I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Then she may not be far from death

Qiao Qiao raised her eyes back to her senses, wondering if it was her illusion, but at this moment she felt that Qiao Jingmo looked very gentle.

As expected, hell.

In the next second, Qiao Jingmo reminded in a cold voice: "Come here, say hello to Grandpa."

Qiao Qiao is just not convinced by Qiao Jingmo's appearance as a patriarch.

But what can I do?

Can't beat it again and again.

Hate but dare not hate.

I can only honestly go over and say hello to the old man who appeared on the screen: "Grandpa."

Grandpa Qiao looked at his granddaughter, whom he hadn't seen for three years, with a bright smile on his face like a child: "Little boy."

Qiao Qiao looked at the old man: "How is grandpa recently?"

Mom said that grandpa was in good health, and he would live to be a hundred years old, but he looked so haggard on the screen.

Grandpa Qiao was full of relief: "It's very good, it tastes delicious, and I just miss our family."

The corners of Qiao Qiao's lips pressed down: "You miss grandpa too."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the calm Qiao Jingmo beside her. Qiao Jingmo noticed her gaze and raised her eyes to look over.

Four eyes met, Qiao Qiao looked away quickly as if she had been caught.

Old man Qiao in the curtain saw this scene and shouted: "Jing Mo."

Qiao Jingmo responded: "Yes."

Grandpa Qiao said: "Take care of your son in the capital."

Qiao Jingmo nodded: "Yes."

Qiao Qiao curled her lips: "Who asked him to take care of it, haven't I survived by myself in the past three years?"

Are you kidding, Qiao Jingmo took care of her, she didn't know how she died.

Now it is in front of grandpa, and she is still in harmony. When the video is posted, she may give her a cold face.

Grandpa Qiao told Qiao Qiao: "Hi, you have to listen to Jingmo, grandpa will wait for you to come back."

Qiao Qiao responded obediently on the surface: "Oh."

Grandpa Joe said: "Grandpa misses you."

Qiao Qiao's nose was sore: "I miss grandpa too."

After the video ended, Qiao Qiao took a while to calm down.

Ping Fu asked Qiao Jingmo: "When can I leave?"

Qiao Jingmo said in a calm voice, "You will live here for the time being."

Qiao Qiao's eyes widened: "Live here with you?"

Qiao Jingmo's lips parted: "Who do you want to be with?"

Qiao Qiao asked: "Then you came to the capital to bring me back to Xingzhou?"

Qiao Jingmo: "So you know."

Qiao Qiao turned sideways, frowning: "But I never said that I want to go back to Xingzhou."

Not only did she not say that she would go back to Xingzhou, she also never thought about going back to Xingzhou. Living here is quite good, and she likes her current life very much.

Qiao Jingmo raised his hand, grabbed Qiao Qiao's shoulders, and turned her around: "Hey, can't you see that Grandpa misses you very much?"

Qiao Qiao pursed her lips and said nothing.

How could I not see it.

During the video just now, the moment the old man saw her, his eyes were red.

Qiao Jingmo let go of her shoulders: "I have something to discuss here in the capital, and I will stay for five days. Follow me back to Xingzhou after five days."

Qiao Qiao did not refute Qiao Jingmo's decision.


She tried to fight for it: "These five days, can I go back to my own place to live?"

She doesn't want to live with this devil.

What if he can't sleep one night, recalls what she did back then, and becomes murderous towards her? At that time, I can go directly to see Hades immediately.

However, Qiao Jingmo did not agree: "No, you must be under my nose."

Qiao Qiao was annoyed: "Then why don't you tie me to your belt!"

Qiao Jingmo curled his lips, but didn't answer.

Qiao Qiao's face was ugly: "I don't care, I have human rights and freedom anyway, you can't stare at me forever!"

The words "Lifetime" made Qiao Jingmo's eyes flash, and then it was so fleeting that no one could notice the fluctuation in his eyes at that moment.

Looking at Qiao Qiao with dark eyes, she said softly, "If I really stare at you forever, what will happen to you?"

Qiao Qiao didn't even think about uttering three words: "I will die!"

Qiao Jingmo raised his eyebrows: "So serious?"

Joe said playfully: "Yes!"

Qiao Jingmo: "Then you may not be far from death."

Qiao Qiao choked: "..."

Qiao Qiao didn't dare to refute. If there was a handkerchief in her hand, she must be biting the handkerchief fiercely, and then cursed Qiao Jingmo thousands of times in her heart.

This evening.

The short video official officially released a statement to apologize to Li Xiwu himself.

Probably, the account was stolen due to the negligence of the background staff. Since the other party is too professional, the official cannot give a very detailed explanation, but very sincerely admits all mistakes.

And promise that such a situation will never happen again in the future.

Dragon Ma's influence is really great, and the short video official is really afraid of offending Long Ma.

If Long Ma cares about it, she will definitely change the platform. By then, the short video official will have no time to cry.

Did you see that after Long Ma's identity was confirmed, Huanxi Grandma's official website gained 500,000 fans overnight.

It's all right now, confirm your identity, no one dares to black Li Xiwu again.

Finally, the rain is over and the sky is clear.

Qiao Qiao was very pleased to read the comments.

I thought to myself that this matter has finally been settled.

While watching, Li Xiwu suddenly called her.

The smile on the corner of Qiao Qiao's mouth froze, and when she raised her eyes, she bumped into Qiao Jingmo who was looking at her from the opposite side.

Qiao Qiao got up slowly, wanting to go to the balcony to answer the phone. On the opposite side, Qiao Jingmo said quietly: "There is something I can't hear."

Qiao Qiao straightened her waist suddenly: "High-speed racing, are you sure you can listen?"

Qiao Jingmo: "..."

In the blink of an eye, Qiao Qiao has arrived on the balcony of the suite.

Li Xiwu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Qiaoer."

Qiao Qiao wanted to speak cheerfully so that Li Xiwu wouldn't hear anything, but she couldn't stop when she opened her mouth: "Baozi..."

Li Xiwu has been very worried about what will happen to Qiao Qiao. Hearing Qiao Qiao's low tone, her heart sank: "Where are you?"

Qiao Qiao said, "Beside Qiao Jingmo."

Li Xiwu raised his heart: "He locked you up?"

Qiao Qiao didn't want to make Li Xiwu worry too much: "No, he just came to pick me up and go back to Xingzhou. Grandpa misses me."

Li Xiwu was so thoughtful, he guessed a little: "He should have imprisoned your freedom now, right?"

Qiao Qiao: "..."

Li Xiwu: "Send me your location."

Qiao Qiao was in a complicated mood: "Don't worry, I'm really fine. This time, Grandpa asked Qiao Jingmo to pick me up back to Xingzhou. Grandpa hasn't seen me yet, so he won't do anything to me."

Li Xiwu immediately understood, and Qiao Qiao would not say anything if she asked further.

However, Li Xiwu also carefully analyzed that Qiao Jingmo's damage to Qiao Qiao was not high. If Qiao Jingmo really couldn't tolerate Qiao Qiao's existence, he would have attacked Qiao Qiao as early as when she left home.

Why wait until three years later to take Qiao Qiao home before attacking Qiao Qiao?

Unless, Qiao Jingmo never thought of doing anything to Qiao Qiao.

It's just because Qiao Qiao is too guilty, that's why she always imagines that Qiao Jingmo wants to seek revenge from her.

Changing the topic, she said: "Clarify that matter..."

(end of this chapter)