I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Long-lost acquaintance

The security personnel stared at Li Xiwu fiercely. He seemed very excited, but there was some confusion mixed with the excitement...

Muttering incessantly in his mouth: "How can it be so similar...how can it be so similar..."

But at this moment, none of the guests noticed his excitement.

Xue Jinzhu turned her head and asked Li Xiwu: "Sister Li, how many places do you still not check in?"

Li Xiwu: "One."

Xue Jinzhu stared wide-eyed: "Just one?"

Li Xiwu nodded, and then asked: "What about you?"

Tang Xian who came over said, "We are still two clocks away."

Xue Jinzhu sighed: "There is still a date tonight, it seems that we will work harder later."

Tang Xian answered casually: "It's okay, just let Lan wait for a while."

Xue Jinzhu cooperated with a shy smile: "Auntie, this is not good."

Tang Xian smiled lightly: "If he doesn't have the patience to wait for you now, what will he do when he gets married?"

Xue Jinzhu had an epiphany: "It makes sense."

Han Qianye walked up to Li Xiwu: "Xixi, let's go to the next place."

Li Xiwu turned sideways: "Okay."

Qiangyue Garden couldn't get in, even if they could get in, the group of Li Xiwu and Han Qianye arrived late, so they could only look for the next place where they could check in.

When the two were about to turn around

The security guard suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! Wait a moment!"

Li Xiwu paused, and turned around at the same time as Han Qianye.

After the security personnel saw Li Xiwu's face clearly, the shock in their eyes was more obvious than before.

Han Qianye looked at the security guard staring at Li Xiwu, a little displeased, and asked with a frown, "What's wrong?"

The security guard showed an apologetic smile: "You guys wait a moment, I'll make a call and ask."

Xue Jinzhu raised his voice: "What are you asking? Is it possible that we still have a chance to go in?"

The security personnel were afraid that they would really leave, so they nodded and dealt with it first, and then asked: "Are so many of you recording programs?"

Xue Jinzhu nodded: "Yes, yes."

The security guard was distracted while looking for a phone number and asked, "Is that the kind of program that will be on TV?"

Xue Jinzhu was about to continue to say yes, yes, yes, but quickly realized that this security uncle really doesn't watch variety shows, and he has no idea what kind of variety shows they record, or what to watch.

Without waiting for Xue Jinzhu to answer.

The security guard held his mobile phone to his ear and said something to the person on the other side of the phone.

After a while.

The security personnel ended the call, turned around and walked towards Li Xiwu with big strides.

The distance just now was a bit far, but now that he came over, the security personnel stared at Li Xiwu's face carefully under the close sight, and found that it was real, but he didn't say anything nonsense, just asked: "May I ask, What is your last name?"

Li Xiwu is neither humble nor overbearing: "My surname is Li."

Visible to the naked eye, the pupils of the security personnel shrank suddenly.

seems to be more surprised than before: "Your surname is Li?"

Li Xiwu nodded.

The security personnel were surprised, and their expressions became much more serious: "Just wait a moment, Mr. Cai will come out soon."

Li Xiwu didn't know much about Qiang Yue Garden and Li Mansion, and he didn't know who Mr. Cai was talking about.

I wanted to ask.

The person in front of him has already turned back, eagerly waiting for that Mr. Cai to appear.

As soon as you hear Mr. Cai, you will know who it is.

I go! Li Xiwu, what kind of face is this? Mr. Cai is going to come out to see her?

Mr. Cai is highly respected. He has been guarding Li's mansion for decades, and he was also Uncle Li's mentor.

No, no, what else is Sister Li's identity that we don't know?

Hahaha, just kidding, Li Xiwu probably went home.

The joke is moderate, maybe Li Xiwu is the only one who made an appointment, but if she makes an appointment, it proves that this one-line task is a script.

Millions of netizens speculated and discussed.

Xue Jinzhu curiously poked her head from Li Xiwu's side: "Sister Li, do you know each other?"

Li Xiwu shook his head: "I don't know."

The security guard looked at her with strange eyes and expressions just now.

She couldn't describe the specifics.

I roughly understood the meaning, maybe seeing a long-lost acquaintance?

After a few minutes.

A gray-haired old man came out from the side door of Qiangyue Garden.

"Mr. Cai, she's over there." In front of the old man, the security guard raised his hand and pointed in Li Xiwu's direction.

"it is good."

Cai Buqu looked serious, and walked towards Li Xiwu.

Xue Jinzhu saw Cai Buyi approaching, and quickly waved: "Mr. Cai!"

Cai Buqu followed the voice and looked at Xue Jinzhu. There were many people visiting Li Mansion, so he naturally didn't remember who Xue Jinzhu was, so he returned a very polite smile.

Han Qianye looked at Cai Buqu who was approaching, and immediately stood in front of Li Xiwu: "Mr. Cai, hello."

Cai Buqu looked at Han Qianye in front of him, and smiled back: "Mrs. Pei, long time no see."

He hasn't seen Han Qianye for a long time, and the last time he saw it was on the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law variety show they are recording now. At first, he didn't know that there was a person very similar to Xiaoyou on this show.

And when Xiao Gu told him, he didn't take it seriously.

It wasn't until Xiao Gu said that the person who looked like Xiaoyou was Han Qianye's daughter-in-law that he realized that he had almost overlooked something, so he followed this variety show that night.

Has not premiered yet.

Instead, I squatted down to a live broadcast.

The demeanor is indeed similar, but there is still a clear difference in appearance and Xiaoyou.

Xiao Gu said that he had already arranged that Han Qianye would bring Li Xiwu to Qiangyue Garden today. He also made preparations in advance and specially dispatched a security guard who had met Li You to stand guard.

Finally the person came.

At this moment, Han Qianye's eyebrows froze.

The fourth episode of the program was recorded, and her husband's family has never been officially exposed. Just now, Cai Buqu called her Mrs. Pei, and I don't know if it will have any impact...

Cai Buqu didn't greet extra politely, looked past Han Qianye to Li Xiwu behind her, and asked, "Can I have a word with Miss Li?"

Han Qianye's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, this old man Cai is indeed old and not blind.

But it's all here, even if Han Qianye wants to avoid it, she can't avoid it. She just doesn't want Xixi to be recognized as Xiaoyou frequently, and she feels uncomfortable.

She turned sideways to make way for Cai Buqun.

Beside , Xue Jinzhu pretended to be surprised and said to Tang Xian, "Aunt Han and Mr. Cai seem to know each other."

Tang Xian listened to Xue Jinzhu's exaggerated tone, then looked at Xue Jinzhu's exaggerated expression, and said in coordination: "It's quite unexpected."

Xue Jinzhu giggled and said, "Aunt Tang, do you think that Mr. Cai and Sister Li also know each other?"

Tang Xian said quietly: "Probably... I know you."

(end of this chapter)