I Don’t Want to Be Loved - Chapter 95: Nothing Greater In Life Than a Woman

Chapter 95: Nothing Greater In Life Than a Woman

Rihannan, my father once told me that there is nothing greater in life than a woman. Hes right. You look beautiful, my dear niece.

Rihannan was a gorgeous bride, the most beautiful in the world and no one could dispute this, but he knew how disarmingly unaware she was of her prettiness. Her silver-colored crown decked with jewels and her traditional bridal robe embroidered with silver and gold thread reminded him of the time when her mother married.

The marquis sighed, eyes overwhelmed with emotion. Im reminded of the time when I sent my sister to Arundell. I took her hand during the ceremony on behalf of my father who was not feeling well at the time funny isnt it? Seems like Ill be holding her daughters hand as she marries a man from Arundell.

Rihannan smiled and stroked his hand gently. She heard that when her mother married, her uncle had much to say and objected to the marriage. Shes sure that this was not the marriage her uncle hoped for.

Uncle, wheres Dimi? He didnt come?

Thats he hesitated to answer.

Hes still mad, isnt he? Rihannan asked with solemn eyes.

Dimitri was released from prison shortly after Rihannan arrived in Arundell. She invited her uncle and Dimitri for she knew the marriage could not be stopped as it had progressed to this extent.

But.. he did not come.

He must be angry with her, she thought.

I understand. Dimis usually gentle, but when hes angered, you really cant calm him, she smiled lightly.

Thats not it. Actually, Dimitri he seemed to want to speak but eventually, he smiled a bitter smile. Nothing, dear. I dont think its time to talk about it, yet. But dont worry. Hes fine. Hell be fine. He wanted me to tell you to be happy. Are you?

The marquis rubbed her head.

Rihannan smiled. What do you think?

Mmm not too bad, actually. Your face looks healthy.

I told you didnt I? The letter I wrote was no lie. His Majesty treats me well and so do the people around me.

Yes. She passed through the month peacefully without any particular concern. It was quiet, peaceful, and comfortable. She liked it. She thought shed die right away when she first arrived too.

The ladies-in-waiting interrupted her.

Your Majesty, its time to leave.

I understand, Rihannan said before planting a kiss on his cheek, Ill see you at the ceremony, uncle.


The streets where the royal carriage passed through were lined with crowds welcoming the king and his queen.

Rihannan waved her hand gently, recalling her past self.

She was sixteen at the time, a newly pronounced Queen who knew nothing of the world a queen heavy with depression who found it difficult to smile and wave. She was afraid of the crowd, the ones cheering her on, and she was afraid of her husband, the one rumored to have made abusive remarks at her before their marriage.

Her husband who loathes her, the Queen Mother who treats her well but places her in a difficult position, the nobles awaiting to prey upon her, and countless strange eyes watching her every move it suffocated her.

The scars of her dark past suddenly came to life and she drowned deep into the abyss without notice.


Her hand which clutched onto the hem of her dress was held by a mans large hand.

She raised her head and looked at him. His eyes were on the crowd. He said nothing, only holding on to her hand.


A husband who despised her, a husband who turned his back on her was friendly. Without the Queen Mothers oppression, this man grew up differently. He was bright, more confident, and gave others thought and consideration.

Their silence was comforting.

She did not know why, but she felt like he knew what went through her head.

Rihannan smiled again, erasing the dizzy thoughts forming in her head. She was fortunate. That he was a different person, she was fortunate, otherwise, shed live a difficult life re-living the horrors of the past.