I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything - Chapter 287: Aiming for Mira's Imperial Capital

Chapter 287: Aiming for Mira's Imperial Capital

Leaving the Faraway Country, we headed west.

Our destination was Ruva, the Imperial Capital of the Mira Empire.

After departing from the Faraway Country, we moved westward through a hilly region.

After passing through that hilly area, we arrived at a forested area that wasnt too dense.

[According to the map, after passing through this forest, we would reach a road leading to the Imperial Capital.]

Riding on Slei in her second form, Seras said.

Munin was riding behind her, peering at the map.

Meanwhile, Im riding on a horse used by Alions cavalry.

Munin can transform in her raven form, but her transformation brings her not a small amount of burden on her body.

Incidentally, her wings had been brought out too.

She can conveniently put away her wings, but shed feel fatigued having them hidden all the time.

Munin gently patted Slei.

[Im sorry, Slei-san. It must be tiring to carry two people, right?]


She cheerfully replied.

Glancing at my horse, I compared it with Slei.

[Even with two people on board, you look better than this guy huh.]


[Fufu, how reliable. Thank you, Slei-san.]

The two horses we rode arent much different in size.

However, Slei is clearly more powerful than the horse I ride.

She was even carrying more burden than this one.

That said, the horse I was riding certainly is a great horse.

Its large and powerful.

This horse was selected by Seras from among the horses we had secured from the previous battle.

She had chosen the best horse, or so Seras said.

And it seems like Slei has power that far surpasses even such a horse.

I mean, in the first place, Slei may look like a horse, but she is no ordinary horse.

Incidentally, when Slei was praised-


For some reason, Pigimaru is also happy along with Slei.

They sure have become a really good combination.

With the dusk drawing near, I look up at the sky.

There, I could see the cirrocumulus clouds slowly drifting about.

[Lets take a break before we leave the forest.]

[Will we move on after dark?]

[Right. I dont want to draw too much public gaze.]

Come to think of it, it feels like its been a while since Ive been in a human village.

Before I entered the Demon Zone, I often acted inconspicuously.

Its been a while since Ive moved around while being conscious about the public gaze- but Ive gotten used to it.

We prepared for camp and had dinner.

After dinner

[Mogugu Gokyuuunn Touka-san!]

With a hand on her cheek, Munins eyes sparkled.

[What is this mont blanc!? What in the world is this!?]

[Even if you tell me that]

At the edge of the Chiefs mouth was purple cream.

The color of purple sweet potatoes.

In other words, what she was currently eating was a Purple Sweet Potato Mont Blanc.

It was something I got from my magical leather bag.

Incidentally, what I got yesterday was Tokuho tea and oyaki.

And today, the sweets that Seras had been waiting for finally appeared.

Munin seemed to like the mont blanc.

And along our travels, Munin had become an accomplice.

I told her my real name.

I also told her that I am a Hero from Another World.

I have judged that it would be alright to tell Munin about it.

Eating such a montblanc, Munin knelt down and quickly slinked towards me.

(T/N: The Tokuho are labels Japanese government made to identify the healthy food and drinks. In other words, Tokuho tea is healthy tea. Oyakis are stuffed dumplings made from a fermented buckwheat dough wrapped around a stuffing of Japanese vegetables, fruit or anko bean paste, which are then roasted on an iron pan.)

[Whats the meaning of this!?]

[No, its just food you eat.]

[Is the outside world brimming with these amazing sweet foods?]

[Ahh This one isnt circulated to the public. Its my specially-made sweets. How should I say this Its kind of like a treat for Seras and the others every once in a while as a reward for a job well done.]

Come to think of it, I havent talked about my magical leather bag yet.

Well, I could explain about that to her here


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[Y- Yeah]

With Munins face already brought right up to my nose

[Thats really great! You have a very wonderful talent! Please make one for Fugi too nexxt time!]

[As much as Id like to Actually, its almost impossible to recreate.]

[Ara? I- Is that so?]

I explained that the ingredients are special.

Guess Ill just talk about the magical leather bag some other time.

I mean

Its because of this that I always ended up being reminded of using my magical leather bag.

The talented one is whoever made that cake.

Not me.

Its whoever that is that should be praised.

[Pimu, pumu Pimuuu~~]

[Omunomu Pakyuuu~~]

Pigimaru and Slei also like it.

I then turned towards Seras.

Her eyes were squinted and seemingly feeling warm inside.

[Mogu mogu Mugu mugu Hofuu This is happiness]

It kinda feels like it was subtly influencing Seras character.


Munin is sucking on her fingers, covetously staring at Seras

I dont think she has to make that face for a sweetness of that level though.

[? Munin-dono? Is something the matter?]

[I was just, uh, wondering if that tastes different?]

Seras is eating a common chestnut mont blanc cake.

It seems like Munin was interested in how it had different colors and flavors.

Seras, seemingly having thought of something, picks up her fork.

Theres still half of her cake left.

Seras then carefully slices at the edge of her cake, and then, with her hand under the cake she scooped, she held out the fork to Munin.

[Do you want to try some?]

[Is it alright? No, I- Im still expecting to try it out even though I asked this -but is it really alright?]

Upon her words, Seras chuckled.

[Go ahead.]

[Then, if youll excuse me]


Munin chomped on the cake offered to her.

Mogu mogu.

[Hnnn, how tastyyyyyy! Ahh, even if the journey ends here, I have no regrets anymore.]

No, that happening would be troubling.

[Thank you, Seras-san. Well then, you too Alright Here you go?]

There are still half of Munins purple sweet potato mont blanc left.

Just like Seras did earlier, she offered a slice to Seras.

[Here, ahhn.]

[Ah Errr]

Seras was glancing at me.

It seems like shes feeling embarrassed.

However, unable to escape from the unknown sweetness in front of her

[Excuse me then- Ahhm.]

Seras reservedly took a bite, making sure to be as elegant as possible.

Hamu hamu hamu, the Princess Knight savored the taste within her mouth.


Seras had her hands on both of her cheeks.

She looked incredibly moved.

Too moved that it could be clearly seen from the expression on her face.

At times like this, I could really feel Seras cuteness appropriate for her age.

No, I mean.. Shes usually too mature.

[Right? Its delicious, isnt it? Well then, ermHere, Touka-san.]

Repeating her previous actions, Munin held out the purple sweet potato montblanc to me this time.

[Im used to eating them, so you can have the rest.]

I dont recall eating them so often, but when compared to Seras and the others, I can say that I am used to eating them.

What I said isnt a lie.

[-That wont do. Come on, Touka-san Here, ahhhn.]

Giggling, Munin brought the cake to my face with a smile.

Seems like rejecting her would be troublesome with the atmosphere around us.

[Alright Hamu.]

Mogu mogu.

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[Well, this sure is good, And, you plan to do this too huh.]


Seras movement stopped, in a rather interesting position.

She had stabbed the rest of her cake on her fork, and was preparing to offer it to me.

[Ah Since were at it]

[Ahh Sorry, Seras-san I got ahead of you. Fufufu Touka-san, wont you please indulge Seras-san here?]

In the end, I just went along and ate the cake Seras held out to me.


The not-too-sweet chestnut cream and the crispy sweet crust at the base really go well together

[So, our trump card, the Nullification Curse]

With our bellies full, we were sitting around the campfire.

Just in case, we had a black curtain around the fire to make it difficult for onlookers to see the fire.

If there was any sign of anyone approaching, me, Pigimaru, or Seras would be the first to notice.

[The range is about the same as Touka-sans paralyzing skill, right?]

One of the reasons why I didnt accompany the Mad Emperor at that time was for us to try out the Forbidden Curse once while I was around the Faraway Country.

Weve managed to successfully activate the curse.

At that moment, nine black chains were released from Munins arm and flew towards her target.

Binding Curse, Unleash

The user must utter these words when invoking the curse.

Incidentally, a slight pause is necessary between Binding Curse and Release.

She did try otherwise, but it didnt work when the user chanted too fast or without any pause.

Also, the user must have the target in view.

This is the same as my Abnormal State Skill.

The chains released by the curse dont bind the target like a normal chain.

They would instead be imbibed into the target and disappear.

A chain of light would then appear once around the targets entire body before disappearing again.

That seems to be the signal to indicate that the curse was a success.

Since this was the first time we tried casting it, an inorganic object was used as the target.

However, we were able to estimate the approximate process and effects from this.

It didnt turn out that the curse cant be used on targets other than Gods.

Thereupon, when she activated it, she had an Azure Dragon Stone clutched in her hand.

When she invoked the curse, I could see a bluish-white light in her hand permeate in her arm.

The Azure Dragon Stone disappeared after the activation.

With this, she had consumed one Azure Dragon Stone.

However, we still have plenty enough for a few more.

Using up one of them for trial shots in advance wouldnt be a waste.

[Cant say that it had a very long range I think Id need to close the distance between me and Vysis to some extent. Moreover-]

As if to confirm, Munin looked at me.

[Just getting within range wouldnt be enough, right?]

[Yeah. Even though the chant is rather short, its necessary to speak out the activation chant to the end. Its the same case for my skill. And during this time, we would have to keep Vysis in range while protecting you as you invoke your curse, Munin.]

While Seras gently brushed Sleis body as she laid down on the ground

[So, we need someone to keep the Goddess in range and someone to act as her shield.]


No matter how many people do it.

What we need is a surprise attack That is, for Munin to invoke her spell outside of her awareness.

We need someone to act as a distraction.

In other words- What we need is an opening.

It will be necessary for such an opening to be created in order for the curse to be successful huh.

[It would also depend on how smart Vysis is. Munin probably isnt acquainted with her, but what about you, Seras?]

[My apologies. I too have never exchanged words with her in person]

[I suppose so.]

However, Seras continued.

[Shes cautious when needs be, and sharp-sighted when it matters That is what the Princess, who had met her, said. She apparently had the brain to think over a ploy.]

[If that Princess says so, I guess those words were something we can trust huh.]

Its consistent with the image of the person Erika described or rather, the image of a God in this case.

Erika has lived near Vysis vicinity for some time.

She had told me quite a bit about Vysis character before.

Including how she speaks insults quite a lot.

However, Seras added.

[She has an extreme tendency to regard those who arent Gods especially Humans as creatures beneath her, and perhaps, due to her extraordinary fighting ability her conceit is apparent.]

[Thats also the same as Erikas impression of her.]

Lowering my gaze as I thought

[If we want to trip her up, we could make use of that]

God cant be beaten by mere humans.

Inferior beings arent a threat to their betters.

The latest_epi_sodes are on_the . website.

Thats most probably how shes been living all her life.

Even at the time she disposed of me.

She had been that way up until now, so she must be that way this time too.



This is something that isnt so different from humans.

Its worked up to now, so it must work in the future.

Hence Her conceit would be brought about, and an opening would be created.

And she would only notice it when her foothold had already collapsed.


If we want to break through her guard That would be our path.

However, the only natural enemy for Vysis is the Root of All Evil

The Great Demon Emperor.

Perhaps, that things presence at the moment makes it that Vysis isnt completely arrogant.

With a being out there that could be a threat for her

She couldnt be completely arrogant.

Looking at it in another way

The Root of All Evil is also the one who straightens Vysis up.

[Erika also said that Vysis usually hides her true self from everyone around her.]

Hearing what I said, it seemed like Seras was reminded of something.

[Yes. The Princess also said that there are many aspects of her that she doesnt show to others.]

[Shes a surprisingly good actor huh]

I suppose so.

Shes keeping up appearances- but that sh*tty smile she had

Just thinking about it makes my blood run cold.

If only I could distort that irritating face of hers with pain and frustration.

Seeing that would certainly make the journey in search of the Forbidden Curses worth it.

[Speaking of which, from what Ive read in the chant used to affix a Curse It seems like the Forbidden Curses were originally called Primordial Spells.]

Well, that ones rather obvious.

She deemed it prohibited so that sh*tty Goddess named it Forbidden Curses.

That being the case, it must have had a proper name originally.

Hearing what Munin said, Seras pondered, looking very picturesque.

[Primordial Spells. I suppose that means its probably the origin of the chanting spells and techniques that exist in this world.]


Raising up one of my knees as I sat, I looked at Munin.

[Whether or not I can smash my Abnormal State Skill on that sh*tty Goddess completely depends on your Primordial Spell on that Forbidden Curse. Of course, Ill do my best to assist you in casting the Forbidden Spell but Ill be counting on you, Munin.]

[Yes, you can count on me.]

Closing her eyes with a serene smile on her lips, Munin put her hand on her heart.

[Even if it costs me my life, I will definitely make the path for you The path where you could endow upon her your Abnormal State Skill. For our no, for everyones future.]

That is Rather than determined

It looked like she was prepared.


Normally, or rather, the correct response here would have been

Dont say that!

Dont handle your life so roughly!

Think about the people waiting for you!

That wont do! Everyone must make it back alive and in one piece!

or stuff like that.

Making them think about life afterwards.

That is the correct response.

Thats unmistakably the correct response.

However, thinking about the Kurosagas

The months and years that led up to her becoming that prepared

I cant half-heartedly tell her the correct response.

From what I see, saying the correct answer here would be a denial of her will.

The denial of Munins will.

And the denial of the will of the many other members of the Kurosaga who have continued to hold on to their vengeance to this day.

I cant deny the thoughts they have accumulated.

Those thoughts werent something light.

Its exactly because its unimaginably heavy that they dont even consider their lives as their top priority.

Thats why, Ill say this to her

[I will also risk my everything.]

Yes Even my own life.

A few days later, we finally entered Miras Imperial Capital, Ruva.

<Authors Notes>

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