I Don’t Want This Reincarnation - Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Kim Woo-jins reddish-coloured eyes shook at my greeting. Looked at it, I asked quietly.

May I come in?

Kim Woo-jin, who finally came to his senses, backed away with his blank expression. I came down from the window and brushed my wet bangs.


Fox who followed me into the room also sat down on the table and shook his body. It rained a lot that even though I was out for a short time, my whole body was drenched. Kim Woo-jin panicked at the sight of me dripping water.

Even, even if you wipe it no, do you want to wash up?

No, just give me a towel. I wont long enough to go to the bathroom. Ill wash up later when I go back to my room.

Laughing awkwardly, I lifted my ankle, showing him the shackles and chain that were fastened.

Its connected to the sofa downstairs. Since its a shutter item, I cant even use my abilities


Kim Woo-jins face hardened in an instant as he listened to the explanation.

Then how did you get here now? Its raining outside, right?

That kid can fly. I got some help.

Pointing to Fox lying on the table and yawning for a long time, I answered lightly to mean not to worry, but Kim Woo-jins expression turned darker.

I havent even gotten forgiveness yet, but it looks like hes in a bad mood

I didnt know what to say, so when I noticed, Kim Woo-jin, who sighed with a complicated face, reached out.

Lets wipe the body first. Youre going to catch a cold.


After wiping the rainwater that ran down my cheeks, he turned around. As I sat on the edge of the bed, Kim Woo-jin brought two white towels that were basically placed in the bathroom and handed them to me.

Thank you.

The white top I was wearing was already wet enough and my skin was completely exposed.

I thought it was better to wipe my body with it than to take it off Normally it didnt matter, but it was a bit strange to come to apologize and take off the clothes.

I was wiping my body with a towel, but Kim Woo-jin stood in front and put the remaining towel over my head.

You dont have to do it. I have to go back down from the window again anyway.

Kim Woo-jin, who dried my hair with a towel, hesitated and opened his mouth.

Dont do this again. Its dangerous.

I made eye contact with Kim Woo-jin, who was staring at me with unknown eyes.

Please let me off just this time. I want to see you soon. ( )

Oh what?

I wanted to see you.

I reached out and grabbed Kim Woo-jins wrist carefully. Unlike me, whose body was cooled by rain, Kim Woo-jins skin was quite warm. The guy who shrugged his shoulders dyed the tips of his ears red.

Kim Woo-jin.

In the darkened room, the sound of pouring rain and Kim Woo-jins body temperature melted the cold fingertips. I felt it all and continued.

Im sorry I left without saying anything.

Kim Woo-jins eyes widened slightly as if surprised by the low-pitched apology.

I understand youre disappointed in me. I was greedy today, so I forced myself to meet you, but from now on, I will wait patiently until youre not angry.

So, when youre not angry later, lets eat and play together like before.

Kim Woo-jin closed his lips and bowed his head. My heart ached when the expected answer didnt come.

I couldnt be forgiven easily either. I didnt want to force him to accept it. I smiled bitterly in the cold silence and released Kim Woo-jins wrist, which I was holding.

I came here to talk. I wont bother you anymore, so

The awkward conversation was interrupted by Kim Woo-jin, who quickly grabbed my wrist. Blinking my eyes in the opposite situation, Kim Woo-jin raised his bowed head and opened his mouth in a tearful voice.

That, that you

Kim Woo-jin, who was stuttering with a sadly distorted face, dropped tears.

Dont say that I, I ugh

Kim Woo-jin?

Its my fault

The long eyelashes trembled like the flaps of a butterflys wings. In the end, Kim Woo-jins face, who burst into tears, quickly became wet.

Why, why are you apologizing? I

Im afraid you dont want to see me again, I think you will hate me ugh, I was scared

How sad he was, I was surprised to see that he was struggling to speak even while sobbing, and I opened my mouth quickly.

Why do I hate you? Thats impossible.

I knew that Kim Woo-jin would be uncomfortable with ankle problems, but it was much worse than expected. I tried hard to smile and lifted my trousers to show my ankle that had healed.

Look, Kim Woo-jin. Im completely fine, right? It didnt hurt that much.

So stop crying. You cried before too youll be dehydrated.

Kim Woo-jin, who had quietly shed tears at my playful words, slowly bowed his body and knelt down on my knees. I was bewildered by Kim Woo-jins behaviour, whose vision was lower than that of me sitting on the bed, but this time he gently stroked my ankle with a warm hand.

I will never hurt you again.

Im sorry

I blinked slowly at the whispered words in a low voice. Kim Woo-jins apology and mine were similar but somehow different.

What is it?

Even if Kim Woo-jin didnt forgive me, I came with the determination to accept it. So now I should be happy with this situation but somehow, it was like a needle was poking at the corner of my chest.

What was this feeling again. I was anxious and had a strong feeling that something was going wrong.


But in this situation, I couldnt ask questions about how I feel I sighed and said the necessary answer.

stop it, Kim Woo-jin. There is no need to apologize so much.

Kim Woo-jin, who was looking at my ankle, raised his head and looked up at me. My body trembled at the sight of Kim Woo-jin, who was dripping with tears from his pure white face, with only the corners of his eyes dyed red.

Pretty, he looked very pretty. Kim Woo-jin opened his mouth, realizing that his appearance wasnt normal.

Originally, friends fight and make up. Lets stop apologizing for each others mistakes.

Do you forgive me?

Forgive for what, it didnt hurt that much.

When I spoke to comfort him, Kim Woo-jin pouted his lips and muttered softly.

Youre lying


No. This did Master lock it up? How long do you have to do it?

Well. I dont know. I dont think they will let me go easily.


Kim Woo-jin, who was fiddling with the shackles, smiled faintly. This kid seemed to like the shackles, too

Kim Woo-jin.


Did we finish our conversation well? Will you come to my room tomorrow?

There were still a lot of things we couldnt tell each other, but slowly, my body was at the limit. I wanted to finish it tomorrow.

Kim Woo-jin, who had finally stopped crying, now hesitantly answered, turning not only the eyes but also the cheeks and the nape of his neck red.

You have to go back now ( )


You said you have to go down from the window again. Its dangerous Ill help you.


That wasnt bad either. I got up, flapping my wet T-shirt that was clinging to my chest.

Then lets go right away. Its getting colder because its wet. I need to wash up and change clothes.

U, ung.

Kim Woo-jin turned his back away from me with a stiff gesture like a rusty machine. Red ears caught my eye.

Then I Ill go to the bedroom. Please come down carefully.

Dont worry.

First, I looked at Kim Woo-jins back as he left the room and then turned my gaze to Fox lying on the table. During the conversation between me and Kim Woo-jin, Fox was waiting patiently without making a single cry and then opened his eyes and stood up as soon as Kim Woo-jin left.

Come on. Lets go back.

Piiik. Pik.

Fox that flew straight at my beckoning went out through the half-open window and hovered around. It was still raining and windy outside the window.


My body trembled as I tried to face the rain again with my body temperature dropping. However, it was fortunate that going down was easier than going up.

With Foxs help who supported my back, I came down through the window below, and Kim Woo-jin, who had arrived earlier, hurriedly opened his arms and grabbed my waist.

Are you okay?

Its very cold

Kim Woo-jin, who held me in his arms, hurriedly closed the window, ignoring his own clothes getting wet.

Ive turned on the hot water in the bathtub. Wash up right away so you dont catch a cold.

Ooh. While listening to the pleasant sound, I forgot about the cold and smiled broadly. It was quite nice to get Kim Woo-jins care after a long time.

Dont you have to wash up?

I washed up a while ago

Right. As I walked to the bathroom, I took off my dripping top. Then, Kim Woo-jin, who was chasing after me, was startled and stopped quickly.

I think Im going to wash for a while, are you going to wait?

Kim Woo-jin quickly nodded his head with the most reddest face of the day.

I, Ill wait.

Not bad. I nodded and caught Fox following me while floating in the air.

You come in too.


It was raining, so you have to wash up.

Piik! Piiik! Pik!

When Fox heard this, he was startled and started to cry. That wasnt going to work. How dirty the rain was.

* * *

After taking a bath with Fox who was wailing in dislike, Kim Woo-jin, who was in the kitchen, approached with a mug when I left the bathroom.

Drink it. Its warm water.

I was really thirsty at the time, so I drank it with gratitude and asked Kim Woo-jin.

Kim Woo-jin, arent you tired?

Before I knew it, it was already late, well past midnight. Kim Woo-jin hesitated to my question and answered by taking the mug back after I drank it.

Ill go after a little while.


Why? Are you tired?

Im not tired.

After thinking for a while, I came up with the easiest solution.

Just sleepover.


Sleepover. Cheon Sa-yeon wouldnt even know you were here.

In the past, Cheon Sa-yeons attendants came to pick him up before 12 oclock and forcibly kicked him out, but today was different.

On, on the sofa?

Why would you sleep on the sofa when theres a double bed? Just sleep on the bed. We slept together before.

Is that okay?

It doesnt matter as long as youre okay. I have a lot of things to talk about, so lets just wake up and eat breakfast together later.

I slept with Ha Tae-heon several times anyway, so there was nothing to feel uncomfortable about. Above all, he helped me get down and waited for me to wash up, but it seemed too cold to send him back right away.

But why no answer. Kim Woo-jin, who had only licked his lips for a moment, nodded his head as I looked at him.

Then go to sleep.

Yes, Sir.

I carried the sulky Fox who had been forcibly washed up and headed to the bed with Kim Woo-jin. I was very tired because I went through a lot all day. It seemed like I could sleep well tonight without even dreaming.