I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 871

Chapter 871

Chapter 871 Spirit Boy

Time passed slowly without people noticing, and I don't know how long it took. Tang Ye saw that the sky outside had turned dark, and estimated the time. It should have been five or six hours now, right?

Looking at Brother Shi again, the blood hole that was poked out on his body has stopped bleeding, the wound has scabbed, but there is too much water, and now his face looks very pale.

He was hanging weakly and bowed his body. During this period of time, he kept his eyes closed, trying to buffer his spirit a little, but he couldn't fall asleep when he was hung, and most of the time his eyes were the same. The face of Zhang Zhangshang's rotting corpse.

But it also made him discover a very wonderful characteristic of human beings. Humans are very adaptable. At first, these hideous and ugly zombies will make people feel very scared, but after watching it for a long time, they will get used to it, and there will be no fear in their hearts. Of course, except for those powerful beings, such as that man.

He didn't know where it was, but Brother Shi knew very well where he was looking at him. After thinking for a long time, he seemed to understand what the man was going to do. What comes out, what will it be?

"Have you not come yet?"

Tang Ye frowned, the sky was getting darker and darker, until now, there is still no figure of the intelligent zombies. Brother Shi occasionally has a few zombies climbing on the crane, trying to catch Brother Shi along the hanging beam, but the hanging The beams were almost upright, and they couldn't climb up at all. Without their brains, they could only build a corpse mountain on the ground to try to reach Brother Shi, but the corpse mountain finally collapsed after a few meters away from Brother Shi.

Among them, many zombies died because they fell and smashed their heads.

But they are not tired of it, the flesh and blood of a third-order new human is very attractive to them.

You can even evolve yourself!

At this time, the water glass that had been washed beside Tang Ye suddenly rose up by itself. The lid of the beverage bottle covered with soil seemed to be opened by an invisible hand and was thrown aside at will. Then the beverage bottle began to rise slowly. Tilt the body, the orange drink flowing out of the bottle accurately enters the water glass.

With another hand, the water cup flew to Tang Ye's mouth, tilted, and sent the drink inside Tang Ye's mouth. If this scene is seen, don't worry, it will scream haunted on the spot!

But this is because Tang Ye is very clear.

He took a sip of the drink and snorted a few times, as if he was tasting the taste of it. After a while, Tang also pointed at the drink, and then the drink flew into his hands, peeled off the dirt on it, and Tang Ye looked at the package .

"It's been overdue for a few years and still give it to me? Get out!"

Tang Ye threw the drink on the ground, and the liquid inside spilled on the ground. If he wasn't a zombie and couldn't drink the odor of the spoiled drink, he might have vomited it long ago.

"Forget it, give that guy another stab. If he doesn't show up again, don't wait, maybe he's already left here."

Tang Ye thought for a while, and stretched out a tentacle with his thoughts behind him, and slowly stretched out towards Brother Shi. He was going to stab Brother Shi a few more times to make him bleed more and attract more people. Zombies.

If it doesn't work, he doesn't want to continue like this. Zombies hate waiting for something the most.

However, the tentacles just stretched out of the window and quickly retracted. Tang Ye squinted his eyes and leaned forward slightly subconsciously. His zombie eyes could clearly see things in the dark. , a strange combination of zombies appeared.

"Interesting." Tang Ye murmured with a smile on his face, and finally found it!

On the diagonally opposite intersection, there are four zombies coming here, two are power-type second-order zombies with a height of nearly three meters, and one is a speed-type zombie with a deformed body but a vigorous walking. What is strange, but the important thing is that the three of them actually followed a zombie with a height of 1.6 meters and a bigger head than a normal person.

The combination of is like those spiritual boys who often wandered on the street before the end of the world.

Tang Ye's eyes were immediately attracted by the zombie walking in front. It was wearing only a pair of tattered trousers, but from the material, it should be a pair of black overalls, which was torn into pieces for some reason. Big **** covered with dried blood and mud.

It has no clothes on, it is so thin that you can see two rows of ribs, it looks like a second-rate, the skin is light iron color, you can see thin scales, and what is even more strange is that behind it There are two pre-apocalyptic rifles hanging around the neck of a second-order power zombie.

A normal zombie will have two guns on it? Tang Ye couldn't help but remember that when he just turned into a zombie, he also carried a gun, but it was stolen by a **** beast!

Now, I also saw a zombie with a gun like myself, which made Tang Ye immediately understand that the zombie walking in front was definitely not a normal zombie!

But this guy has more platoons than when he started the game, and there is even a younger brother to help him hold a gun?

Tang Ye pouted, sat down on the chair again, turned his body sideways, and looked at the strange group of zombies with half a pair of eyes.

Wisdom walking in front shouted excitedly when he was more than ten meters away from Shige, and yelled at the zombie younger brother who was following it. quack quack" strange cry.

Tang Ye's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, this kind of reaction, this kind of behavior, must be a smart zombie!

But the strange thing is that it looks like a first-order zombie or even an ordinary zombie, but in Tang Ye's perception, this is the first third-order zombie!

He watched this intelligent zombie squeeze three zombie younger brothers into the corpse group with difficulty, and headed in the direction of Brother Shi. Every time there were zombies blocking its way in front of him, it had to use a lot of effort to push them away. This It doesn't look like the behavior of third-order zombies at all!

"What is this? It's too embarrassing for third-order zombies, right?"

If you change to other Tier 3 zombies, you can just use violence if you want to squeeze into the corpse group, why bother?

Moreover, judging from the intelligent zombies Tang Ye encountered before, they should all have a particularly powerful mind control ability, but in this intelligent zombie, he can't see the outstanding ability in this area, and it can even be said that it does not seem to have The ability to control other zombies!

Except for the three zombies next to it, the other zombies don't kill it at all.


Tang Ye was a little disappointed in his eyes. If this intelligent zombie really only has such a little ability, it is completely unnecessary.

(end of this chapter)