I Don’t Want This Reincarnation - Chapter 117: Episode 30. Did You Feel Relieved?

Chapter 117: Episode 30. Did You Feel Relieved?

EPISODE 30. Did you feel relieved?

While trying to eat breakfast with Kim Woo-jin and Kwon Jeong-han, who came early in the morning, someone knocked on the door. I opened the door on behalf of Kim Woo-jin, who was busy cooking, and Kwon Jeong-han, who was setting the table.

Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi.

Good morning.

Behind Woo Seo-hyuk, who greeted me with a calm face as usual, there were two attendants with shopping bags. When he saw me with a puzzled expression, Woo Seo-hyuk opened his mouth.

I understand that today is the day we met Deputy Master Chloe.

Thats true.

This is the clothes sent by Master.

Aha. I smiled helplessly and brought Woo Seo-hyuk and the attendants into the room. As they came in with strong men behind their backs, Kim Woo-jin and Kwon Jeong-han rushed out into the living room.

What is this?

Kim Woo-jin began to be wary of the appearance of strangers like a furry cat. I waved my hand to mean never mind.

Its just clothes delivery. Do what youve been doing.

Did Master send it like last time?

As I nodded, Kwon Jeong-hans expression became strange. What are you thinking with such a face?

Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi.

The attendants who had left the shopping bags in the living room left the room. I grabbed Woo Seo-hyuks sleeve as he was about to follow them.

Since youre here, have breakfast before you go.

Perhaps the proposal was quite sudden, Woo Seo-hyuk bowed his head without responding right away. He was thinking about it.

Did you have breakfast?

That, I havent

Then lets eat together.

I grabbed Woo Seo-hyuks sleeve and went to the table, Kim Woo-jin opened his axes eyes and looked at us. Indeed. Kim Woo-jin was still unfamiliar with Woo Seo-hyuk.

Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi is going to eat before leaving.

Either way, Im the owner of this room. Speaking proudly, Kim Woo-jin slightly lowered the tip of his eyebrow and pulled out another bowl of rice.

Im really fine

Please sit here.

I looked up at Woo Seo-hyuk and pointed to the seat next to me. After that, Woo Seo-hyuk, who looked at me without saying a word for a while, finally sighed and sat down.

Seeing so many shopping bags Kwon Jeong-han-ssi, do you have any clothes?

Thats what I know. ( , not sure)

Kwon Jeong-han, who was sitting across from Woo Seo-hyuk, held up chopsticks and said.

Thanks to Han Yi-gyeol, I have a lot of good clothes.

Um, its not all thanks to me

Thanks to Talented Han Yi-gyeol, thats right. Because of the masters personality, no one else would have taken care of me like this. ( )

This. There was one more person who misunderstood us strangely.

I knew for a long time that the two of you were close, but looking closely, its definitely different.

Instead of answering, I smiled awkwardly and drank the water.

Cheon Sa-yeon doesnt take care of me, he just acts in his own way Rather, you wouldnt believe it if I explained that it was me who was being swayed.

It wasnt surprising now that there werent one or two people who thought like that. I turned my gaze away from the smiling Kwon Jeong-han and asked Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting in front of me.

Kim Woo-jin, when does training end today?

About four oclock. When Im done, Ill go to the drawing room.

Kim Woo-jin wasnt able to go with me because he had a training schedule from the morning. I nodded and looked at Woo Seo-hyuk, who was eating just like us. Fortunately, Kim Woo-jins cooking was in his mouth and his expression didnt look bad.

After eating, I looked at the clothes that Woo Seo-hyuk brought. The clothes that came this time were a shirt and suit pants. Judging by the size, the white shirt was mine and the larger black shirt seemed to belong to Kwon Jeong-han.

Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi, are you going with me too?

When I asked a question while holding the clothes, Woo Seo-hyuk made eye contact with me and answered.

Yes. Master is in the drawing room, so I will go right there.

Cheon Sa-yeon was already in the drawing room? With a puzzled expression on my face, Woo Seo-hyuk added an explanation.

He has a separate appointment with Deputy Master Chloe.


Come to think of it, Chloe told Cheon Sa-yeon to meet separately in two days. This was a story that Cheon Sa-yeon and Chloe would meet and talk

Im a little curious.

No matter what he did, Cheon Sa-yeon seemed suspicious, so I kept getting more and more concerned. Of course, there was nothing I could do about it.

After washing and changing clothes, then seeing off Kim Woo-jin, who was going to training, Min Ah-rin, who had just left for work, came to the room. Min Ah-rin, dressed more neatly than usual, greeted me with a bright voice.

Yi-gyeol-ssi, good morning!

Good morning.

I added, buttoning my shirt sleeves.

You look prettier today, Min Ah-rin-ssi.



I glanced around at the other men in the living room. Not only Woo Seo-hyuk, but also Kwon Jeong-han, surprisingly, had a personality that didnt say things like this, so there was no one to recognize her except me.

Not surprisingly, Min Ah-rin looked at me and smiled a little shyly.

Its not someone else, its the place to go to see Deputy Master Chloe, so I paid some attention. Yi-gyeol-ssi, you also look great today!

Then Im glad.

The clothes sent by Cheon Sa-yeon were worthwhile. Everything was customized.

The time has come, shall we go up?

I will guide you.

We had fifteen minutes left until the appointment, so it seemed okay to leave. Woo Seo-hyuk nodded at my words, and Kwon Jeong-han, who was sitting on the sofa waiting, got up.

What should I do. Im a little nervous.

As I left the room and moved to the front of the elevator, Min Ah-rin, who was following me, whispered with a tense expression on her face.

If you meet her, you will be able to talk comfortably. I think Deputy Master Chloe will like Min Ah-rin-ssi.

When I said with a light smile on purpose, Min Ah-rin smiled more comfortably.

* * *

While holding a teacup, Chloe looked around the inside of the parlour where there was warmth and turned to the man sitting in front of her.

His fine-grained black hair and his pale skin beneath it shone brightly under the sunlight. Facing the beautiful creature that captivated the viewers soul, Chloe sighed and put down the teacup quietly.

Even you look at me like that, I have nothing more to say. There is nothing strange about it, what should I do?

That cant be true.

Cheon Sa-yeon with his long legs crossed slowly tilted his head.

Didnt you say you watched the video?

I watched it.

Isnt there anything strange about it?

Chloe sighed with a tired face at the tone of incomprehension.

Its true that I watched the video and thought it wasnt normal. So, I accepted your offer and came all the way to Korea.

Han Yi-gyeol, an A-rank talented person who blocked huge fragments and debris floating in the air with the wind. When Chloe saw the video of the Gangnam incident for the first time, the emotion she felt was confusion.

Only an A-rank talented person has this much energy?

Of course, he was immediately bled and passed out, but even so, it was certain that he had accomplished something that an ordinary A-rank couldnt possibly achieve.

After awakening, she had seen the energy of countless people with her own two eyes, so she could easily recognize that Han Yi-gyeol was unique. So, to see the Han Yi-gyeols energy directly, she turned a blind eye to her husbands whining and came to Korea

Because there really isnt.

Han Yi-gyeol, who she met like that, was embarrassingly normal. She was kind of looking forward to it. Chloe added, hiding her disappointment.

I used my ability twice to check it, you already noticed.

Once with sunglasses on, and once more without sunglasses. Twice she confirmed Han Yi-gyeols energy. He had a deep blue light that was close to indigo blue and the size of the energy that an average A-rank would have.

There is nothing different from others. Gangnam case, I dont know. Sometimes people show more power than they have.

Cheon Sa-yeon, who had been contemplating for a long time without answering, immediately tapped the armrest of his sofa with his finger and opened his mouth.

While you are in Korea, keep looking. To find out anything.

do you want me to do that?

Chloe frowned and asked in a confused voice.

Ive been wondering for a while, what do you want to get from Talented Han Yi-gyeol? Youve never been interested in something like this before.

Because it looks fun.

Its fun, what do haa.

Chloe sighed, touching her forehead, with a worried expression on her face.

Actually, I care more about you, Master Cheon Sa-yeon than Talented Han Yi-gyeol.

I dont know what you mean.

The last time we saw each other was around March of last year, so its been roughly a year since we met. But you must

Chloes eyes, who couldnt finish her words and bit her lip, and Cheon Sa-yeons eyes collided precisely.

The colour of the energy and the magnitude of the power its so different from a year ago. I have never seen such a change before.

Its close to impossible. You know it well, too. What the hell happened over the past year can you tell me?

At the end of Chloes question, a quiet silence settled in the drawing room. Cheon Sa-yeon, who sat silently with his head bowed slightly, immediately smiled as if drawn neatly.


Master Cheon Sa-yeon.

I dont know what youre asking me to say.

There was no sincerity in the soft voice. He was cheeky anyway. Chloe with her arms crossed glared at Cheon Sa-yeon.

If you come out like this, I will have no choice but to be humiliated. ( )

Dont focus on useless things and think about your original purpose. Han Yi-gyeol, dont miss it and keep checking him. There must be something else.

That guy Han Yi-gyeol. At this point, she started to wonder what he liked about a man named Han Yi-gyeol. Chloe, who was grumbling inwardly, turned to the sound of a knock on the drawing room door.

They have come.

It was already the promised time. Noticing that Han Yi-gyeol had arrived, Cheon Sa-yeon stood up. Chloe put a sullen expression on her face at the conversation that had ended in a rush and lowered her shoulder.

Uh, you scared me. What is it?

She didnt think that Cheon Sa-yeon would open the door, and Han Yi-gyeol, who ran into Cheon Sa-yeon in front of him, was disgusted and pushed his body back.

Youre surprised at everything.

I can be surprised.

In response to the blunt reply, Cheon Sa-yeon curled his eyebrows and smiled happily. Chloe, seeing this, exhaled a sigh of relief.

It got really weird