I'll Be the Male Leads Sister-in-Law - Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Confession (3)

The incident was successfully resolved and the banquets peaceful atmosphere was also restored. No one was aware of Xie Xuanjis complex emotions.

Looking at the opposite side, Xie Xuanchen suddenly grinned and said, Court Official Jiang is excellent at instructing ladies, which explains why he dared to urge Princess An to uphold virtue. After watching Prince Jins performance just now, its clear that Princess Jin is definitely a model of virtue.

Jiang Honghao could only smile uncomfortably and swallow his anger. Not long ago, he urged Mu Mingtang to make room for Xie Xuanchen to take more concubines in the backyard, but now that a woman had been stuffed into his own daughters backyard, he could not express his frustration.

Xie Xuanchen firmly rejected accepting another woman, but Xie Xuanji didnt even try to act polite and simply accepted Wanyan Duo with a smile.

As Xie Xuanjis father-in-law, Jiang Honghao felt very uncomfortable seeing his actions. As they say, one only felt pain when they were cut themselves.

Jiang Honghao was embarra.s.sed, and Mrs. Jiang had an anxious expression on her face. Because of the banquet, she dared not express her feelings, but she couldnt help but keep looking at Jiang Mingweis tables afterward.

Jiang Honghaos recent remarks angered Mu Mingtang, but as an adopted daughter, she was obviously at a disadvantage in the eyes of the public. So, she had to keep her mouth shut. Now that the tables had turned, she inhaled deeply and said to herself,

Lets forget about it. The Jiang family received their retribution. Hmph

Mu Mingtang was happy after thinking about the current situation and her hatred was also relieved. Sure enough, it was really comfortable to see your enemy suffer.

Since Jiang Honghao wants to teach me how to become a virtuous woman, let his daughter show it in person.

After Xie Xuanchen finished speaking, the people around looked at each other and smiled without saying a word. Everyone with a keen eye could see that Prince Ans comments were on behalf of Princess An. After all, the princess bore the name of an adopted daughter, and Xie Xuanchen was aware of the Jiang familys perspective about Mu Mingtang.

Everyone pretended not to know that Prince An was targeting the Jiang family as they continued to converse and laugh joyfully while feeling amused in their hearts.

After the banquet was over, Mu Mingtang went to the royal gate to get into the carriage. There were many n.o.ble family members, as well as chariots and carriages, at the palace gate. Jiang Mingwei and Mrs. Jiang were strolling towards the carriage when Mu Mingtang happened to be pa.s.sing by.

Mu Mingtang stopped on purpose and


congratulated Jiang Mingwei with a smile. Congratulations to Princess Jin for getting a new companion. I heard that Princess Wanyan is good at singing, dancing, archery and horse riding. Its unfortunate that I dont know horse riding. If my sister-in-laws dont find me annoying, one day Id like to visit Jin Mansion and ask Princess Wanyan to teach me.

Jiang Mingwei and Mrs. Jiang were already in a serious conversation, but when Mu Mingtang interrupted them with such sarcastic words, Jiang Mingwei began to boil inside and was ready to scold her.

Mrs. Jiang, who saw through her daughters thoughts, hurriedly held her back and replied to Mu Mingtang with a calm and natural smile: Princess An must be joking. If you want to learn horse riding, there are plenty of experienced hors.e.m.e.n for you to choose from. But if you want to learn from Princess Wanyan, we will naturally cheer for you.

Mu Mingtang replied with a smile, Mrs. Jiang and Princess Jin are both well-educated, virtuous women. Then weve a deal. I will see you another day.

Didnt Jiang Honghao persuade her to be virtuous? So Mu Mingtang emphasised the word


to express that their karma had come like a boomerang.

There would be retribution for everyone for every action they took.

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The Tanaka Family Reincarnates, Strict Wife Of The 70s Manages The Household,


Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf