I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything - Chapter 272: Why are you this......

Chapter 272: Why are you this......

Chapter 272: Why are you this......

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Our next course of action has finally been decided.

With the meeting over, the group disbanded.

The Seven Warlights started leaving the room one after another.

At that moment though……

[Ummm, Belzegia———-, ……A moment?]

Calling out to me was Lieselotte Ornick.

Her body turned towards me, she had her arms loosely folded in front of her.

However, with her gaze turned away, she asked.

[Do you have something you need to do after this?]

Thinking about her question, Looked at my pocket watch once.

[I have some time before the evening appointment with the Mad Emperor. Yeah, I have time.]

[C- Can you…… come to my room?]

[Your room?]

[Ah, well…… I wouldn’t mind even if you refuse. It’s not that important anyway.]

It seems like she wanted to talk about something.

However, it probably isn’t about the direction of this country.

I guess it would be something personally about Liese huh.

[Alright——— Seras, you return to our room first.]

As if she understood what was going on, Seras bowed.

[Understood. I’ll go back first.]

And thus, I went straight to Liese’s room in the castle.

[For a private room, this place doesn’t have a lot of decorations, does it?]

With its appearance, it wouldn’t have been strange if she called this her office.

Though I say that, it’s probably wide enough for a private room.

Well, she’s the Prime Minister of the country after all.

Besides, even though it’s unadorned, it’s cleanly furnished.

Even though it looked plain, that doesn’t mean “it’s not gaudy”.

The room could be described as a uniform room with its calm color scheme.

At the back of the room, I could see a simple kitchen space.

I could also see what seemed like a restroom.

There’s also a room where you could have a light bath.

It seemed like this room could handle most of people’s daily needs.

Being the Prime Minister, she must be busy, so she probably needs a room like this.

As for the other rooms……

There seems to be another room behind the room we’re in———

[? Ahh, that’s my bedroom. It’s…… a bit messy at the moment, so I’d rather not invite you in.]

As Liese recommended that I sit on the couch, I sat down.

In front of the couch is a long table.

This table seemed like it had plenty of space for about eight people to eat on.

According to Liese, she sometimes held light meetings with the Ornicks in this room.

There were a few chairs for other species near the wall.

However, it seemed like a chair for a humanoid had been prepared in advance.

Pouring water from a jug into a silver cup, Liese places it in front of me.


[Here you go!]


As if to brush my words aside, Liese snorted.

I could clearly see the slight blush on her cheeks though.

It seemed that unlike Seras, this Arachne’s expression easily shows on her face.

[Listen here, okay!? Drink that and just wait right there! ……It would be just a moment, so quietly wait right there!]

Pointing at me while sternly saying this, she then turns towards the kitchen.

As she began moving about, I observed the back of Liese’s head.

It seems like she started a fire.

Eventually, a fragrant smell drifted into the air.

[Sorry, Belzegia…… Just wait a bit longer.]

[No, you don’t really need to hurry.]

She’s putting a lot of effort into this.

It doesn’t seem like she’s used to cooking.

Heck, she probably doesn’t usually stand in the kitchen that much.

Waiting leisurely on my seat, I took off my mask and sipped some water.

[Hmmm? Tonoa Water huh.]

Moreover, it tastes a little different from the normal one.

The one I’m drinking now tastes sweeter.

Hearing my words, with her back still turned towards me, Liese responded.

[That’s my homemade Tonoa Water…… Something I drink when I’m tir——– Ouch!]

[You alright there?]

[I- I’m alright! How rude!]

[Just in case what I thought happened, you need to cool the burnt area.]

[I——— I know…… Uuuu…… T- Thank you for the concern.]


I guess she invited me here to cook for me huh……?

Soon after, Liese brought a wooden tray with plates on it.


[Wait…… W- Why the heck are you unmasked!?]

[Well, I can’t drink with the mask on. I also can’t eat whatever you’re serving me.]

While cooking, Liese kept her back to me.

So, she hadn’t noticed that I had taken off my mask.

I thought she’d realize it when I sipped the Tonoa Water.

Still holding the tray, Liese stopped in place.

[————-I- Is that how you really look?]

[Does it look like I’m wearing any other mask? I mean, you already know that I’m human, right? I don’t think you should be surprised now.]

Then again……

I guess in her mind, someone who usually wore a full-face mask had taken off their mask.

With that in mind, I guess it’s not surprising that she was surprised.

[Well…… I was originally wearing it because I don’t really want to feel out of place in a country filled with Demi-Humans and Monsters.]

Of course, it meant that I had been hiding my true identity in the earlier fight outside the door.

It’s also to avoid having my facial features be circulated around Alion’s side.

But right now, it’s just Liese and I here in this room.

[Though I say that, I’d still like to keep my face hidden as much as possible. I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone about my facial features.]

[Yes, I understand. Everyone has their own different situations after all. I’m not going to pry!]



A little embarrassed, Liese observed me with her eyes half-opened.

[ ? ]

[Y- You…… look like that huh. You look different from what I expected.]


[———–, Is that something I have to answer!? Look, that aside, I’m done cooking!]

[You’re the one who brought it up though……]

[I’m sorry then! Like I said, look, I’m done cooking——-]

In contrast to the roughness of her voice, Liese gently placed the tray on the table.

Even so…… This Arachne really is that easy to understand.

For example, if I were to point out one easily recognizable feature……

When she was embarrassed, her two forelegs had the habit of fidgeting.

I wonder, do spider’s legs express their emotions more easily than a humanoid’s arms?

I guess it’s something like a cat’s tail.

That aside……

It smells good.

[This…… is my way of apologizing and thanking you. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do in a situation like this…… The only thing I could think of was to serve you food. See, you didn’t get a good meal while you were fighting, right!? Since you’re hungry, I thought I’d just fill your stomach!]

Guess that’s obvious.

[J- Just eat it before it gets cold! The heck is your problem now!?]

She’s feeling embarrassed.

Embarrassed and tired.

Perhaps, she may have been agitated.

You’re getting rather tense there, Lieselotte Ornick……

——–Fumu, even so……

[Putting aside the appearance, it smells good.]

Its aroma softly drifted in the air.

What an appetizing smell.

It kinda resembles German fries.

It looks…… in a bad way, soggy.

I heard that they were already boiled before they were fried them, but perhaps, were they overboiled?

There were even some that didn’t manage to keep their shape.

The size of the sliced vegetables were also oddly inconsistent.

The amount of greens seems to be just right but……

[E- Even if it looks like that, I already did the best of my limits……! Uuuu…… If you don’t want to, y- you don’t have to eat it……]

……If I were to point out what’s most distinctive about this dish……

It would that it’s covered with this deep red sauce.

Looking at it……

I have this feeling that it’s hot sauce.

Well, putting my misgivings aside——-


I decided