I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Chapter 625 Rebirth, Tang Ye who hurts

Shui Guanyin under his feet was stunned for a few seconds, and then, its huge body began to tremble violently!

Roar~Om! ...

Filled with desolate ancient times, it sounded like a desolate roar from ancient times. Shui Guanyin's body trembled faster and faster. The roar was long and terrifying, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression!

The surface of the water murmured, Tang Ye clenched the knife in his hand, frowning tightly, he could feel that the beast was angry.

It's very angry now!

That tentacle was like a broom madly slapping the corpse dragon in the water. It couldn't fly when it hit the ground. It could only roar, but its roar could not play any substantial role.

Tang Ye deeply inserted the knife into the flesh and blood of Shui Guanyin, and used the blade to stabilize his body, but his face was full of doubts, as if three big greetings were written.

"Why isn't this dead?"

He confirmed it over and over again, this is the head of Shui Guanyin! On its entire body, although it can be seen except for a large mouth, most of the creatures on earth are like this, and the brain must be above the mouth.

This water Guanyin looks like an octopus. Before the end of the world, it should be a giant squid or a giant octopus mutated, and no matter which kind of creatures have their heads under water, there is no reason to die.

"Could it be that its brain is still a little lower? Yes, this thing is so big, and the skin should be very thick."

Looking at the tentacle of Shui Guanyin that was fighting with the corpse dragon, Tang Ye sneered, this tentacle was used by it to deal with the corpse dragon, what other means to deal with him?

His palm merged with the hilt of the Flesh Blade, and a Flesh Blade became a part of Tang Ye's body. He controlled the Flesh Blade, distributed more flesh and blood molecules, and at the same time controlled the length of the blade.

The evolutionary energy in the body is madly sent to the blade, and the blade of the knife of flesh and blood breaks through the layers of muscles of the Guanyin of boiling water, and inserts it deeply!

Just when Tang Ye thought he was about to touch Shui Guanyin's brain, suddenly the surroundings became dark, and his heart was not good, he looked up quickly, and saw that Shui Guanyin stretched out another tentacle from the water at some point, and set off a large area. After the spray, it hit him fiercely.

Tang Ye's blade quickly retracted, he bent over and jumped diagonally to avoid the smashing tentacles. The long tentacles circled around Shui Guanyin's head. When he found that he missed Tang Ye, he couldn't help but let out another roar. , the tentacles shrank down and waved towards Tang Ye who was falling down!

The corpse dragon also let out a roar, its body tossed up, the dragon's mouth bit a section of its other tentacle, and then the body wrapped around it, using the most powerful killer move of the python color, strangling!


Shui Guanyin's tentacles were creaked by the corpse dragon's strangulation. The tentacles had no bones, but they were twisted around by the corpse dragon!

Tang Ye, who had just escaped the blow of Shui Guanyin's tentacle, didn't catch his breath when he saw the tentacle appearing on his head again, smashing at him with a powerful force.

Tang Ye's eyes rolled around, and he looked towards the shore, and saw that Bai Xinran had fled far away, and was looking at himself worriedly on a street, apparently because the Guanyin of Water was too big, and he was not very confident in his own strength.


Originally wanted to restore the zombie body when Bai Xinran couldn't see it, but now he had to give up this idea, so the wind blew from the soles of his feet, floated in front of Shui Guanyin like a ghost, raised the knife of flesh and blood and stabbed it forward.


With a shout, Tang Ye's arms shone with silver light, and strands of black mist wrapped around the blade, stabbing into its body with a sound of breaking the air, and then it quickly grew larger and longer in its body, branches from around the blade. Grow out like a sapling that is growing rapidly!

Tang Ye used all his strength, holding the knife in both hands and raising it up, ready to explode Shui Guanyin!

But the ideal is full, and the reality is skinny after all. The defense of his tentacles and bone spurs, as well as the flesh-and-blood blade, the water-breaking Guanyin is not so easy to say, both sides have their own difficulties, and the flesh-and-blood knife in Tang Ye's hand is in its flesh and blood. After moving forward for a while, I felt great resistance.

"I hit a bone!"

Tang Ye immediately thought of this possibility. The wound on Shui Guanyin's body caused by himself was spewing black blood, and Tang Ye was drenched in a short period of time. The force slammed down!


The part of Tang Ye's body where the tentacles were drawn exploded into a cloud of white mist, and the enormous power exerted on Tang Ye's body exactly as he did so.

In the face of a zombie of the same rank that is many times bigger than himself, Tang Ye's power simply can't compare to it!

Bai Xinran in the distance saw that the black dot representing Li Henian was drawn into a cloud of blood on the spot by the tentacles of Shui Guanyin, his eyes were incredulous, his eyes widened and weeping, covered his mouth and nose with his hands and took a few steps forward.

"Brother Henian... is dead?"

she murmured, feeling like the sky was about to fall!

After Tang Ye's body was blown up, Shui Guanyin thought he couldn't survive, and when he was about to deal with the corpse dragon with all his heart, who knew that the piles of rotten flesh were sticking together, and the blood mist merged in the air and turned into a corpse dragon. Unclear meat foam, of different sizes, some fell into the water, and a little scattered on the ground.

"Cough cough..."

A severed hand that fell on the ground crawled little by little with his fingers, grabbing the blade of flesh and blood not far away, and then all the flesh and blood began to disintegrate and reorganize, becoming a new Tang Ye, but its strength was very weak. .

In other places, hundreds of Tang Ye appeared one after another, running towards the strongest Tang Ye. Tang Ye collided with Tang Ye and became one Tang Ye. After a while, hundreds of Tang Ye became A Tang Ye, his breath recovered little by little, and finally turned into a sixth-order!

Tang Ye, who had just been reborn, looked down at his hand, and then clenched his fist. After rebirth, he was the real zombie. He wanted to continue fighting as a zombie, but when he thought of someone, he had no choice but to turn into a human body.

There was a look of pain on his face. This rebirth required a lot of energy. Not long ago, he replenished 50 to 60% of the energy, but now he was forced by Shui Guanyin to directly drain more than 20% of the energy.

How can this not be distressed? Don't underestimate the zombie energy stored in the body, this 50-60% energy is the kind that can make Tang Ye's clone fight continuously for more than a month without stopping.

If the energy runs out and is drawn by Shui Guanyin, it will not turn into a blood mist, but will directly become a black mist and disappear between the heaven and the earth. As for the body at the Qinshan base, it will directly lose half of its strength and become a general Ordinary sixth-order zombies.

"You bastard, stop ruthlessly!"

Tang Ye took a sip, and charged fiercely with the knife in hand.

In the distance, Bai Xinran, who was tearful, was about to go up to collect Tang Ye's body, but every few steps, he saw a black spot flying in front of Shui Guanyin, and his scolding was heard.


(end of this chapter)