought that the fourth brother and his sister-in-law wouldn't really have any conflicts. He just came to be cannon fodder, right?

As he was thinking about this, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the two rabbit ears moving behind the sofa.

He Huang's eyes widened: "Damn it, fourth brother, does your family raise rabbits? Or free-range?"

It is not uncommon to raise rabbits, but it is rare to raise them free-range. The hygiene at home is worrying.

Pei Jingzhou looked at the direction where the rabbit ears appeared, and said in a deep voice, "Come out."

He Wan immediately realized that it was not a rabbit, but a... child?

Whose child?

At this time, a head with fluffy rabbit ears protruded from behind the sofa. It was indeed a child, a little girl. She had two braids, a bun face, fleshy cheeks, and an oversized sunglasses. Cool and cute.

The air is quiet.

Pei Jingzhou vaguely felt that the little girl looked familiar, but the sunglasses were too big, almost covering half of her little face. He recognized the rabbit ears as the one Li Xiwu usually used to wash his face, and the sunglasses also looked like his.

Whose child is this?

Why is it here?

is wondering.

The little girl moved out from behind the sofa and ran towards Pei Jingzhou and He Wang. She was still holding an Ultraman in her hand. Before she was ready to speak, the sunglasses slid down, revealing those beautiful big eyes.

Pei Jingzhou recognized her.

It turns out that the little girl I met on the boat.

Just, why is she here?

Youyou put on the sunglasses again, held up Ultraman, pointed at Pei Jingzhou and He Wang, and asked fiercely, "Who is coming, tell me your name."

"It's really interesting." He Wan sneered.

He stepped forward, bent down and asked, "Hey, who's kid are you? You're so dragging."

At that time, Li Xiwu had just come out of the kitchen, and happened to hear He Wang asking this question, so he replied: "My family."

(end of this chapter)