I Became An Immortal On Mortal Realm - Chapter 67: Listing Remarks_l

Chapter 67: Listing Remarks_l

The novel will be precisely updated at noon tomorrow!

Thanks to the chief editor Northern River and the responsible editor Jia Nan; thanks to my loyal readers who have accompanied me from my previous book, and also to the new readers who started following my work with this book myriad words converge into a surge of updates tomorrow

Since the book was released on October 10th, and it will go live tomorrow, November 10th, it has been exactly one month. I have seen all your criticisms and support. Without deviating from the main storyline I envision, I will correct what I can to try to satisfy everyone. However, its hard to please everyone, and there will always be some who dislike it; I hope you all understand.

I saw a comment before saying why do I always write these cliche plots filled with fighting and killing, and why cant I write about low-key cultivation and the years spent in cultivation. I almost couldnt hold it together.

The person probably doesnt know that Ive already written two books like that. When I was writing them, everyone felt it was too monotonous and hoped I could try a different approach. After changing my style, some asked why I didnt stick to my previous approach, which left me both amused and frustrated.

This book will still maintain my original core, meaning the protagonist will not act rashly without absolute certainty, nor will they actively provoke unrelated enemies or force open subplots. However, compared to my previous books, I want to write with more human touch, and the necessary boldness will also be present.

Beyond the protagonists growth, this book will also focus on the growth of the family. Fang Family Disciples will have different development arcs. Right now, its still too early for much description because I feel that ten years isnt significant enough to drive the ambition of a family seeking cultivation. The family cant have the same growth rate as the protagonist; even if the supporting characters get their chapters, they cant artificially keep up with the protagonists pace. That would be unreasonable.

Furthermore, as the title indicates, becoming immortal is something achieved after ascending, but the protagonist will become immortal in the mortal world. The mortal realm will be significant and wont involve rapidly changing realms. Consider this a reassurance pill for everyone!

Lets talk about the additional update rules for after the novel goes live.

For every 500 additional monthly tickets, I will release an extra chapter. Theres no cap

For each appearance of a leader among supporters, I will add an extra chapter

Lets play a game for fun!

Choose one of the numbers below and guess how many extra chapters I will release tomorrow.

1, If there are 3 or fewer chapters, it would be feeble and unsatisfyingjust like you.

2, If there are 3 to 5 chapters, its a modest effort thatll raise some eyebrows among my brothers and sisters.

3, If there are 5 to 7 chapters, its enough to draw attention, showing that theres something different about this guy.

4, If there are 7 to 10 chapters, its incredibly impressivehes awakened.

5, Everyone, feel free to imagine..