I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390 The Power of Despair, White Discovery 3

Despair can easily destroy a person, but it can also make a person burst into a powerful force in despair. Of course, when this kind of despair erupts, you must choose the right time.

Unfortunately, just now, when Chang Jue deliberately twisted his toes to kick the rubber band below, it seemed that Tang Ye was more desperate, he chose the wrong time.

At this moment, Tang Ye, who was about to give up all hope in his heart and died with great regret, burst out!


The roar of a corpse that seemed to shatter the sky exploded from Tang Ye's mouth, and the sound wave formed a wave visible to the naked eye and rushed towards Chang Jue.

Tang Ye's black hair followed, and a touch of white wrapped around it. In just an instant, his hair turned from black to white, fluttering with the wind brought by the sound.

Chang Jue was a little surprised, but didn't pay much attention.


With a roar, the flesh on Tang Ye's neck cracked with a "puchi", and tentacles came out!

However, these tentacles are very different from the previous tentacles. Their bodies have turned brownish red to brownish green, and they are full of strange breath.

And the tip of the front end also split up and down, turning into a mouth full of fangs, like a snake, and the "snake neck" has pale hairs!

Tang Ye didn't know what had happened to him, and he felt that there was a constant anger in his heart, even if he wanted to die, he would tear up those who destroyed his perfection!

Hundreds of bizarre tentacles stick out from the back of his neck, just like all kinds of conscious, with his mouth open wide, making a sharp "hiss" sound, and biting furiously at Changjue.

"Hehe, don't give up yet, well, let's let you feel the despair! I will use my strength to tell you that you are too weak!"

For these tentacles, Chang Jue didn't care about them at all. He had seen Tang Ye's attack just now, and that bit of damage couldn't even break his own skin. How could he hurt himself?

He won't take it to heart. Even though some strange changes have taken place in Tangye now, he has not taken it to heart.

Yinxiang has absolute confidence in the strength of her husband Changjue. After knocking Ah Fu who got up again, she looked around with interest, as if she was watching ants make senseless resistance.

Chang Jue didn't say anything about his body, just watched those tentacles bite himself!


Tang Ye roared in despair, and the dense tentacles wrapped Chang Jue in an instant!

When the mouth at the tip of the tentacle came close to Changjue's body, he bit it!

It didn't work at first, Chang Jue's face was still disdainful, but the next second, a "click" sounded, and his expression changed, but it was too late.

Kacha Kacha Kacha!

Immediately afterwards, countless crisp sounds exploded, and the flesh on Chang Jue's body was actually bitten by those tentacles?

After his complexion changed, he couldn't restore his original state. After those tentacles bit his flesh, they screamed and drilled into Chang Jue's body!

These hundreds of tentacles have long drowned Chang Jue, and as holes were drilled out of his body, he let out a scream!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Hahaha!"

Tang Ye smiled grimly, so crazy that his scalp was tingling.


His facial expression was very ferocious, his hands were raised up, and then he pressed down fiercely. Those tentacles were like snakes that had been hungry for eight lifetimes, greedily sucking the strange energy from Chang Jue.

Tang Ye felt a surge of energy that was extremely repulsive to anti-life matter penetrated into his heart, and entangled with anti-life matter, which shocked Tang Ye's nerves, and then made him feel the pain of his soul!

This kind of pain, this kind of discomfort, surpassed the hotness of evolution, and Tang Ye felt like he fainted at the moment when he endured this feeling.

However, the despair in his heart did not disappear, he forcibly stood up Tang Ye, under the mad desire for revenge, not only did Tang Ye not faint, but he felt that his suction was not enough, so he became even more crazy!

"Not enough! Suck it! Suck it for Lao Tzu! Die!"

Tang Ye roared heart-rendingly, not knowing whether it was despair or the pain on his body, his nerves were already on the verge of collapse!

With Tang Ye's roar, the tentacles also tried their best to **** the milk and sucked in big gulps.

Chang Jue only reacted at this time, and hurriedly turned his body into silvery white, but he couldn't expel these **** tentacles!

He struggled as a hand emerged from the black mist, turned into a knife, and slashed down a large row of tentacles!

"you wanna die!"

Chang Jue realized his embarrassment, and his eyes shot up to the sky with killing intent, his figure flashed, and he pulled out afterimages to attack Tang Ye!

And when Tang Ye cut off a large number of his tentacles with the knife turned by the black mist, he stretched out the bone spurs with the black mist and pierced the long formula!

A steady stream of black weird energy entered his body. While suffering, Tang Ye also clearly felt that his power was rising at a shocking speed!

And the bone spurs he stretched out carried the energy he inhaled into his body, so he carried a black mist.

Chang Jue rushed towards Tang Ye, with countless tentacles stuck in his body, the bone spur had already been sent before, and it came to him at once!

Changjue's black fog knife turned and wanted to cut it off, but these bone spurs, like tentacles, seemed to have a strong spirituality, and they could easily escape with a single bend, and the bone spurs also touched his body.

Feeling the huge resistance coming from the bone spur, Tang Ye scowled, and pushed his hands forward with a bang, in line with the bone spur to increase his strength.

sucked the energy from Chang Jue's body, Tang Ye's strength increased, and the bone spur pierced into Chang Jue's body was not as difficult as the tentacles just now, with a "click", he successfully entered Chang Jue's body!


Tang Ye roared angrily, but before he could finish his roar, Chang Jue had already come to the front, his hand raised the knife and fell, and slashed at his head.

Subconsciously, Tang Ye suddenly turned his body into a black fog knife in Chang Jue's hand, and he felt his body lighten, and half of his body bounced up and fell to the ground!

"Hahaha, I can't die!"

Tang Ye was madly big and big, tentacles burst out from the incision made by Chang Jue's black fog knife, and plunged into Chang Jue's body! Like a parasite that keeps sucking the nutrients from his body!

"kill you!"

The tentacles were like a water pump. Chang Jue noticed the energy that was rapidly draining from his body, and couldn't help but tighten his heart. While controlling his body to pull out Tang Ye's tentacles, he also clenched his palms into fists, and slammed forward like an overwhelmed sea. go!

This punch was extremely fast, Tang Ye only felt a shadow pass by, and then smashed into his chest and flew out!

Before the fell, Tang Ye grabbed the control tentacle with a frantic face and pulled it back abruptly!


(end of this chapter)