I Refused To Be A Substitute, And Shot To Fame On A Variety Show With My Mother-In-Law - Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Xie Wen is heartless, Chi Xu will face prison

Xie Shaohua suppressed his collapsed emotions, and made Chi Xu's actions public in one sentence!

At this moment, following Xie Shaohua's words, the entire ward was so quiet that you could almost hear a needle drop.

Luo Ying has already read the evidence.

But at this moment, when she heard Lao Xie read out every word in front of everyone, Chi Xu's crimes against her daughter, she still couldn't hold back her tears.

The photographer and other staff members were so shocked by the truth that they were speechless.

The cameraman who was carrying the live camera almost let go of the camera.

The netizens in the live broadcast room even exploded

What the hell! It's so scary, I really don't know what to say]

I thought he cheated the most, but I didn't expect it to be murder! Fuck my three views!

Help! This is actually a PUA man!

I remembered, Sister Li had already hinted at everyone on the variety show, and everyone thought she was meddling at the time.

On that day, Sister Li said to take Xie Wen to dye her hair.

Chi Xu likes Xie Wen's black hair, but don't tie it up. Sister Li has already hinted at everyone at that time, but everyone didn't understand, and thought she was meddling in her business! !

I was ready to scold the scumbag, but in the end, even the scumbag had to call him Godfather!

Fuck, I finally understand why Xie Wen's father knelt down to Li Xiwu, Li Xiwu saved Xie Wen's life!

[Escape and can't escape, if you resist, you can't resist, the gentle knife stabs her body one by one, if this goes on for a long time, Xie Wen will definitely collapse to the point of committing suicide, this time it was Li Xiwu who really saved Xie Wen Life!

Only Li Xiwu is trying to save Xie Wen, but everyone can't see it, and they attack Li Xiwu.

Don't say Xie Wen's father kneels down to Li Xiwu, I'm going to kneel down to Li Xiwu!

The things Chi Xu did almost shocked everyone's three views.

But at this point, Chi Xu is still dying: "Those things I didn't do, if they have to be forced on me, then I can only call the police, you are slandering."

Xie Shaohua's eyes were red: "Call the police, right? Very good, I've already called the police for you! The police will be here soon, premeditated murder, you can wait to be jailed!"

Zheng Yuehua's eyes were also red, but she was red-eyed from anxiety: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could my son do this! If you slander my son again, I will sue you for slander!"

Luo Ying chuckled: "Zheng Yuehua, are you really shameless?"

When Zheng Yuehua heard this, she was calling her shameless: "You are shameless, let me tell you, if you continue to slander my son like this, I will have nothing to do with you..." Finished.

The last word has not been spoken yet.

Luo Ying raised her phone.

A video is playing in the phone.

Luo Ying connected the TV in the ward and put the video on the TV.

No face showing, just a conversation.

My sister-in-law used to be a high-ranking person, no one could catch her, but my brother chased her, and disciplined her submissively.

I just hope that I can be as good as my brother, fall in love when I grow up, and be the one in control in love.

I don't think there is anything my brother can't control. I adore him so much, so I want to be like my brother.

When my mother orders my sister-in-law, my brother will not stop him, just to smooth out my sister-in-law's arrogance and spirit, so that she will be willing to run the family.

As for other things, if my sister-in-law is wronged, my brother will go to coax her well. Is this a slap or a sweet date?

Actually, it must be because my brother is attractive, and my sister-in-law is fascinated by my brother.

I feel that my sister-in-law cannot leave my brother at all, yes, it is so sure, and they all have children, it is even more impossible for my sister-in-law to leave my brother.

Fuck, no one in the Chi family is mentally healthy.

For the first time in my life, I saw a real example of a bad son and a bad mother.

Chi Xu couldn't have directed and acted in this car accident, right? He knew that Sister Li was investigating him, so he wanted to use this method to force Li Xiwu to quit the variety show.

Damn it, I'm terrified when I think about it.

Everyone, go and see, the police have released the results. Chi Xu's car accident was caused by himself.

Absolutely, this man is too scary, so psychopathic that there is no cure.

Ah, ah, we misunderstood Sister Li.

Chi Xu is too scary a man.

"Turn it off! Turn it off for me!"

"Turn off!"

Chi Xu suddenly roared like crazy.

He even tried to get up, but the collar on his neck prevented him from getting up, and he could only yell with red eyes!

Zheng Yuehua's face was extremely pale, and she hurriedly turned off the TV.

Fumbled for the button on the back of the TV, and went back and forth several times to get it right. At that time, the video had already been played, and it didn't make any sense to turn off the video.

Luo Ying put away her phone, looked at the guilty Zheng Yuehua: "Is there anything else to say?"


At this time, Chi Xu called Xie Wen sadly.

Xie Wen was taken aback, since the truth was revealed until now, she has always been a bystander. The grievances she has experienced and the treatment she has suffered have all been exposed. She knows that these are not the evidence collected by her parents, but that Teacher Li is trying her best to pull her...

'Want to become popular Xie Wen? '

'If you want to become famous, you can use your previous high-spiritedness. I will make decisions for you, so you can do it boldly. If you do well, I will be the first to be happy for you. '

Only Teacher Li, who always thinks about her.

Luo Ying was afraid that her daughter would be soft-hearted, so she held her hand tightly: "Wenwen, look at the reality clearly, this man has hurt you a lot."

Chi Xu called again: "Wenwen, you know, I love you, I love you very much..."

Xie Shaohua roared, "Shut up!"

At this time, everyone looked at Xie Wen.

Wait for Xie Wen to express her position.

As long as Xie Wen confesses, these charges will be confirmed.

Li Xiwu stood at the door, quietly looking at Xie Wen's slender back.

She wanted to step forward to remind Xie Wen to stay awake and stop following Chi Xu's advice, but she held back. Help her thousands of times, the last time, let Xie Wen make her own choice.

I'm so anxious, Xie Wen, stop being soft-hearted for the scumbag.

Wenwen, be more confident, Sister Li has taken ninety-nine steps for you, now you only need to take one step!

Chi Xu's family is really scary, they all have psychological problems.

This time I am standing in front of Chi Xu... grave.

Intentional approach is actually intentional murder in disguise.

Once something goes wrong in the siphon, Xie Wen may be gone. This is a penalty.

Xie Wen, please don't let Sister Li down, woooooo, I feel really guilty when I think about misunderstanding Li Sister these days.

It is best to apologize to Li Xiwu from the whole network!

At this moment, Xie Wen broke free from Luo Ying's hand and walked towards Chi Xu.

Luo Yinghong stared: "Wenwen..."

Xie Shaohua endured until his cheeks trembled: "Wenwen..."

The photographer even wanted to stop him: Sister, this is a scumbag who wants to kill you! Sober up, think twice!

Only Li Xiwu stood there motionless, watching quietly.

Chi Xu saw Xie Wen walking towards him, the light in his eyes rekindled, and he reached out to her: "Wenwen, I knew it..."

Before she finished speaking, Xie Wen picked up another glass of water from the cabinet and slowly poured it on Chi Xu.

is pouring, not splashing.

Splash represents anger.

, represents the calm and sobriety at this moment.

Just listen to Xie Wen say word by word: "Chi Xu, the biggest nightmare in my life is to meet you, at least as a husband and wife, I will send you to prison with my own hands."

Babies, I'm still chasing a wave of monthly tickets, and I'll try to make as many as possible after they're on the shelves!

(end of this chapter)