I Beg You All, Please Shut Up - Chapter 264: Rental Housing Transfer

Chapter 264: Rental Housing Transfer

Seeing that Li Niannian and Bai Xiaochun had finished roasting the meat, Chu Tian, Li Sisi, and Xia Mo crawled out of the swimming pool.

Oh, Im exhausted.

Li Sisi, being the first one out, grabbed a large towel and handed it to Chu Tian. She and Xia Mo also picked up towels to dry their hair and bodies. Li Sisi expressed, I didnt expect swimming to tire me out so much.

Why are you so tired? Xia Mo smiled and wiped the water from her hair, then put a big towel on her body and said, Im not talking about you. You really should exercise.

Im in good health. Li Sisi put a towel on her body and said, Im not sick. Ive always been fine.

Lack of exercise. Li Niannian said with a smile, Sister, dont be stubborn. You are too leisurely all day long, anyway, you usually have a lot of time, and now there are a lot of places here. We have gyms and swimming pools here, dont waste it.

Okay, okay. Li Sisi smiled, I will exercise more in the future. Really, it makes me feel like I dont move every day.

However, Sister Sisi is really in good shape. Bai Xiaochun stuffed a piece of barbecue into her mouth and said, It is true that you dont exercise much every day, but you dont have any fat on your body, and you eat a lot. Why dont you gain weight?

Well, dont you think the same about yourself? Li Sisi smiled, Besides, when it comes to body, which can compare with our big baby? Look at your long legs. The only difference is that you have legs from the neck down.

Okay, you guys stop bragging about business. Xia Mo opened a bottle of red wine with a smile and said, Chu Tian, hurry up and eat.

Well. After Chu Tian wiped his body well, he threw the towel on the reclining chair beside him and sat around on the bed sheet with Bai Xiaochun and others.

Bai Xiaochun picked up a piece of roast mutton and stuffed it into Chu Tians mouth, and said with a smile, How is it?

Well, its delicious. Chu Tian said with a look of enjoyment, Its much more delicious than the barbecue stall outside.

I dont know if there are any delicious barbecues outside. Li Niannian smiled and said, However, our meat is definitely real beef and mutton, and they are all good meat. What is this mutton? It was brought back from the grassland. Mutton is purely natural and does not contain any hormones. This meat costs more than 400 dollars a catty, which is nearly 10 times more expensive than other mutton in the supermarket.

Yes. I said its so delicious. Chu Tian nodded and said, The quality of the meat is different. The taste is obviously different. You can tell when you taste it. Its really good meat.

Come on, dont just eat. Li Sisi said with a smile, Lets raise our glasses to celebrate our housewarming.

Seeing this, Chu Tian and the others raised their wine glasses with a smile and then touched each other.

Nine thirty in the evening!

When this outdoor barbecue was coming to an end, Bai Xiaochun couldnt help but look at Chu Tian and said, Husband, tell me, we will definitely live in the villa in the future, wont we go back to the rental house?

Arent you stupid? Chu Tian laughed, You cant live in such a big and comfortable villa, and you want to run back to live in a small rental house?

Thats right. Li Niannian said with a smile, Honey, isnt it nice to live in this big villa?

Fragrant, Bai Xiaochun smiled and suggested, I mean, if were not going back to the rental house, why dont we let Yang Rong live there? Its quite difficult to find a place near the school, and we just freed up a room, so it would be great for Yang Rong.

She wont go. Chu Tian shook his head and said, I talked to my classmate, and I said that we have changed place, and I will not live there in the future. I asked her if she wanted to live there, and she said no, but she still wanted to live in a dormitory. The main reason is that living in the dormitory is indeed convenient, and there are many people and it is lively. If Yang Rong lives alone, she might feel a bit scared.

Wont Yang Rong go? Bai Xiaochun thought for a while and said, Why dont you give it to Yang Hui and Sun Min in your class? Arent they two working in our bar all the time? Is it inconvenient?

Yang Hui, and Sun Min?

Chu Tian nodded and said, Thats fine. Ill ask them tomorrow. By the way, sister Sisi, I havent paid much attention to Yang Hui and Sun Min for a long time. How are they doing at work now?

Its pretty good. Li Si thought for a while and said, Both of them are considered to be beautiful women who want to have a good figure and good looks, and the tips from customers every week are almost thousands of dollars.

Then, if you can still go out every now and then, you have to make a lot of money. Anyway, the two of you can earn 10,000 to 20,000 dollars a week. Good background, young, beautiful, and college students, these are all bonus points.

Its okay to let the two of them live in the rental house. Anyway, they dont have guests to stay in the hotel all day long. Sometimes they have to go back to the dormitory after work, or they can find a hotel nearby. Thats okay. Give them the rental house so that they dont have to go back to school after getting off work at night.

Chu Tian nodded and said, Okay, then Ill ask the two of them tomorrow.