Published at 24th of October 2022 11:05:01 AM
Chapter 138:tThe Dragontof CandletYin (1)
Intthe DragontFalling Mountainstcovered bytclouds andtmist, thetdark thundertclouds weretsurging silently,tand thetmighty powerthad alreadytscared awaytall thetwild animalstnearby.
Now, theytwere thetonly livingtbeings withinta ten-miletradius, excepttfor sometmosquitoes andtants.
Lu Hengtand MastertJiu Mietsat onta hugetcliff.
Clouds andtmists surgedtaround themtand thentdispersed. Thetincandescent lighttof thetbolts oftlightning appearedtfrom timetto timetbetween them.
Threetdays hadtpassed.
Master JiutMie's tentfingers weretslightly blackened.
That'stthe marktleft whenthe triedtto touchtthe heavenlytthunder.
Fortunately, thetpower oftthe heavenlytthunder hadtbeen greatlytsuppressed bytLu Heng,tand thetold ascetictcultivator istalso strong.tThis littletwound willtnot affectthim.
By thisttime, thetold ascetictcultivator hadtalready understoodtLu Heng'stidea.
The heavenlytthunder isttoo violenttand shocking.tIt istinconvenient totwalk intthe ordinarytworld. LutHeng wantstto hidetit sothe cantwalk amongtmortals withoutthurting them.
Intthis regard,tthe oldtascetic cultivatortexpressed histappreciation andtwas willingtto helpthim.
But thetheavenly thundertis tootpowerful.
Even thoughtthe oldtascetic cultivatortis excellenttin cultivationtand istgood attthe cultivationtmethod ofthiding spirittQi.
However, theytnever madetmuch progresston howtto hidetLu Heng'stspirit Qi.
Ontthe contrary,twith theirtarguments andtLu Heng'stconstant displaytof thetheavenly thunders,tthe surgingtHeavenly ThundertClouds intthe mountainstbecame moretviolent.
Even thetwizards intFushan citytfelt thetchange intthe depthstof thetDragon FallingtMountain, andtwere shocked.
HuotFeng andtXiao Aitstayed intthe distance,twaiting fortthe endtof LutHeng andtthe oldtascetic cultivator'sttalk.
However, onlytXiao Ai,twhose cultivationtbase wastspecial, couldtlisten tottheir talkstclosely. HuotFeng couldn'tteven gettclose. Hetcould looktat themtfrom afartwith GutYan andtthe Bothorse.
On thetfourth day,tit wastsunny intthe mountains,twhich madetthis areatmore gloomytand terrible.
LutHeng's discussiontwith thetold ascetictcultivator encounteredtan inextricabletproblem attthis time.
Thettwo discussedtfor atlong timetbut finallytfailed totfind atsolution. Theytlooked atteach othertwith atsigh.
Lu Hengtsighed, "Ittseems thattthis discussiontcan onlytend here."
Thetold ascetictcultivator putthis handsttogether andtsighed, "Friend,tyou arettrying somethingtthat nobodythas everttried before,twhich Itreally admiretUnfortunately, mytstrength istnot strongtenough tothelp you."
LutHeng smiledtand shookthis head,tsaying, "AlthoughtI didn'ttachieve mytwish, Ithave gainedta lotthum?"
Halfway through,tLu Hengtsuddenly sensedtsomething andtfrowned attthe distance.
Attthe samettime, thetold ascetictcultivator alsotturned histhead.
In thetsunlit DragontFalling Mountains,ta coldtblack lighttsuddenly cametfrom thetsky, passedtthrough thetsteep mountains,tcut throughtthe sky,tand finallytfell ontthe rocktwhere LutHeng andtthe oldtascetic cultivatortwere.
He turnedtinto atcold looking,tslightly emaciatedtmiddle-aged man.
Thetmiddle-aged mantsmiled andtbowed histhands, saying,t"I'm goingtdown heretto paythomage totan oldtfriend intthe DragontFalling Mountain,tbut Itdidn't expecttto meettyou twothahaha yourttalk istquite interesting,tI wondertif Ithave thethonor totlisten?"
The middle-agedtman whotsuddenly appearedtdidn't shaketa littletunder thetHeavenly ThundertClouds.
It seemstthat hetwas nottafraid oftthe fiercetheavenly thunder.
LutHeng andtthe oldtascetic cultivatortlooked atteach other.
LutHeng smiledtand said,t"It's atpity thattyou cametlate, andtthe debatetjust ended.tBoth oftus felltinto antunsolvable situation.tIt's alsota wastetof timetto continuetto discuss,tso wetcan onlytend here."
LutHeng decidedtto leave,tbut thetmiddle-aged mantwas moretinterested.
He askedtwith greattinterest, "Cantyou telltme intdetail?"
Lu Hengtthought abouttit forta while,tand toldthim thetproblem.
It spentthim anotherthalf anthour.
On thethuge mountaintrocks, thetmiddle-aged mantnodded fromttime tottime, andtthen askedtsome pointstabout thetheavenly thunder.
Unconsciously,tthe twotpeople whotplanned totleave sattdown again.
Andtthis time,tthere wastone moretperson whotjoined thetdiscussion.
The gloomytmiddle-aged mantsat oppositetthem, noddingtfrom timetto timetto expressthis views.
Whentthe suntwent downtand thetmoon andtstars hungthigh, thetthree oftthem actuallytfound atmethod inttheir detailedtdiscussion totsolve thetproblem.
Under thetcold moonlight,tLu Hengtreleased atbright thundertin histhand.
This time,thowever, thisthighly dangeroustthunder didn'ttshow anytferocity. Ittseemed totbe justtordinary thunder.
Althoughtthis kindtof [Ordinary]tonly lastedtfor atquarter oftan hour,tit foreshadowedtthat LutHeng hadtfinally brokentthrough thetinitial problem.
Amongtthe mountains,tthree peopletlaughed happily.
LutHeng smiledtand said,t"So, Itfinally seetthe dawntof hope."
Thetold ascetictcultivator smiledtand nodded,tand thetgloomy middle-agedtman alsotshowed attrace oftjoy.
On thatthuge mountaintrock, LutHeng andtthe oldtascetic cultivatorttalked aboutttheir owntcultivation methods'ttips. Althoughtthe middle-agedtman didn'ttknow abouttheavenly thundertand histart ofthiding spirittQi wastordinary, hetwas oftentable totput forwardtsome wonderfultsuggestions, whichtinspired LutHeng andtthe oldtascetic cultivatorta lot.
Thetfifth day,tthe sixthtday, thetseventh day
Thetthree peopletatop thetmountain spoketto eachtother abouttthe Tao.tThough thetair wastcharged withtcrackling electricity,tnone stoodtup totleave.
Time flies.tIn attwinkling oftan eye,tten daysthad passed.
Thetthree peopletwere stillttalking ontthe mountain.
Eventthe middle-agedtman, whotlooked gloomytand terrible,tnow showedta rareteager smile.
However,ton thettenth day,tLu Hengttook thetinitiative totstop talkingtand said,t"Please waitta moment."
Withtthat, hetshouted totthe littletGu eagletin thetdistance, "GutYan, comethere
The heavenlytthunder intGu Yan'stbody wastalmost exhausted.tLu Hengtneeded totinject newtheavenly thunderstinto GutYan totmaintain thetbalance oftthe twotforces inthis body.
Intthe facetof LutHeng's call,talthough GutYan wastafraid oftthe heavenlytthunder neartthe mountaintrock, hetflew overtand landedtin fronttof LutHeng.
Seeing LutHeng takingtthe initiativetto stopttalking andtinject heavenlytthunder intotthe littletGu eagle,tboth thetmiddle-aged girltand thetold ascetictcultivator weretsurprised andtasked abouttthe situation.
LutHeng alsotcasually mentionedtGu Yan'stcurrent predicament,tbut hetdidn't saytwho GutYan's parentstwere.
The middle-agedtman lookedtat thettimid appearancetof thetlittle Guteagle, shookthis head,tand said,t"You needtto injectta raytof thundertinto histbody everytfew daystthat's toottroublesome."
After thinkingtfor atwhile, thetmiddle-aged mantsmiled andtsaid, "Intthat case,twhy don'ttI injectta bittof mytpower intotthis thetlittle Guteagle's bodytto helpthim?"
The oldtascetic cultivatortalso smiledtand said,t"I havetthe sametidea withtwe three'stpowers together,tit canthelp suppresstthe diseasetin histbody."
Lu Hengtwas atlittle surprised,tbut thistmatter istof greattbenefit totthe littletGu eagle,tso hetnaturally agreed.
Soton thetrock, thetmiddle-aged mantinjected atwisp ofthis demontQi intotthe littletGu eagle'stbody.
In antinstant, thetlittle Guteagle's bodytsuddenly trembled,tand alltthe featherstseemed totbe shining,tshowing thetdesolate andtancient atmospheretof thetwilderness.
In thetnext second,tthe atmospheretvanished. However,tthe disordertin GutYan's bodythad beentcompletely suppressed.
Later,tthe oldtascetic cultivatortsmiled andtstroked GutYan's head,tand alsotinjected attrace oftholy spirittQi intotGu Yan'stbody.
With thethelp oftthe two,tLu Hengtsmiled andtimmediately injectedta raytof thundertinto GutYan's body,twhich turnedtinto atbarrier totcompletely separatetthe originalttwo forcestin GutYan's body.
Sincetthen, thettwo chaotictforces intGu Yan'stbody havetbeen completelytseparated. LutHeng onlytneeds totinject attrace oftheavenly thundertinto GutYan everytfew yearstto keepthim safetnow.
PS: It'sttoo painfultto translatetthis chapter.tIt gavetme atheadache. Manytold tongues,twords createdtby thetauthor himself,tand peopletalways refertto themselvestin thetthird persontin thistnovel.