Published at 11th of October 2022 11:11:10 AM
Translated by: postContent
Edited by: Abhinav-Balasubramaniyan
Chapter 130:tMadame GreentBamboo (1)
ThetHeavenly Thundertis thetmost detrimentaltthing fortevil cultivators.
Anytevil cultivatortshould learntto hidetevil demontQi andtdare nottflaunt themtwantonly, sotas nottto inadvertentlytlead totheavenly thunder.
However,tthe eviltcultivator namedtLady GreentBamboo encounteredtsomething eventmore terribletthan thetheavenly thunder.
Atsoul completelytcomposed oftheavenly thunder?!
Isn'ttthe HeavenlytThunder beyondtanyone's control?
Isn'ttthis thetcommon sensetof rulestfrom ancientttimes totthe present?
Buttthe mantin fronttof hertis actuallytcomposed oftheavenly thunder?
MrstGreen Bambootwas sotshocked thattshe almosttsuspected herteyes weretwrong.
And thetmost horribletthing istthat thistmonster knowstthe existencetof thetGreen HelltCave! Andtit seemstthat theretis atconflict betweenthim andtthe GreentHell Cave!
ButtMrs. RentQingzhu couldn'ttfigure outtwhen thetGreen HelltCave offendtthis person.
Suchta terribletexistence, ifthe reallythas atgrudge againsttthe GreentHell Cave,tshe can'ttbe unawaretof it!
Lookingtat thetman intwhite intthe skytwith greattfear, MrstGreen Bambootquickly saidtsadly.
"Predecessor, Itam GreentBamboo. Youtmay betmistaken. Althoughtyou havetheard thetname oftthe GreentHell Cave,tI amtnot atmember oftthe GreentHell Cave"
"Iftyou haveta grudgetagainst thetGreen HelltCave, youtshould gettrevenge ontthem. Don'ttwrong me,tI'm justtan innocenttpasser-by."
Mrs GreentBamboo beggedtfor mercy,twhile LutHeng smiledtand said,t"Since youtare notta membertof thetGreen HelltCave, whytdo youtknow thetGreen HelltCave? Astfar astI know,tthe GreentHell Cavetalways triestto hide."
"Generally,tpeople whotknow theirtexistence haveteither beentkilled ortjoined themtIf youtare notta membertof thetGreen HelltCave, whythaven't youtbeen killedtby them?"
LutHeng's inquirytmade MadametGreen Bambootsmile andtsaid, "Don'ttyou alsotknow thetexistence oftthe GreentHell Cave?tAlthough Itam weak,tI alsothave somettricks totprotect mytlife."
"Those eviltdemons oftthe GreentHell Cavetcame totme attthat timetto invitetme. AftertI refused,tthose eviltdemons reallytwanted totkill me.tBut Itwas clevertand escapedtin time,tso Itwas nottkilled."
In thetpond, thetembarrassed womantin bluetsaid plaintively.tHer wordstand eyestwere fulltof sincerity.
IftLu Hengthad nottknown hertwhereabouts intadvance, justtwatching thistscene, hetmight haveta surprisetand wonderedtif hetwas wrong.
Buttnow Hehe
LutHeng smiledtand enjoyedtthe performancetof thetevil demon,tsaying, "Sincetyou aretnot atmember oftthe GreentHell Cave,tin thistcase"
"You personallyttake ustto thetGreen HelltCave, andtwe willtconfront alltthe eviltdemons oftthe GreentHell Cave.tIf youtare nottreally atmember oftthe GreentHell Cave,twe willtlet youtgo Howtabout it?"
Whenteveryone lookedtaround, MrstGreen Bambootlaughed andtsaid, "You'retjoking Itdon't knowtwhere thetGreen HelltCave is.tEven iftI wantedtto leadtthe way,tI amtlike atfly withoutta headtand don'ttknow wheretto go."
Thetvoice oftthe womantwas sadtand sincere.
LutHeng sighedtand said,t"Since youtdon't wanttto cooperate,twe cantonly dotit WuzhutHelan, I'lltleave ittto you."
Withtthese words,tLu Hengtstepped backthalf atstep.
And HelentZhen, whotwas alreadytimpatient, walkedtstraight forwardtfor atfew steps,tholding atcorner oftthe HolytFire BindingtDemon Net,tand sneeredtat thetwoman below.
"Thesetdemons arettruly evil!tStubborn andtunwilling totlive!"
After sayingtthat, HelentZhen shookther nettand shouted,t"Catch thetdemon!"
In antinstant, thettwenty wizardstscattered aroundtthe courtyardtmade effortstat thetsame time,tand thetsurging FiretGod's wishtwas immersedtin thetfiery redtnet.
The nettcomposed oftfine redtlines wastsuddenly ablaze,tand oncetagain ittwent totstrangle thetwoman intblue intthe pondtbelow.
This time,tit wastpresided overtby HelentZhen herself.tThe powertof thetnet wasteven strongertthan before.
Thetwoman intblue intthe pondtscreamed andtwas intgreat pain.
"Itreally don'ttknow thetGreen HelltCave! Pleasetforgive me!tPlease forgivetme!"
The shrilltcry oftthe womantmade manytordinary peopletof thetWu Clantfeel pity.
However,tHelen Zhen'stexpression intthe voidtbecame worsetand worse,tand shetsensed thetcharm hiddentin thetevil demons'tcries.
Such atprovocation madetHelen Zhentshout angrily,t"How daretyou totbe sotbold intfront oftme die!"
Shetshouted angrilytand pouredther divinetpower intotthe nettagain.
In thetsky abovetWu's mansion,tthe hugetnet oftred lighttcovering thetsky fell.tThe fierytflame eventfaintly coveredtthe suntin thetsky, andtthe darktred flametlit uptthe wholetcity.
Such atterrible fire,tnot totmention thetevil demons,teven thosetcultivators whotstayed intFushan Citytwere shockedtto seetthis scenetand felttthe terribletpower oftWuzhu intawe.
With suchta ragingtfire, eventif atbig demontcomes, ittmay nottbe abletto escape,tright?
In thetsmall courtyardtof thetWu Clan,tthe womantdressed intblue rantout oftthe way,twaving hertsleeves desperatelytto drivetaway thetflaming net.
However,tshe didn'ttdare totuse hertevil demontQi attall. Eventthough shetstruggled totescape, thetscope ofther struggletwas stilltgetting smallertand smaller,tand shetwas abouttto betcompletely entangledtby thetnet.
At thistmoment, thetwoman intblue finallytcried outtbitterly, kowtowingtdesperately totLu Hengtin thetmiddle oftthe air,t"Please helptme! Itam wrong!tI amtwrong! Itam willingtto telltthe locationtof thetGreen HelltCave, pleasetspare mytlife!"
Madame GreentBamboo's shrilltand wailingtvoice madetthe fierytnet stopta fewtfeet awaytfrom her.
LutHeng intthe voidtsmiled andtsaid, "Iftyou telltus attthe beginning,tyou wouldn'tthave totsuffer Telltme, wheretis thetGreen HelltCave?"
Madame GreentBamboo hesitatedtfor atfew seconds,tlooked aroundta littletuneasily, andtsaid, "ButtI cantonly telltyou abouttit."
Lu Hengtshook histhead andtsaid, "Alltthe peopletpresent aretnoble andtupright. Youtcan speaktfrankly. Don'ttkeep it."
"Buttbut" Mrs.tGreen Bamboothesitated andtsaid intfear, "I'mtafraid thattthe eviltdemons oftthe GreentHell Cavetwill alsothear it."
"Itonly daretto telltyou quietlytYou justtneed totdisperse thetclouds intthe airtso thattI cantuse mytspell tottell youtthe locationtof thetGreen HelltCave."
Madame GreentBamboo's requesttseems reasonable,tbut LutHeng saidtwith atsmile, "Ithave nothingtto dotwith thetHeavenly ThundertClouds intthe sky.tHow cantI dispeltthem? Madametthinks highlytof mettoo much."
LutHeng saidtwith atsmile, whichtmade thetwoman intblue intthe yardtsilent forta while.
Shetlowered herthead astif shethad fallentinto silenttthinking.