I Hijacked The Timeline - Chapter 607: Tian Shu's Secret (1)

Chapter 607: Tian Shu's Secret (1)

Chapter 607: Tian Shu's Secret (1)

Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tutes sub-base.

In the underground prison.

This was the deepest part of the Tiger Soul Research Inst.i.tutes sub-bas.e.m.e.nt, and it was also the area with the highest authority. It was dark and humid all year round, and the walls were covered in moss. The air was also filled with the smell of rust.

It could be seen that this place had not been maintained for a long time.

Many old-fas.h.i.+oned light bulbs had almost reached their lifespan limit, and various metal switches and other items were already covered in rust.

Only the cage was still brand new and not stained with dust.

This was a special cage specially made for Tian Shu. The metal railing went deep into the ground, and the floor in the cage was also made of special metal, connecting with the cage.

It was a 360-degree blockade without any blind spots.

At the same time, 18 chains hung down from the ceiling of the cage. They wrapped around Tian Shus neck, limbs, and other parts, restricting his movements.

At this moment, he confirmed that Tian Shu was one of the miracles found in

Mu Yaos memory.

Feng Qi became even more curious about him.

However, Tian Shu was still unwilling to talk to him. He asked a few times but did not get a response.

However, it could be seen that he was interested in Mu Qing. To be precise, he was interested in the scarlet rune crystal on Mu Qings arm, calling it the

Scarlet Origin.

From this, it could be seen that he might know the detailed background of the scarlet rune crystal.

Realizing that asking directly would not attract Tian Shus attention, Feng Qi needed a breakthrough now.

After a moment of silence, he looked up at Tian Shu again.

Tian Shu, do you know Mu Yao?

Tian Shus expression changed when he heard the name Mu Yao.

Mu Yao.

He seemed to have not spoken for a long time. These two words seemed to squeeze out of Tian Shus throat, and his voice was hoa.r.s.e.

Yes, Mu Yao! Feng Qi affirmed.

Tian Shu was in a daze for a moment as if he had opened his sealed memories and fell into a daze.

When he came back to his senses, his gaze became sharp.

How do you know Mu Yao? Where did that old woman go?!

Hearing Tian Shu, who was more than 400 years old, call Mu Yao an old woman, Feng Qi felt ashamed.

But thinking about it carefully, in the memory he saw, Tian Shu was still a little kid licking a lollipop, and Mu Yaos appearance had never changed.

Mu Yao was older than Tian Shu.

Her exact age was a complete mystery. She might have lived for many years.

Tian Shu was not the only one who called Mu Yao an old woman; Wei Wei also called her that.

I dont know where she went, but we might be able to exchange information Dont worry, Ill always be on the side of the humans.

In the end, he was afraid that Tian Shu would misunderstand, so he explained again.

When Tian Shu heard this, purple light flickered in his eyes. Then, he said softly.

First, tell me where on earth you got her name.

Faced with this question, Feng Qi fell silent.

After thinking about it, he decided to tell Tian Shu his secret.

After all, he was on the sacrifice timeline to test for mistakes. Moreover, Tian Shu was a trustworthy human warrior in his eyes. There was nothing to worry about.

He wasnt the protagonist of a novel, and there was no need for him to feign weakness to outsmart his adversaries.

Hiding his secrets was a matter of the main timeline. It had nothing to do with him on the sacrifice timeline.

Thinking of this, he looked at Tian Shu and said.

Tian Shu, what Im about to tell you might be difficult for you to understand, but you have to believe that Im telling the truth.

Speak. Tian Shu said coldly.

Let me ask you a question first. Do you believe that someone can transmigrate to the future?

Tian Shu was stunned when he heard this. The content was beyond his expectations.

After a short silence, a smile appeared on Tian Shus face.

Are you going to tell me that you have the special ability to travel to the future?

Thats right!

Hearing Feng Qis affirmative answer, the smile on Tian Shus face disappeared. He became cold again.

Even the old woman cant do this. Do you think you can?

I know you dont believe me, but Im telling the truth.

Alright, show it to me. Let me see you disappear. As he said that, a mocking smile appeared on Tian Shus lips.

Mu Qing was speechless.

It was true that he had transmigrated, but how to explain it was still a headache.

Facing Mu Qing, Lin Ran, and the others, he could use his experience to prove it. After all, the future timeline was at the same historical node, and many examples could testify for him.

But Tian Shu was completely different.

This guy had imprisoned himself for more than 400 years and was completely isolated from the world.

He had no connection with the outside world, nor did he have any interaction with others. He could not produce any evidence to prove that he could transmigrate the timeline.

After all, there was no such person as Tian Shu in the future.

He guessed that Tian Shus ending was probably to be imprisoned in this prison until he died of old age, and he would never appear in future history.

Proving it had become a difficult problem.

As for what Tian Shu said, it was even more impossible for him to transmigrate into the future.

He, who was on the sacrifice timeline, had a fixed timeline, so it was impossible to change it.

Facing Tian Shu, who didnt believe what Feng Qi said, the latter felt a headache.

Regarding this question, you cant provide any evidence to support it, and I wont believe it at all The question remains the same. Where did you encounter Mu Yao? You mentioned time travel earlier.. Are you trying to suggest that you saw the old woman in the future?