I Am the Fated Villain - Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237: Misfortunes never come alone; there is not much time left for me

w.a.n.g Ziji held her perspective as an opinion, well aware that not many would believe it even if she vocalized it. In a world where people staunchly adhered to ancient historical records, discussing taboo characters could provoke severe consequences, leading to a reluctance to speak freely.

What puzzled w.a.n.g Ziji the most was the seemingly erratic behavior of the taboo existence.

If it intended to destroy the Immortal Realm, why not act immediately instead of allowing preparations? Was it a whimsical game of cat-and-mouse, a complete indifference, or perhaps it harbored no thoughts? These questions lingered, demanding answers that only firsthand experience could provide.

As time pa.s.sed, scenarios akin to the plight of the w.a.n.g family unfolded across the Central Immortal Realm. Various ethnic groups sought ways to migrate, preserving their legacies and fearing extinction. Panic ensued, and a pervasive sense of terror and unease gripped everyone, apprehensive of the impending day.

Immortal kings orchestrated exit strategies for their clans, prepared to sacrifice themselves to sustain their lineage. Fluctuations signaled the reawakening of old immortal kings who had slumbered for countless epochs deep within ancient forbidden areas. Their emergence, however, exacerbated the turmoil rather than alleviating it.

Having been dormant for so long, many were unaware of their existence until the decree stirred them from their deep slumber. United, they resolved to confront the challenges alongside all beings in the world.

Simultaneously, cultivators scoured ancient texts, seeking the relic caves left by the vanished powerhouses of the bygone era, eager to discover the current whereabouts of those long-lost beings.

In a distant realm, far removed from the Immortal Realm, lay a mysterious place known as Nine Heavens.

In the past, certain ethnic groups migrated into Nine Heavens, but the lack of a discernible exit thwarted future generations from locating the precise entrance. Given the current predicament, many immortal kings endeavored to establish contact with Nine Heavens to secure a.s.sistance.

A conclave of immortal kings convened in the Central Immortal Realm to deliberate on the situation. Representatives from the Eastern and Northern Immortal Realms joined forces, eager to devise a solution.

There is no movement in the foreign land. Presumably, the ancestor of the imperial clan in the foreign land has no intention of intervening and prefers to witness the Immortal Realm endure this disaster.

One immortal king observed, expressing a tinge of regret.

Its unfortunate that, in this era, no creatures beyond the Immortal King inhabit the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, we might have a chance to converse with that one. He seems far from recovering to his heyday, providing us with a slim chance.

Another resurrected immortal king shared his sentiments, witnessing the situation but not succ.u.mbing to despair.

The original world is the origin of our realm, holding abundant vitality. If there is an existence beyond the Immortal King, it may only emerge from there.

A venerable immortal king, the creator of a peerless, immortal art, contributed to the discussion. Despite the presence of numerous immortal kings, they respectfully addressed him as a senior. He revealed that the peerless, immortal art he had crafted was fortuitously discovered near the original world.

During a journey to the heavens, he encountered a vast and boundless world suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth. There, he stumbled upon a piece of immortal art. Later, he realized it originated from the Realm of Origin, isolated from the Immortal Realm.

The revelation stunned all the present immortal kings, fully aware of the magnificence of the peerless immortal art. Yet, it had only been found near the realm of origin, leaving them contemplative and speechless.

The Immortal Realm couldnt produce an existence beyond the Immortal King, seemingly incapable of taking that crucial step. The question lingered: Why was this limitation linked to the realm of origin?

The enigma of the world of origin is traced back to the inception of the Immortal Realm. Ancient lore posited that the Immortal Realm was initially an expansive continent within the realm of origin.

In those primordial times, it was purportedly refined by a supreme existence with divine powers, subsequently separated and integrated with the realm of origin.

In that era, cultivators could inhabit the Immortal Realm without achieving the immortal position. Immortal Realm merely denoted another name, not indicating the absence of beings beyond Immortal Realm cultivators. Even cultivators of the immortal realm reproduced offspring, though the more robust the cultivation base, the more challenging it became to conceive.

King Luo sighed, disclosing a stark reality, Contemplating without an existence beyond the Immortal King is futile. Tomorrow, we will hasten to the Southern Immortal Realm For a banquet. Fellow Daoists, if time permits, ponder how to impart a few last words to the younger generations.

His words bordered on rudeness, nearly dismissing the need for funeral arrangements. However, all the immortal kings present remained silent, inwardly sighing at the prospect of being bound and resigned to their fate.

Regret surfaced as one immortal king remarked, Its unfortunate that Bai Chuan returned after leaving the Central Immortal Realm. Otherwise, we could inquire about the Moon Palaces situation.

Many had hoped Bai Chuan, who had come to summon them before, might possess relevant information.

However, a chilling and terrifying incident unfolded on that day, within the immortal realm and in the distant foreign land, leaving many cultivators trembling and unnerved. Legs weakened, and some knelt on the ground.

An unusual mist materialized at the horizon, seemingly emanating from an endlessly distant place. Thick, gray clouds shrouded the worlds edge, accompanied by the sound of waves and the rumbling of a fractured ancient world, faintly reaching the ears of the Immortal Kings.

What is that?

Is someone attempting to destroy the Immortal Domain?

This apocalyptic scene filled the inhabitants of the Immortal Realm with terror. Unaware of the phenomenons origin, they sensed an overwhelming power pressing upon them. Ordinary cultivators trembled, feeling like ants about to be obliterated under these intense fluctuations.

The Immortal Kings experienced an intensified sense of vulnerability as the sky seemed on the verge of shattering under the weight of the dense gray fog.

That is not a real scene but a projection from a distant place. Something is approaching the Immortal Realm, a seasoned Immortal King spoke in a deep voice, his heart weighed down by an impending dread.

Simultaneously, on the foreign land side, a similar spectacle unfolded. The scene radiated from a distant location as if reflected in the universe, seemingly foretelling something significant.

The aura of the boundless sea.

Has someone discovered the broken coordinates of the Mountain and Sea World?

In the luminous cave of the foreign land, the awakened ancestor of the imperial clan opened his eyes. Darkness filled his pupils as terrifying scenes played outstars sinking, the moon destroying, the sky collapsing, and the earth cracking.

Attempting to deduce the situation, he ultimately shook his head, sighed, and mumbled, At the latest, ten thousand years; at the earliest, probably less than a hundred years.

Navigating the boundless sea was exceedingly difficult, even for an immortal king. Escape routes were nearly nonexistent. Yet, an ent.i.ty capable of traversing the endless sea possessed unimaginable cultivation, depths beyond comprehension.

Epochs ago, when the real world of mountains and seas shattered, the dispersed true spirits ignited a bonfire, casting light in the infinite darkness.

Creatures in the boundless sea, noticing the broken coordinates of the natural world of mountains and seas, sought to reach itwhether to occupy, annex, or migrate.

Within this abyss were terrifying existences trapped for eons. Some sought to migrate from their depleted real worlds, while others aimed to hunt and bolster their domains. The horror of the boundless sea was unfathomable. Even the ancestors of the imperial clan dared not tread lightly, having less than 30% certainty of survival within its depths.

Furthermore, due to the absence of the protective true spirit, the real world of mountains and seas was suddenly bare to the boundless sea. Unless the distance was considerable, one could discern the coordinates of the natural world of mountains and seas.

The boundless sea itself was fraught with terror and disasters. The existence of the true spirit s.h.i.+elded a world, concealing its coordinates and hiding the bonfire, preventing exposure to the boundless sea. The source of darkness lay here, and throughout history, many real worlds have perished due to the accidental revelation of their coordinates.

Its true that misfortunes never come alone sighed the patriarch of the imperial clan, his words unable to conceal his concern.

The sudden appearance of this terrifying vision further fueled chaos and panic in the already distressed immortal domain and foreign land.

Despair gripped countless cultivators and creatures, interpreting the phenomenon as a harbinger of universal destruction, a sign preceding the worlds end. In the Southern Immortal Realm, within the Moon King Mansion, Gu Changge sat cross-legged on a futon, raising his eyes at this unexpected sight.

What is that?

Beside him, Heavenly Maiden Tianlu also looked on with astonishment, observing the distant end of the world where the light image was about to dim, transitioning into a foam-like substance.

Gradually, something became distinct in the remote reaches, approaching the world with a wave-like momentum.

While ordinary individuals might not hear it, cultivators within the immortal realm could discern the terrifying force, regardless of their distance from the immortal domain.

Thats the outline of the boundless sea. After endless epochs, someone finally found the coordinates of the real world of mountains and seas

Perhaps they intend to come here, Gu Changge spoke calmly, seemingly unsurprised.

Is it the boundless sea that connects to the other end of the boundless battlefield?

Moon King expressed extreme shock, familiar only with the existence of the boundless battlefielda rift in the universe within the Central Immortal Realm.

Numerous immortal cities and Ancient Pa.s.sages connected to this battlefield, offering the only path for beings to leave the realm. However, many immortal king families, serving as guardians, controlled the road behind them. The younger generation would periodically venture to the battlefield for combat experience and opportunities.

Moon King had heard tales of King Luo obtaining a mysterious bronze monument from the Boundless Battlefield. Other immortal kings had also acquired enigmatic items, including the remains of unknown creatures, obscure ancient mirrors, artifacts from unknown eras, and cosmic garments. Jealousy welled within her as he contemplated these prizes.

If the beings from that place come to this world, what will happen? inquired Heavenly Maiden Tianlu, unable to contain her curiosity.

After arriving in the Immortal Realm, she had realized the world was far from the peaceful realm she had initially believed it to be, concealing numerous hidden secrets and profound causes and effects.

Moon King also turned his gaze towards Gu Changge, his eyes seeking answers and hoping to unravel the mysteries surrounding this impending event. He observed that Gu Changge, contrary to the terrifying rumors, appeared easy-going, and his fear had lessened these past days. Many things were fabrications.

The recent rumors, for instance, falsely attributed the destruction of the Buddha Kingdom to Gu Changge when, in reality, he had merely stepped into the kingdom without taking any action. The kingdoms demise was revealed once the illusion dissipated.

If they come, they will sacrifice this world, guide the real world behind them to come, and then annex this world. All creatures, everything in the world from ancient times to the present, and the entire universe will be sacrificed Gu Changge explained calmly as if discussing a commonplace matter.


Moon King froze, his body turning icy cold, struggling to believe what he had just heard.

Sacrifice everything?

Heavenly Maiden Tianlu echoed, equally shocked, unable to fathom the gravity of Gu Changges revelation.

This news sent shockwaves across all worlds. Panic and fear spread among beings from ancient universes who were unnerved by the horrifying scene, antic.i.p.ating an impending catastrophe. Though the vision was brief and the reflection dissipated, various rumors circulated.

Someone is coming across the boundless sea, and its feared they will reach the true world of mountains and seas in less than a hundred years.

We dont have much time left.

In an incomplete universe, Ni Chen, shrouded in soul mist, abruptly opened his eyes, sensing the fluctuation. Murmuring to himself, his aura spread continuously, and the entire universe seemed to collapse, absorbed into his body.

This ability showcased the ominous power of the Underworld Clan, capable of absorbing even the universe itself. Now, with the awareness of the impending vision, time-pressed heavily on Ni Chens heart.

If he could seize the real world of mountains and seas, binding the dissipated true spirits before the arrival of those beings, he could block the coordinates and the illuminating light of this world, enabling its escape from impending disaster. Otherwise, all his plans would crumble.