I Don’t Want This Reincarnation - Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Incheon Airport, which arrived after about an hours travel, was overcrowded with passengers, security personnel, and reporters waiting in advance. I got out of the car with Cheon Sa-yeon after confirming that the airport staff and bodyguards were controlling the surroundings to prevent anyone other than officials from coming close.

But the deputy master of the great guild, who is also known in the United States, is coming, does she take the plane with others? Why not take a private jet?

While waiting for another car to follow, I asked Cheon Sa-yeon, who was standing next to me, and Cheon Sa-yeon, who bowed his upper body slightly, answered with a smile.

Well, shes the type of person who doesnt like doing big things. Thanks to that, the guild master over there seems to be quite frightened.

Did you say that she had a relationship with the master? I understood what he meant and nodded my head.

They must have a good relationship.

They got married after a long relationship, so it must be.

The bittersweet explanation was extremely dry without feeling any emotion. I looked up at Cheon Sa-yeons clear face once again.

Like Kim Woo-jin, I was also worried about Cheon Sa-yeon. Adding up his personality, it was more, but not less would he be able to date? No matter how good he was, women wouldnt like him if he had that kind of personality.

whats with that gaze?

Cheon Sa-yeon, who had been making eye contact with me for a while, opened his mouth with a subtle expression. I said, looking at Cheon Sa-yeon sadly.

Dont you want to date?


I asked dont you want to date? Deputy Master Chloe even got married.

Perhaps it was an unexpected, Cheon Sa-yeon smiled with a frown as if he was dumbfounded. I didnt know he could make that face like that.

Chloe is 34 years old, so I think shes old enough to get married.

how old are you?


Cheon Sa-yeon raised the corners of his lips instead of answering. He didnt want to tell me. After all, wasnt this information that could only be found by searching on the Internet? I didnt bring my cell phone, so I couldnt tell right away.

If you wont tell me, never mind.

Why are you suddenly curious about my age? If Im 34 years old, will you marry me?

Crazy bastard. As I glared at his fed up, Cheon Sa-yeon chuckled as if it was ridiculous. Just in time, Kim Woo-jin and Kwon Jeong-han, Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk got out of the car in a row.

I looked closely at the four people approaching us. Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk As expected, it wasnt good. Both of them had their neckties messed up as they came out, and there was a feeling of displeasure that couldnt be hidden even on their faces.

I knew it.

I also thought that I should have ridden with Woo Seo-hyuk. As I sighed, I found Kim Woo-jins cold face behind him and tilted my head. Did they fight, too? For that, Kwon Jeong-hans smile was too normal.

Still, I thought the relationship had improved to some extent while they were together, but I guess I was wrong. Kim Woo-jin, who was striding towards me with a lifelike expression, made eye contact with me. Aigo, that.

Han Yi-gyeol

Kim Woo-jin stood close and grabbed my arm. It was like a dog running to the owner who had left him and whining. I asked Kwon Jeong-han, who slowly approached me and bowed his head.

What happened on your way here?

Um, it was very informative and enjoyable for me.

In response to the gentle answer, Kim Woo-jin glared at Kwon Jeong-han, who said it was enjoyable. Somehow, it looked similar to me dealing with Cheon Sa-yeon. Maybe next time, I should have a conversation with Kwon Jeong-han without Kim Woo-jin knowing. Kim Woo-jin was sensitive, so I had to tell him not to make fun of him like that.

Um? Master. You look strangely happy?

Park Geon-ho, who had been walking around like a gangster in the back alley, blinked puzzledly when he saw Cheon Sa-yeon still smiling.

Like Bodyguard Kwon Jeong-han said, I was also having a very informative and enjoyable time with Han Yi-gyeol.

Dont talk nonsense.

Was this kid really crazy? I gave a warning with the meaning not to say more than that, but Cheon Sa-yeon continued talking naturally as if he hadnt heard anything.

Han Yi-gyeol said that he would marry me.



Kim Woo-jin was startled by the word marry that came out somewhat out of the blue, and Woo Seo-hyuk looked embarrassed. Park Geon-ho whistled without saying anything, but his eyes widened slightly as if he was surprised.

Are, are you serious?

After Kim Woo-jin became contemplative, he asked Cheon Sa-yeon, not me. I hurriedly intervened before Cheon Sa-yeon could say nonsense again.

Can it be real? I just asked him if he was in a relationship. I heard that Deputy Master Chloe is married to Athena Guild Master.

Woo Seo-hyuk nodded his head with a look like that was it and opened his mouth.

Come to think of it, I remember hearing the news that they got married last year.

Hm. It was quite luxurious in the hotel. At that time, I went to Washington as the guild representative.

Park Geon-ho, who had folded his arms and rolled his eyes as if recalling that time, tilted his head and asked.

By the way, I wonder why Master is not dating these days. Didnt you meet without a break until last year? ( , its like dating without a break but with whom!?)

Meet without a break?

When I asked in surprise at the shocking words, not only Park Geon-ho but also Woo Seo-hyuk responded that it was natural.

Of course. Isnt it rather funny that Master cant meet a woman because of his looks and wealth?

Nonsense. His face and money arent everything, right?

Thats usually said by people who have neither face nor money.

Cheon Sa-yeon smiled and accepted it. It was because he was just saying rude things. I frowned out of annoyance, Woo Seo-hyuk sighed and opened his mouth softly.

Anyway, no matter who he met, it couldnt last a month and broke up. Its embarrassing to call it a relationship.

Thats true, too.

Park Geon-ho agreed with Woo Seo-hyuk, which was rare. If Park Geon-ho said this then how much had his relationship been a mess ( )? Even in my suspicious eyes, Cheon Sa-yeon had a pleasant face. I didnt know why the hell they liked him.

Dating, well, its up to Master to take care of it. Anyway, hes not in the age to talk about marriage. Lets see Arent you 29 this year, Master?

I beg your pardon?

Oh, no. I was going to keep it a secret, but I got caught.

Looking at me freaked out, Cheon Sa-yeon touched his lips and said as if teasing me. Either way, I was shocked at the astonishing age of 29, I couldnt even react properly.

Now, I was hearing a series of incredible facts, unwantedly.

You didnt know, Han Yi-gyeol?

I didnt know.

Looking around, I thought I was the only one who didnt know the age of Cheon Sa-yeon. No, it was natural. These people, Cheon Sa-yeon was the guild master and boss.

Cheon Sa-yeons age wasnt mentioned in Abyss either, so I had no choice but to know unless I knew it myself. Besides, I wasnt idle enough to look up the age of Cheon Sa-yeon.

Still, is that so, 29 years old? At the age of 29, being a guild master wasnt enough, so he became crazy like that? (29 ?, not sure)

Did this make sense? Wasnt that a scam too? No matter how much a character in the novel, he was more than the main character, Ha Tae-heon

Oh, wait.

How old was Ha Tae-heon? I hurriedly dug through my mind and recalled the contents of the Abyss. The age of Ha Tae-heon described in the novel was 27 years old. Then Ha Tae-heon and Cheon Sa-yeon were only two years apart.

Crazy. Gross.

I covered my mouth with my hand. Cheon Sa-yeon, who was happily watching my changing face from moment to moment, came lightly rubbing the nape of my neck as if to calm me down.

Lets stop playing and move on. Its time to arrive soon.

As Cheon Sa-yeon moved, the airport staff who was waiting took the lead and started to guide. The reporters, who had been standing in the distance, started flashing their flashlights as if they were waiting as we entered the airport.

You are here.

It was Choi Mi-jin who had come in advance and was waiting. Choi Mi-jin, dressed in the same black suit as the last time we met, greeted Cheon Sa-yeon and greeted me, standing behind him.

I didnt know you would come in person, Head of the Centre Choi Mi-jin.

Its no one else, but Deputy Master Chloe, so I have no choice but to come. Whether publicly or personally.

Judging by the way she talked, it seemed that Choi Mi-jin was also acquainted with Chloe. She was also acquainted with the head of the management headquarters centre. I gradually became curious about the person named Chloe.

The plane has just arrived, so she will be coming out this way soon.

Shortly after Choi Mi-jins words were finished, the gate opened and a woman in a blonde trench coat walked out along with her associates. She was wearing black sunglasses, but I saw a picture of her in the documents provided by Woo Seo-hyuk, so I could tell at a glance that she was Chloe.

Oh, Head of the Centre Choi Mi-jin. Its been a long time.

Chloe found Choi Mi-jin, who was at the forefront, and approached her with a bright smile. She was wearing an interpreter item, so she spoke Korean fluently.

Choi Mi-jin, who held Chloes white hand and shook hands lightly, answered with a smile on her lips.

Youre coming, so I cant help but come.

Im happy. I expected someone to meet me at the guild headquarters, but the Head of the Centre Choi Mi-jin was very busy that I wasnt expecting it. Its nice to see your face like this.

The same goes for me, Deputy Master Chloe.

It was the first time Choi Mi-jin, who always looked tired and sensitive, gave off such a soft atmosphere. Well, every time I met Choi Mi-jin, Cheon Sa-yeon was by my side that was understandable.

After finishing her greetings with Choi Mi-jin, Chloe turned her head to Cheon Sa-yeon.

Master Cheon Sa-yeon. Thank you for picking me up.

At those words, Cheon Sa-yeon opened his mouth with a sad expression.

What do you mean by sending a contract and saying thank you?

Even if I sent it, did you ignore it until now?

Cheon Sa-yeons attitude must have been disappointing, but Chloe didnt seem to care at all. Rather, she even laughed as if she was looking at a feisty cat.

T/N :

Nope, Yi-gyeol. Its not like he didnt want to tell you but he just FORGOT lmfao Im really sure he forgot how old he was wwwww

I really love their banter and how clever Sa-yeon changed the subject plus got to tease Yi-gyeol in the same time lmfao poor, Yi-gyeol

And when I read how mess up Geon-ho and Seo-hyuk. Me: (loading) Did you make out in the car? *Slapped

Sa-yeon as a playboy I can imagine it. Typical. But after MC possessed Yi-gyeol, it seemed he wasnt dating anyone?

Do you know Sa-yeon has neck fetish? Author-nim said on postype wwwww ( )

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