I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Chapter 734 Meeting to think of a "way"

Hearing his words, everyone below you look at me, I look at you, and finally all shook their heads.

"Still not here?"

Li Songhua's voice became hoarse, and his face was so gloomy that water almost dripped. At this time, the noisy conversation below completely disappeared. Although Li Songhua's character at the Qinshan Base was very bad, what kind of person is this? Everyone here Everyone is very clear!

is obviously the kind of villain who is entangled by him, if you can't kill him, then only if he kills you will it be the end.

The most speechless thing is that such a person is still the biggest among them, and cannot be provoked at all.

Li Songhua tried to speak several times, and wanted to scold Li Songhua for not taking himself seriously, but after repeating this several times, he still sat down and calmed down the unpleasant emotions in his heart. He held back his breath.

He didn't dare to look at the time. Although he had seen it downstairs, he was very afraid that the emotions that had finally calmed down after seeing the time would explode!

As time passed by, everyone in the conference room was also a little upset, but they didn't dare to say anything. From Li Songhua's face, he knew that President Li of the Peace Club had not come yet.

Finally, Li Songhua couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his left hand and opened his sleeve to look at the time displayed by the watch on his wrist.


It was agreed that the meeting would be held at 3 o'clock. The peace meeting has not come yet. If someone from the peace meeting replied that he would definitely come back, Li Songhua thought that the peace meeting never had any intention of coming!


Li Songhua's face was extremely ugly, and his bad mood was fueled by the fire. He couldn't help it at all. He was about to burst out, but before he could breathe out, a dangling figure appeared at the door. He walked in staggeringly, and finally found a random place to sit down, and grabbed the rough cigarette from the hand of the adjacent table and put it in his mouth.


lit a cigarette and exhaled a thick white smoke. The other party put his feet up on the table and looked extraordinarily arrogant. It was Tang Ye in human form - Li Henian!

Seeing him like this, Li Songhua almost came over and choked to death on the spot, his face flushed, and it took a long time to recover.

Looking at his watch, he resisted the urge not to smash the watch on the ground viciously, and clenched his neck, although he made his tone seem dull, and said, "Everything is here."

Maybe because of the anger in his heart, Li Songhua's voice changed a little bit, it sounded like a woman's shrill cry when she was frightened, and it was the voice of the **** in the ancient palace shouting a fight.

"Then now, our meeting is the beginning."

"Everyone should have received the news. Now, in the urban area outside our base, a huge corpse tide has gathered and is advancing towards us."

"I know that everyone here has some grudges in private, but the situation is special now, and I can understand everyone's selfishness at the moment of the corpse tide. Maybe someone is ready to run away now, but as a survivor who protects mankind The base, of which we are a part, is obliged to do something for the base that shelters us."

As he talked, Li Songhua's voice may have returned to normal because of his impassioned heart at this time. He saw that countless people had surprised looks on their faces after hearing what he said. He smiled slightly, He continued: "It seems that everyone is very surprised. You should have guessed my choice, right?"

"That's right! I will stick to the Qinshan base!" Li Songhua's eyes swept over Tang Ye inadvertently, and there was no emotion in his eyes, but Tang Ye narrowed his eyes.

What's the meaning?

Tang Ye was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it.

When the others heard Li Songhua's words, there was a commotion, some were greatly surprised, some were pale, and some frowned tightly.

There are more than one million zombies in Huashi, forming such a huge corpse tide to attack the Qinshan base, this is not a fun thing!

"As a part of the base, you should all make a contribution, and as a decision maker here, I should also serve the people living in this base! I won't run!"

Li Songhua's words were impassioned, and he really felt a sense of pride in his heart, and his tone was even more encouraging.

"I know that what I did in the past made you have a lot of prejudice against me. I invite you here today, the first is to prove that I, Li Songhua, are not as bad as the rumors! The second is to discuss with you how to deal with the coming corpse. tide!"

"In the face of the millions of zombies outside Hua City, to be honest, even if I have the will but I am powerless, so this is the reason why everyone gathers here."

The heads of the various forces below looked at each other and looked at Li Songhua a little strangely. After a while, there was a man in a combat chemical protective suit who stood up suddenly and shouted angrily: "What do you mean? We think of a way? There is no way to resist so many zombies, you think the zombies can't get enough to eat, right?"

"That's right, brothers, Li Songhua didn't follow his good intentions and left the base quickly to survive. Why did he follow him and throw his life away?"

"that is!"

The people below shouted one after another, but Li Songhua on the stage didn't seem to care much. Not only was he not angry, but instead showed a smile, but the next second, the smile changed! Become extremely cold!

He waved, and immediately a few soldiers walked in with laser weapons and shot and killed the first kills of the clamorous underground forces!

bang bang bang!

For a while, blood splattered, and the scene suddenly became quiet, and people didn't dare to breathe.

And the laser weapons in the hands of these soldiers are obviously much better and more advanced than Canghe-P90. At first glance, it is not the weapons and equipment owned by Qinshan Base.

Li Songhua's facial expression began to smile after the person who took the lead in the coaxing died, and said lightly: "So, who has a way to deal with the coming corpse tide? You can talk about interesting things."

His eyes glanced around, but no one spoke, and the scene was eerily quiet.

"Qinshan base is mine, and you are just poor **** under the protection of my wings. Now your patron saint is in trouble. Not only do you have no intention of helping, but you are thinking about how to escape from here, huh, what a shameless bunch. guy!"

"I put my words here today, whoever dares to leave here again will end up like them!"

A trace of madness flashed in Li Songhua's eyes. The mouth on his neck, which was covered by the collar, was faintly exposed, and the mouth was split open. This mouth seemed to be laughing, and he laughed wildly!

"Boss Wang Qinfeng, what's your expression like? Do you have any good ideas? Why don't you talk about it?"

PS: It's been a few days since Calvin, and the company has been working overtime for the New Year approaching, but I can't find any inspiration. I'm asking for a day off. I'm sorry everyone, I'll try to connect the plot.

(end of this chapter)