I Am the Fated Villain - Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285: I want to follow you for a while with the same purpose

Gu Changge considered the possibilities, contemplating the idea that hidden forces might be at play in the awakening of these once-fallen powerhouses. It was a sign that specific elusive figures might soon reveal themselves.

Luo Yanxi, unaware of Gu Changges musings, perceived his interest in her origin and interpreted it as a shared nostalgia for a bygone era.

What era am I in?

She expressed her sentiments about the past.

In her view, the era she hailed from was a time of great glory, with myriad dharmas and countless figures vying for supremacy. She and others like her were pioneers, paving the way for future generations and leaving behind the inheritance of Dao-building experts. Despite the grandeur, she likened them more to adventurers exploring the Dao-building expert, providing guidance and experience for those who would follow.

Luo Yanxi continued to reminisce about her past, sharing that she woke up in the immortal domain in her current life due to reincarnation. She acknowledged the vast battlefield as a collection of ancient battlefields, each containing the remains of numerous peerless figures.

She considered herself one among them, originating from an old world distinct from the current real world of mountains and seas.

It was a vast ancient world, nurtured in the boundless expanse, though it had endured for an extended period without advancing to the level of the real world.

Daoism flourished and contended worldwide, giving rise to many influential figures. However, such beings were scarce. In the earliest days, some individuals pa.s.sed down methods of practice, established the Dao system, and bequeathed their wisdom to future generations. Simultaneously, others broke through the worlds confines, taking a crucial step toward seeking Dao-building expertise.

Yet, like many ancient worlds, their realm faced numerous dark attacks. A succession of crises left the world riddled with holes resembling crumpled waste paper marred by scars.

The boundless lands dark tide swept the globe, destroying countless creatures and influential individuals. Additionally, turmoil from unknown sources affected the whole universe, turning countless beings and cultivators into sacrifices buried within.

As a forerunner, Luo Yanxi repeatedly confronted the dark tide. He constructed a bank of flesh and blood on the borderlands to impede the encroaching darkness and chaos, thereby preserving peace for the world on the other side.

Sages followed suit, leaving b.l.o.o.d.y footprints on the dam, forming mountains and rivers with their bodies, gradually advancing toward the truth.

However, what lay ahead remained daunting even with proximity to the truth and understanding its essence. A majestic and terrifying figure stood at the end of the road, indifferently observing as countless sentient beings scrambled beneath their feet. Even in a battle against the heavens, no harm could be inflicted upon this figure.

Luo Yanxi recalled this desperate battle for all living beings, where former sages met their demise, and none could survive. The figure at the end of the darkness wielded one palm, causing the world to crumble and the universe to decay, with no ent.i.ty capable of halting the impending cataclysm.

A trace of bitterness crossed Luo Yanxis face as she reminisced. While her memories werent complete, scenes of such magnitude remained exceptionally vivid. As a quasi-immortal emperor, she was on the verge of genuinely igniting the immortal emperors light and solidifying the immortal emperors body.

However, in the face of those terrible beings, she met her demise with a single slap, and there was no chance of survival. This demonstrated the true equality of all beings, unaffected by differences in cultivation bases.

Countless creatures and cultivators fell like rain from the worlds end, densely packed and innumerable. The blood rain surged, flooding the vast universe and destroying and ceasing all ancient worlds and universes.

While many memories were blurred, the tragedy of that battle remained vivid in Luo Yanxis mind like a memorable brand. Despite being honored as Ancestor Luo and Luo Empress by the creatures and cultivators in that world, she couldnt protect those who believed in her and the ancient world she called home.

Its truly powerless. In such a battle, nothing can be changed. Even former sages like us become mere cannon fodder, Luo Yanxi remarked with bitterness, shaking her head slightly to snap herself back to the present.

She only realized she had spoken at length, seemingly trapped in memories. Gu Changge, standing beside her, had been quietly listening.

Since awakening her previous lifes memory, these haunting images often resurfaced, yet she couldnt confide in anyone. Discovering that Gu Changge might share a similar fate prompted her to open up.

After reaching the level she had, Luo Yanxi was qualified to glimpse the truth about certain things. She understood that many ancient worlds, including her original homeland, had succ.u.mbed to invasion by darkness, being liquidated and erased in the river of time.

In her eyes, Gu Changge had suffered a parallel fate. After countless years, she awakened in a foreign world, unsure of her location and where her original home lay buried.

Only the broken weapon conveyed a faint connection in the darkness, a.s.suring her that it wasnt a dream but an actual event. Finding someone akin to her in her solitude prompted Luo Yanxi to share her experiences with Gu Changge.

The Battle of Heaven is indeed desperate, but it is through this despair that the eloquence of the ancestors of the myriad races is revealed, Gu Changge remarked after observing Luo Yanxis narrative. He sighed as if he, too, had undergone a similar ordeal.

Although Luo Yanxi didnt need to vocalize her story, Gu Changge had already comprehended her life experiences. It was a genuine reflection of countless ancient worlds in the vastness, with many sharing a.n.a.logous fates.

Upon hearing Gu Changges response, Luo Yanxi glimpsed a flicker of light in her eyes, which quickly dimmed. Though lamentable, the past was unalterable, and their actions might have been an instance of ants shaking a tree, overestimating their capabilities.

However, Gu Changges reaction hinted that he, too, had encountered such cataclysms. The world he inhabited shattered and was obliterated during a calamity and purging.

To Luo Yanxi, no beings or cultivators could withstand such a catastrophe. No matter their efforts, they would ultimately be reduced to nothing.

Having finished her narration, Luo Yanxi turned her gaze to Gu Changge, curious about his experiences. Gu Changge, in turn, shared that he, like her, was a pioneer seeking the Dao. While expressing a desire to protect certain things, he acknowledged his limitations and vowed to do whatever it took.

Luo Yanxi sensed an unwavering determination in Gu Changges calm demeanor, prompting her to wonder about his past experiences. She pondered what he aimed to protect a world, former acquaintances, lovers, or friends?

Gu Changges mention of finis.h.i.+ng his business left Luo Yanxi intrigued. She wondered whether he wished to continue their journey together.

From Gu Changges perspective, this encounter with Luo Yanxi was a minor episode, expecting to encounter more individuals with similar experiences in the future. He speculated about power in the dark, preserving the achievements of those who benefited all living beings.

As Luo Yanxi contemplated the possibility of a providence linking them in the afterlife, she softly asked if she could stay with Gu Changge for a while, finding a common purpose in their shared objectives.