I Don’t Want This Reincarnation - Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Im sorry. Its a bit sudden, isnt it?

No, Im fine.

Kwon Jeong-han, who smiled with his round eyes bent over the transparent glasses, continued.

My relative hyung is indebted to Talented Han Yi-gyeol.

If its a relative hyung

He runs a guild in Busan, do you remember? Hes Master Kwon Ji-hoon of the Four Seasons Guild. Hyung said he greeted you at the last hotel party.


Those words reminded me of the person I met at the party I went to with Cheon Sa-yeon. A man with a soft impression, with brown eyes reminiscent of chocolate and a dot on his right cheek. After listening to the explanation, it was clear that his appearance and atmosphere resembled Kwon Jeong-han.

Of course. I remember.

Even though hes my relative hyung, he visited me often since we were young, so hes like my own hyung (real sibling). My hyung told me that Talented Han Yi-gyeol risked his life to catch the boss. Ever since then, Ive wanted to say thank you.

Aha. Was that why he said he was a fan? I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

I didnt do anything great enough to hear that. Because I only helped Deputy Master of Roheon.

Even so, it wouldnt have been easy to deal with S+-grade monsters alone, but I think its really amazing.

Yes? Ah, no

I was taken aback by the firm answer and leaned my upper body back slightly. What is it? Why was a 20-year-old so good at talking?

I saw the news that the damage in the Gangnam incident was greatly reduced thanks to Talented Han Yi-gyeol. There is also information that the culprit is a person with mental ability.

Um, thats true.

How am I? I have no experience compared to other applicants, but Im confident if the culprit is a person with mental ability.

Kwon Jeong-han showed his enthusiasm at the beginning, which disappeared out of nowhere now, then showed his polite appearance and passionately appealed to him while blushing. Maybe this was his real personality?

Inevitably, I sent a helping signal by eye to Park Geon-ho, who was watching with interest from behind Kwon Jeong-han. Stop watching and stop him.

Lets, calm down.

Park Geon-ho, who smiled bitterly, accepted my request for help. Park Geon-ho, who lightly placed his arm on Kwon Jeong-hans shoulder, gently raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

I think it would be better to explain your ability to Talented Han Yi-gyeol. I gave him a brief explanation before we came, but it would be easier to understand if the person in charge gave him a detailed explanation.

Ah, I see. Im sorry. I guess Im just too excited.

Kwon Jeong-han, who had a calm expression on his face as if he had regained his reason quickly, raised his glasses lightly and started explaining.

First of all, my ability is S-rank emotion control. As you may have noticed, I can control other peoples emotions. It can make you happy or it can make you sad.

I put on a strange expression at the words. I couldnt believe it was possible. Not only me but also Min Ah-rin and Kim Woo-jins faces became strange. Kwon Jeong-han, noticing our change, smiled like a picture.

Yes. Its a very dangerous ability. It cant directly attack opponents like in the physic world, but its possible to induce self-harm or suicide through emotion control.

Is there any restrictions on ability activation?

It cant be. Of course, there is.

Even though it was a sensitive question, Kwon Jeong-han answered it without any sign of displeasure.

As much as I touch other peoples emotions, my emotions change in the same way. In short, if you make the other person feel a strong sense of depression, it will make you depressed as well. If youre already in that depressed state, theres no other change You cant use it recklessly.

Oh, I see. I listened with interest and nodded. If so, it would be difficult to use indiscriminately.

Also, there are conditions for activation. You have to look directly at the person you want to use your ability on and say the right words.

The right words?

Um, for example.

Kwon Jeonghan, who rolled his eyes as if contemplating for a moment, looked at me and opened his mouth.

Talented Han Yi-gyeol. Look at me and say, Nice to meet you.

As soon as those words were finished, I suddenly felt quite welcoming to Kwon Jeong-han in front of me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise at the obvious emotional change.

Oh, it really works.

Right? Now, walking softly, the strange feeling will be greater than the pleasant feeling.

Can you make it stronger?

Yes. Shall we do it?

Im curious, but is it possible to unlock your ability?

It basically lasts five minutes. If you dont use any more energy, the effect will disappear immediately after 5 minutes.

Maybe five minutes would be okay. Anyway, it would be better to check his ability and move on. As I nodded, Kwon Jeong-han activated his ability once more with a bright voice.

Nice to meet you, Talented Han Yi-gyeol.


I blinked several times and looked at Kwon Jeong-han. My heart was beating fast and my body was shaking. At the end of the euphoria that was filled with emotion, I didnt hesitate to embrace him.

Oh my.

Ha, Han Yi-gyeol!


I couldnt stand this joy. I cried out as I felt the warm body temperature that came into my arms.

Its really nice to see you. Nice to meet you!

Haha, yes.

Lets be friends for a long time. Please take care of me as my bodyguard.

Wa, really? Thank you.

I guess I would have to ask Kwon Jeong-han for safety. Wasnt it too sad to see such a good person just for today? I was about to share this joy with Kwon Jeong-han, but a strong force grabbed me.

Han Yi-gyeol, wake up!

It was Kim Woo-jin who hugged me from behind. I struggled to get out of his arms. I wanted to express this joy somehow, but why were you blocking me? It wasnt like it was worn out just because you didnt wear it.

Im sane. Im just glad

Kim Woo-jin shouted sharply, blocking my body struggling to escape.

Unleash your ability now!

Uum, it automatically turns off after five minutes. Until then, Im still thinking about what to do.

Its definitely effective.

Talented Han Yi-gyeol is the type of person who hugs when hes happy. I got some good information.

Looking at Kwon Jeong-han, who smiled with a troubled face, and Kim Woo-jin, who became extremely sensitive, Min Ah-rin and Park Geon-ho had a lively conversation. I knew everything, but I wanted you to stop, just let me go now. It was so frustrating.

Fuck, so youre going to have to watch this for five minutes?


Even though Kim Woo-jin was staring at him with a terrifying force, Kwon Jeong-han didnt blink an eye and smiled softly. I was worried because he was 20 years old, but seeing him like that, I thought it was nothing to worry about.

We cant talk in the current state, so we have no choice but to wait.

May I bring you something to drink?

Min Ah-rin and Park Geon-ho were very excited about the current situation. If they could, they would even bring popcorn.

So, the joy I feel right now is fake.

From what I had experienced, it was a much more terrifying ability than I expected. As Min Ah-rin said, I would have to wait for 5 minutes to wear out.

* * *

As you have seen, my ability can be used in various ways. Of course, its good to protect Talented Han Yi-gyeol from the same mental ability talented person.

Five minutes later, when my emotions returned to normal, I drank the drink that Park Geon-ho brought and listened to Kwon Jeong-hans explanation of his ability.

Even if the culprit in the Gangnam case uses mental control against Talented Han Yi-gyeol, I can control his emotions so that Talented Han Yi-gyeol doesnt obey his orders.

Do you mean that emotions win over mental control?

Yes. There are many emotions that can make a person feel helpless. If you amplify the feeling of depression or boredom, even if you are in a state of mental control, you cant move your body easily. Not to mention emotion control.

Kwon Jeong-han clearly showed his confidence in his ability. I nodded and realized why Park Geon-ho recommended him.

Park Geon-ho, who was quietly listening next to Kwon Jeong-han, opened his mouth.

Unless we can figure out how to unlock the perpetrators ability, we need at least a countermeasure. Kwon Jeong-han is a perfect fit for that preparation.

Isnt that too good of a skill to just take on my bodyguard? You could have done a better job.

Most of the talented people with mental ability fall into the support department or strategy team, but Kwon Jeong-han hasnt decided where he will go yet. So, dont worry about anything else and accept it. He wants it so strongly.

if not, I have something to ask you about it.

I opened the drink bottle cap in front of me and pushed it to Kim Woo-jin, who was staring at Kwon Jeong-han as if he was going to kill him, bringing up the problem I had thought about before.

Even though its an order from Master Cheon Sa-yeon, Im not a member of Requiem. Isnt there any disadvantage in taking charge of my bodyguard?

In response to my question, Park Geon-ho lightly shrugged his shoulders with an expression of concern for everything.

Of course. Its like the guild is lending one bodyguard. In addition, its nothing else, Han Yi-gyeol, its your bodyguard, so Master will take good care of you.

At the last sentence, I couldnt help but laugh. I didnt know why everyone had such a misunderstanding.

Are you really okay with that too?

Im sure.

When I looked at Kwon Jeong-han and asked him one last time, Kwon Jeong-han smiled brightly and nodded his head. At that smile, Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting next to me, opened his axes eyes and gritted his teeth.

I understand. Um, I look forward to your kind cooperation.

I will do my best.

Kwon Jeong-hans eyes twinkled as he answered. I really wondered if I could do this, but I had no other reason to refuse here, so I just have to accept it.

Good. Although bodyguards with mental ability are rare, it shouldnt be a big problem. Kwon Jeong-han will send you the relevant documents, so fill them out. You can start guarding from tomorrow.

Park Geon-ho, who thought he had solved one case, ended the situation. I tapped Min Ah-rin and Kim Woo-jin next to each other with the meaning of lets go. Kim Woo-jin was still glaring at Kwon Jeong-han.

Kim Woo-jin.

When I called Kim Woo-jin to tell him to stop, he pouted his mouth in dissatisfaction. It was at that time that Kwon Jeong-han, who was sitting in front of him watching everything, smiled at Kim Woo-jin.

I dont think hes an easy person either

We hadnt done anything yet, so why were you already on a bad relationship? I only sighed.