I Met The Male Lead In Prison - Chapter 41 - Feed Me

Chapter 41 - Feed Me

Chapter 41 Feed me

Translator: SKAIS

Editor: SKAIS

I genuinely mumbled the spell and saw a blue light from his wrist faintly lingering. But to my surprise, as I looked at him, he was about to fall.

And I widely opened my eyes in shock.


The chains moved, and I grabbed him by the shoulder. But still, he stumbled and fell forward. He laid on his stomach and groaned.

Are you alright? Ricdorian, can you hear me?

He let out a groan, let alone a reply. This is driving me nuts. Jair never talked about this. He just said it would sting him a little!

Jair said that Ricdorian would grow a bit after experiencing a little pain, and I anticipated the degree of body growth. But I didnt expect to see him suffering like this. I stomped my feet while looking at him. I dont have the time to run to my cell and get the painkillers. If only I knew that suffering from this would be the side effect, I would not have consented this!

I bit my lower lip, anxious about what to do.

huh? When did it grow?

I felt that his shoulder gradually grew thicker. It wasnt just the shoulders. I could see firmer and longer legs and arms. I am astonished by what I am seeing. His torn clothes fell on the floor.

Soon, Ricdorian slowly lifted his head and stopped breathing the moment he stared at me.

His breathtaking face was now gazing right in front of me.

I tried to step back as I felt uneasy; however, the hand that held me was faster than the speed of light. He grabbed me firmly like an iron clasp. And with this, the chain was pulled tightly. The shackles on his