I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything - Chapter 164: The Most Troublesome One

Chapter 164: The Most Troublesome One

[Well, yeah.]

[Well, yeah, you say]

[The reason why I could win against it is because I have something I could defeat it with.]

The sloppy attitude of the monsters in the Disposal Ruins.

The monsters over there had complete disdain towards the disposed people.

They even see the people sent there as nothing but toys.

And in fact, the monsters there had the power that far surpasses the disposed people.

[The Soul Eater was probably the best example of this. The reason why the Disposal Ruins had zero percent survival rate means that it has never been defeated before.]

[Are you trying to tell me that it held strong pride ever since it was born?]

[I think thats quite an adequate thought about that. In that sense, you could say that Im saved by the defeats from the previously disposed people that have piled up in that place and continuously fed its arrogance.]

Thats why I was able to find an opening to take advantage of.

Erika gently brushed her glossy lips with her fingertip.

[That could theoretically work but]

It seems that she still cant believe that Ive killed the Soul Eater.

Erika walked up towards me and brought her face close to mine.

Shes shorter than me.

Her height is so short that she needs to look up just to look at my face.

[That Soul Eater, you had defeated it huh]

I could see my face reflected on her bluish purple eyes.

I dont look so evil in her eyes right now.

In other words, shes probably thinking that I dont look strong enough to kill that Soul Eater.

I could only applaud my ability to camouflage my expression.

Erikas doubt proves this.

[By the way, I see that you know the existence of the Soul Eater.]

[Hmm? Well, yeah.]

Pulling away her face, Erika placed her hands on her hips.

[Ive been around Vysis for some time before.]

I see.

So, she found out about the Soul Eater at that time huh.

[Were you at Alion at that time?]

[Yes, there was a period of time when I stayed in that place for a while. Well, I ran away before I sunk too deep.]

[Seeing as youre a capable Dark Elf, wouldnt that goddess try to bring you over to her side?]

[Yeah, she did invite me just like how you expected though? However, I refused. And then I wandered around for a while But then, I got tired of throwing off my pursuers, so I secluded myself in this place.]

The pursuers sent by that goddess.

Theyre not opponents that you could just easily get away with.

Moreover, she had reached the inner depths of the Demon Zone

I think its fair to say that Erika herself has a certain amount of fighting ability.

[Well, its just that I was originally planning on settling down here, so the day I moved in had just become a bit earlier.]

Erika turned her chest away.


She stretched her body.

[Anyway, I digressed Then, what happened after you left the Disposal Ruins?]

I then told her about my encounter with the Black Dragon Knights.

[Huh? Then, youre the one who killed the Humanitys Strongest? Not that group of sorcerers in the rumors?]

[Ill be talking about that group of sorcerers next then.]

I then told her about the aforementioned Ashinto next.

Fuufun, Erika chuckled.

[I see, so thats why Ashinto suddenly disappeared]

Erika then slouched forward.

And with her gaze upturned towards me, she pointed at my face from below.

[Your story of freezing their corpses, thats quite an interesting thing youve thought upon. Erika likes that idea.]

Erikas eyes were filled with admiration.

However, I was also impressed with her too.

Her ability to collect information from her familiar is higher than I expected.

Its like shes just acquiring the information from news sites or newspapers.

It feels like the topics from around the world were regularly coming towards her ears.

[Then, well, thats when we ended up here in the Demon Zone.]

After I finished talking for a while, I took a sip of my herb water.

This is carried in by a golem while Im in the middle of my story.

I feel like Im a really skeptical person when I tried to test the drink out for poison even now.

[Then, after you bunch repelled the monsters in the Demon Zone, all of you finally arrived here in Erikas abode]


Erika licked away the water droplets that had splashed on her index finger.

[To be honest, thats quite disgusting That Abnormal State Skill alone had managed to make you survive until now.]

[Apparently, compared to the existing Abnormal State Skill of this world, the performance of my skill could be said to be beyond the limits.]

[Magic Formulas, Spell Incantations and theres also the Skill abilities of the Heroes can be roughly categorized in five systems]


Erika sits down on the bed.

She then raised her legs and sat cross-legged.

[The power of the Abnormal State Skill system is definitely at the bottom of the list.]

Erika raises her finger as if shes reviewing it.

[There was also one time when Erika had tried exploring the potential of that system. Whether its increasing the success rate, duration and potency of the skills, all of them ended up being useless- That is to say, it all turned into the prime example of failure.]

Thats the common understanding in this world., she added.

[Therefore, its not unreasonable that Vysis would recognize you as someone useless. Not to mention that your rank was at the lowest of the lowest and the numbers you received from the Goddess Divine Protection were really awful, right? Then, its no wonder that you turned into a sacrifice.]

The Witch bluntly said.

It doesnt feel that bad though.

[For now though, Im just glad that I didnt end up being used by that f*cking Goddess]

[Then You just want to take revenge to Vysis for dropping you into that Disposal Ruins after she recognized you as someone useless?]

[Youre right.]

Theres also a reason why the disposed people were thrown towards that place.

However, if you were to trace the roots of these wicked emotions

[Its entirely just my personal grudge towards her.]

Thats right.

Theres no just cause or anything like that.

I just dont like that f*cking goddess.

Therefore, Im going to return back this wrongdoing she did to me, many times more than that.

I will crush her.

Thats all there is to it.

[Fuuunnn, interesting. In the past, there were all those people who have spoken about defeating the goddess, but all of them have been either hanging out their flags in the name of the great cause or theyre just trying to act a brave front I can see that you have the will to make that revenge into reality. And, you have a high level of physical ability, enough quick-wittedness and mental strength to fill in for your lack of combat experience, and you also have your powerful Abnormal State Skill]

Erikas gaze changed.

The color in her eyes looks like its shrouded in dark clouds.

[However, Vysis has]

[her <Dispel Bubble>] (T/N: Goddess Spell Breaker / Dispel Bubble)

Before Erika could say it, I uttered out that annoying skills name.

The goddess ability that completely dispelled my Abnormal State Skill.

It was that time when I first used my <Paralyze> skill.

I cant forget that moment.

[Yeah, it seems that you already know that. Yes, your Abnormal State Skill wont work against that.]

Its difficult to defeat the goddess as long as its there.

However, there should be other ways for me to kill that goddess.

For instance

[Thats why I-]

[went to this mistress to learn those Forbidden Curses huh.]

[Yeah, thats what I want to say.]

[However, Im surprised that there are still some spellbooks that exist even now. I thought that Vysis had already burned all the Spellbooks of Incantations. Moreover, I cant believe that all three of the set still remain]

The Spellbook of Incantations that the Great Sage brought in the Disposal Ruins.

It may possibly be the last surviving copy of the spellbook.

Even so, if that f*cking goddess was tenaciously disposing of them

As I thought, its really likely that the Forbidden Curses were the Goddess natural enemy.

In other words, its an ability that couldnt be blocked even with that <Dispel Bubble> of hers.


This situation isnt that bad.

The goddess thinks that the spellbooks no longer exist in this world.

In that case- Itll be easier for me to move from hereafter.

Raising one of her knees, Erika placed her elbow on that knee.

[I dont know if all the Godkins were like that, but Vysis is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to her individual combat ability. They said that its not every day that a Human-Faced comes towards places where humans live, however that woman managed to repel all of them without bearing a single scratch.]

Back when I was just summoned

That fireball that burned that Golden-eyed wolf.

That movement when she knocked Sogou unconscious

Ive already predicted that the Goddess herself would also have high combat skills.

However, its to that degree huh.

In that case

I guess it would be tough even if it was Seras or Eve facing against the Goddess huh.

Erika clicked her tongue.

[Theres also that story about her brainwashing the Soul Eater That Goddess is a little strange.]

[Those Human-Faced She brainwashed them?]

Stretching out her upper body, Erika lays her back on the bed.

She looks really defenseless.

From where I stand, I can barely make out her expression.

Using her arms as her pillow, Erika began muttering to herself.

[If the reason for the birth of the Human-Faced was just as stated in this mistresss theory, then its not completely impossible.]

The birth of the Human-Faced that was shrouded in mystery.


As a matter of fact, I had an idea in the back of my mind even before I entered the Demon Zone.

[Erika predicts that the true identity of these Human-Faced were]

For instance

[Golden-eyed monsters that had unexpectedly mutated, right?]

As if Im finishing Erikas statement, I said that


Erika quickly bounced up.

[Im quite surprised. Youve only been summoned for a few days and youve already thought upon that idea?]

[Its just that Ive never encountered a single Human-Faced that looks like another Human-Faced.]

I was able to identify several of them that looked about the same as Golden-Eyed monsters.

However, none of the Human-Faced looks the same with each other.

There doesnt seem to be any of them that looks like theyre the same race.

When it comes down to it, theres also a good chance that they werent able to reproduce in the first place.

Then, that means that the Human-Faced were born from another way

I then asked.

[If you know about it, do you mind telling me How many Human-Faced there were in the previous Root of All Evils army? And if you do know Is it that theyre considerably fewer than their numbers now?]

Erika pointed towards me.

[Yes, youre right! Rather than that, among all the monsters that has spawned in the northernmost regions, Erika thinks that there isnt a single Human-Faced born among them.]

In short, what Erikas saying is that

The Root of All Evil isnt the one spawning the Human-Faced.

If that were the case

[The requirements for a monster to mutate into a Human-Faced are-]

Erikas bluish purple eyes completely met with my own.

[A Golden-eyed monster that had eaten a person.]

Our voices completely overlapped with each other.

Erika lies down on the bed again.

This time though, she fell down with a considerable momentum on her body.


Erika had one of her knees propped up on the bed as she sprawled down.

[Theres no evidence Theres no evidence but Thats the theory that makes the most sense to me. Also, the possibility of monsters becoming a Human-Faced are likely]

[The more people they eat, the more likely they are to become one, right?]

[Erika also thinks so.]

[However, I have the impression that the Human-Faced were quite lower than the other Golden-Eyed monsters. If thats the case, the probability of a monsters mutation seems to be pretty low]

Erika raised her head while still sprawled down on the bed.

Looking towards me, she crosses her long, slender legs.

[You Did you read that from somewhere?]

[Its just a hypothesis. It was based on the information Ive obtained from the multiple Human-Faced that Ive encountered.]


Sitting up from the bed, Erika crosses her legs again.

[This mistress likes you very much.]

[Im flattered but I still have some questions I want to ask. When you said earlier that brainwashing these Human-Faced werent completely impossible, what do you-]

I suddenly realized.

No way

Dont tell me


With one of her eyes closed, Erika snaps her finger and points towards me.

[Im really amazed at your insight. Yes, its just as you thought.]

[That f*cking goddess]

In other words

[brainwashed people and fed them to the Golden-Eyed monsters who turned into Soul Eaters?]

People who have been brainwashed into pledging allegiance towards her.

She kept feeding them to a monster until a mutation occurred.


Seras curbs down something in her mouth.

She must have been horrified from the Goddess methods.

That she feels nausea just from imagining it.

[Thats also why I think that the Soul Eater only listens to what Vysis said.]

Thats the reason why its the best place to dispose off people

Thats the reason why that thing was placed at the exit of the Disposal Ruins.

[How many are they?]


[Her hidden cards that were as strong as that Soul Eater. Since that f*cking goddess could create monsters like that using the same method, how many do you think she have left?]

[I dont know I think they could also possibly be her countless failures that she made until that Soul Eater was born. Perhaps, that Soul Eater you killed was the only one she had successfully made? If she could have made some more of those, she would have brought them in the fight against the previous Root of All Evil.]

She does have a point.

That means

[The probability of mutation is so low that its to that extent huh.]

And its more likely that theyll just turn into Human-Faced that were following her orders.

[Probably. I think that the Soul Eater was just accidentally made, something that would need a miracle to be made. Thats what Erika reads though.]

I snorted.

[Even though shes a supposed God, she relies on something like a miracle Shes not looking that godly now.]

[Theres a lot of things we dont know about the Godkin. It seems that Vysis has a policy of suppressing information about herself as much as possible Well, its a relief that shes not as omniscient and omnipotent as those Gods in the ancient texts. Now then-]

Erika had an air that looks like its the end of our conversation.

[This mistress will now prepare our meals. You guys can clean up, get some rest, do whatever you want for a while.]

Seras reacted to her words.

[Ah, can I help with anything?]

[Its fine. I have the golems assisting me after all.]

Some parts of Erikas background.

The identity of the Human-Faced (although this is still in a hypothetical stage).

Information about that f*cking goddess.

We have quite the harvest.

I also think I havent uttered any offensive remarks towards Erika

Lifting her waist off the bed, Erika stepped up towards me.

[Even so Youre quite skillful in extracting information from people, arent you Touka? I thought of lightly squeezing you out for the information, but it feels like youre going to wring me dry if you got hold over the pace. And also I made various risque gestures as we talked, but I cant see any shyness, unrest or any wicked thoughts of pushing me down on this bed. Youve got quite a lot of self-control for a boy your age but you could have reacted even just a little bit.]

[Its because I knew your behaviour earlier was intentional.]

Having conversation with me face-to-face, it seems that she was testing me out while were talking.

Well, I immediately knew what shes aiming for based on the movements of her eyes.

Erika traced through the fabric on my left shoulder with her fingertip.

[It seems that it will be up to you whether you lot could earn this mistresss deep trust during your stay. Ill at least give you some time to heal that injury in your left shoulder.]

It wasnt just our fatigue.

It seems that she also figured exactly what happened to my left shoulder.

[However, you know Theres a chance that Vysis-]

Passing by, Erika spoke.

[has disposed of the most troublesome opponent she could have, and inadvertently turned that person against her.]