I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Han Qianye: Are you super happy!

Not all men like to hear others praise their strengths.

I just like to listen more, and my own woman praises me for being amazing.

The sense of psychological accomplishment and satisfaction is unparalleled.

Li Xiwu looked at the inexhaustible smile in Pei Jingzhou's eyebrows, and for some reason, with a thought, he suddenly said: "Fourth brother, I remember you said that if I want to ask you anything, just ask me and you will answer."

The words fall.

It was visible to the naked eye that the smile on Pei Jingzhou's face faded.

Li Xiwu said with a smile: "Has the fourth brother repented?"

Pei Jingzhou looked down at her: "What do you want to ask?"

Li Xiwu looked serious: "I am very curious about my past, but because it was not a good experience, I gradually forgot a lot."

Pei Jingzhou: "So you want to ask about your past?"

Li Xiwu smiled slightly: "I am the person who lives at the bottom, and the fourth brother is the person who stands at the top of the pyramid. The difference between clouds and mud is beyond my reach. So before you contacted and married me, you must have loved me." After a very detailed investigation, if the identity and background are too complicated, it is estimated that she will not be able to marry into the Pei family."

She has always been clear about her identity.

Always knew the identity difference between himself and him.

So even if she divorced, she just wanted to get a sum of money to settle down in the future, and she didn't think about getting any amazing benefits from Pei Jingzhou.

See Pei Jingzhou looking at her quietly.

Li Xiwu avoided his gaze and continued: "The fourth brother said on the show that I have a bad memory. Now that I think about it, it seems to be true. The fourth brother has investigated my background before, so he should be very clear about my past. So I would like to ask the fourth brother, did you find out that my family came back to find me?"

She waited quietly for Pei Jingzhou's answer.

Pei Jingzhou also stared at her for a long time, his thin lips parted slightly: "I am your family, I found you, and brought you home."

Li Xiwu's breathing was slightly stagnant.

For a few seconds, she felt that there was no illusion in front of her eyes, and that Pei Jingzhou was not joking or lying to her.

A few seconds later, she woke up and smiled: "Fourth brother, your words don't count."

Pei Jingzhou's thoughtful expression made it impossible to see what he was thinking.

Li Xiwu knew that this question could not give the answer she wanted, so she changed the question: "Then is there any relationship between me and Li You?"

Pei Jingzhou raised his eyes.

Li Xiwu added a sentence in advance: "I know that except that I look similar to her. I just want to ask, is there any other connection?"

Pei Jingzhou was silent for a while and said, "You are all surnamed Li."

Li Xiwu: "..."

Although this answer sounds okay, it is not the answer she wants.

Being too lazy to ask any more questions, she got up and went out.

at the same time.

Han Qianye, who got up early in the morning to check Weibo, was almost stupid when she checked Weibo.

"Xixi turned out to be that internet celebrity Dragon Mom???"

"More than 16 million fans!"

"I didn't know anything about it!"

Han Qianye's startled voice made it difficult for Pei Jiao next to him not to ignore it.

Pei Jiao bit the lollipop and said, "Mom, it's normal if you don't know. You haven't paid attention to Li Zhou in the past three years, okay?"

Han Qianye corrected: "Everything around Li, I have already said it, I want to call my sister-in-law."

Pei Jiao: "Sister-in-law."

Han Qianye smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, I will always call sister-in-law from now on. If I hear you call Li Zhouyou again, I will deduct your pocket money for a month."

Pei Jiao sat up straight suddenly: "Sister-in-law , sister-in-law , sister-in-law , sister-in-law ."

Practice repeatedly, for fear that I will make a mistake next time.

Han Qianye corrected again: "No need for four beeps, it sounds too fierce, like roaring, the first three beeps are enough."

Thinking about pocket money, Pei Jiao smiled: "Okay."

Han Qianye turned around and quickly clicked on the short video software, found Long Ma's account, and followed it without hesitation.

Thinking of being Longma's mother-in-law, Han Qianye felt extremely proud.


Are you super happy!

Is it happier than the wedding day!


She wants to take a screenshot and send it to Moments! !

Within two minutes of posting the edited content to Moments, many noble wives in the circle of aristocratic families have already liked her. The comments are all compliments, but who doesn't like to hear compliments, Han Qianye is used to it.

The mood is getting better and better.

Qiao Qiao, who was about to go to the airport at the moment, was suddenly stopped by the taxi she was taking.

The driver had never seen any big scenes. When he found out that his car was outflanked, his face turned pale with fright. In just a few tens of seconds, he recalled all the people he had offended in his life.

Until, the Gusta domineeringly braked in front of him.

The driver slammed on the brakes, dripping with cold sweat: "I, I, I, I have offended some god, girl, I may not be able to send you off, if you are not afraid, please help me, I will call the police later .

Qiao Qiao, who was sitting in the back seat, spoke more stutteringly than the driver: "I, I, I will report it for you, report it to the police, can you please call the police for me too."

The driver looked back: "You, you, why are you stuttering?"

Qiao Qiao: "..."

The next second, the door was pulled open from the outside.

A man in a black suit and black sunglasses held out a gesture of invitation: "Miss, the third master welcomes you."

Qiao Qiao swallowed her saliva, stiffened her neck and replied stiffly: "If you invite me, just invite me, does it take such a big fight!"


The bodyguard nodded: "The third master said it was necessary, otherwise please don't go back to miss."

The driver saw that he was coming towards the passenger in the back seat. Although he was also very scared, he still mustered up his courage and said, "Little girl, if you are threatened, just blink your eyes."

The bodyguard glanced over coldly.

The driver trembled in fright, and instinctively raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "I didn't say anything."

Qiao Qiao took a deep breath.

The one who finally resigned to his fate got out of the car.

The bodyguard pointed to the Gust in front of him: "Miss, please."

Qiao Qiao crossed her hips: "Please, please, pay the fare quickly, I haven't paid the fare yet."

The driver hurriedly said: "No need, no need, just consider it a peace of mind donation."

Although he said so, the bodyguard took out his mobile phone and reached into the car: "Give me the QR code."

The driver handed out the QR code tremblingly.

Scan the QR code and pay the money.

The bodyguard made another gesture of invitation, Qiao Qiao stood still: "The suitcase is still in the trunk, help me take it down."

The bodyguard nodded: "Good lady."

While the bodyguard was going to get the suitcase, Qiao Qiao turned around and ran, but the bodyguard turned back and grabbed her by the collar before she could take two steps: "Miss, please don't embarrass me."

at last.

The bodyguard pushed Qiao Qiao's suitcase with one hand, and grabbed Qiao Qiao's arm with the other, and sent her to the side of the Gust car.

The automatic door opens slowly.

The bodyguard leaned over and nodded: "Third Master, the lady brought it here."

(end of this chapter)