I'm A Spider, So What? - Chapter ss-valentine: SS – Valentine

Chapter ss-valentine: SS – Valentine

SS Valentine

Authors note: Its late, but heres a Valentines Day short story. Its an anecdote thats unrelated to the main story.

Happy Valentines Day. This is friendship chocolate. I put all my effort into creating it so please eat it. From D.

On waking up early, I found a box with cute wrapping placed beside me. Since I sleep in a simple Home to ensure my personal safety, how could something be placed beside me without me noticing? Since I have confidence in my Home it wounded my pride, but I consent to it when I read the name of the sender written on the card that was placed together with the box. If its that jerk then it cant be helped.

Even so, chocolate huh? I guess even that great Evil God can do something good once in awhile eh. I love sweet things you know? On top of that, chocolate doesnt exist here so Im mega happy about this. Lets eat it at once then.


Mah ahh ahh ahh ahhh!!


What, was that? Was I seeing a hallucination, or on opening the box did I really see some mysterious brown gloopy creature that was crying in a strange voice? That was chocolate? Was chocolate actually something that would cause you to doubt your own sanity just from looking at it? Ill open the box again and confirm. Yeah. Its possible that my eyes had temporarily gone strange I guess.


Mah ahh ahh ahh ahhh!!


What am I supposed to do with this. Eat it?

So why have you brought this to me then?

Mah ahh ahh ahh ahhh!!

Eat it.

I refuse.

Mah ahh ahh ahh ahhh!!

Ive come to Kuros place. Tossing something a god made to another god is the correct way to handle the problem. Thus Ive come to try to force it on to Kuro, but its proving difficult to get him to accept it. Watch this, wont he seem likely to want to accept it if I push it hard enough? If you look closely, doesnt it have a certain charm to it? So there, accept it! Youll be able to get chocolate from a girl on Valentines Day! Youll definitely be treated with envious gazes from all the boys. If you dont accept it then wouldnt that be an insult to Valentines Day!?

There is a seesaw battle between me who is trying to force it on him and Kuro who obstinately refused to accept it. After that continued for twenty minutes, Kuro reaches for the creature as if resigned. Oh? Finally he has given up and feels like accepting it huh! I see, I see. Please take care of it forevermore.

He firmly grasps the creature with his right hand, and firmly grasps my chin with his left hand. Hm? Then he uses that hand to forcibly open my mouth, and forcibly tosses the creature inside.

Mah ahh ahh ahh ahhh

The creature screams while disappearing deep into my mouth. Oh no, I ate it on reflex! What the heck is this!? It tastes like normal chocolate, dammit!

D is a troublemaker as well.

Mah ahh ahh ahH!? Ahhh

Just what is this thing?

Can you not tell by looking?

I am asking because I cannot.

After stabbing the object making a strange voice with a spoon, the Japanese style beauty in maid clothes asks D, who has brought it to her mouth.

Its chocolate.

Chocolate does not emit strange voices.

That is merely prejudice. Will you eat it? Its delicious, okay?

Even if it is delicious I do not want to eat something so strange.

Its so delicious though.

More importantly, why did you neglect your work to make such a thing? Surely you can give me an acceptable reason?

I thought that I must do it because its Valentines Day. I will neither repent nor regret it.

As for what happened to D after that, nobody knows.

Translation notes:

Friendship chocolate in modern Japan, its traditional for girls to give other people chocolate on Valentines Day. This can be giri-choco (obligation chocolate, given to family and people whove helped you), tomo-choco (friendship chocolate, given to friends) and honmei-choco (true feeling chocolate, often homemade, given to your true love). Its perfectly normal for girls to give other girls friendship chocolate.

Placed beside me this could also be translated as placed beside my pillow or placed beside by bed but since Shiro seems to be sleeping in a Home (ie cocoon of threads) its not clear what else is there.

Cause you to doubt your own sanity more literally cause you to perform a Sanity Check, referring to the Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth game, where seeing disturbing scenes can cause you to lose your sanity.