I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Guarantee that you will not be threatened by zombies again


A mouthful of blood spit out, Feng Quan looked at the big hole punched in his chest in disbelief, looked up again, and saw Tang Ye who was wiping the blood on his fist.

His eyes were cold, without a trace of emotion, just like a demon rising from hell, Feng Quan suddenly realized, how could this "person" in front of him care about the life and death of him and Hu Gui?

He killed so many people, what is the point of killing two more people?

The world in front of him turned over, Feng Quan fell to the ground with a "pop", his eyes widened, and he looked at the sky, and his tumbling stomach also indicated that he was not dead.

Tang Ye didn't use his full strength in this punch, he deliberately saved his life, and some people, before they were about to die, could still deliver that little effect.

Otherwise, Tang Ye used all his strength, and Feng Quan's whole body was smashed to pieces by him afterward!

The power of tier five zombies is no joke.

Looking at the crowd around, Tang Ye said lightly: "Come here, drag and feed."

Feeding means feeding to zombies, and everyone here knows what it means.

After a while, two came and dragged the half-dead Feng Quan to the zombie pit.

Tang Ye looked at Feng Quan again, and a faint pity flashed in his eyes. This pity was not pity for his death, but pity for his people!

The world is huge and full of wonders. There are always some innocent people who live to the present with the mentality before the end of the world.

Feng Quan was angry at Hu Gui's death, so he came to Tangye to ask for the truth, but he gave his life when he didn't want to. He regarded Hu Gui as a brother and measured him with his feelings, but Feng Quan didn't know at all that when Hu Gui died, he gave up his life. In your heart, where will Feng Quan be in his heart?

There is a saying, never overestimate your position in the hearts of others, especially in the last days.

Everyone wants to live, but in this apocalypse where survival problems are full of great challenges, how difficult is it to survive?

If you want to live safely, you must be ruthless, and you would rather kill thousands of people and ensure that you live by yourself!

Snatch other people's food and trample on laws that have vanished!

Anyway, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

The end of the world is like a virus. The virus infects people's hearts, slowly turning people's hearts into blackness, abandoning their feelings, just to survive. To live is the real kingship!

But unfortunately, some people do not understand this.

Bai Eipeng has come back, looking at Feng Quan who was dragged to the zombie pit, his face did not change at all, just like Tang Ye, he is a person who knows current affairs and knows what is most important.

The reminder at the beginning was already the greatest favor to Feng Quan, but unfortunately he didn't take it to heart.

What is a person without feelings? Death is the scary thing.

Looking at them, Tang Ye's face under the mask showed ridicule, the zombies who lived well regarded the remaining emotions as the most precious thing, and worked hard to get more emotions little by little.

As the most emotional human being, he discards his feelings like garbage, just to survive.

Tang Ye raised his hand and pointed at Feng Quan, who had been taken away, and opened his mouth with a cold and hoarse voice, and said, "Very well, today, I've made a fool of myself again. Seeing no, the person who dares to resist and question me is the one. End! Hope, from today, no one will do the same stupid things as him!"

"Here, I will bring better conditions to your life, but survival is also necessary! Here I am the emperor, if you want to die, you will die, the emperor who dominates your life! I am not a good person, I don't want to go I just want to do what I want to listen to those sapiens, but in the end, I can guarantee that we will only destroy human beings and never die at the hands of zombies."

"I'm here to bring you some bargains, but don't forget, what this era is like, please remember that you are not the sheep that I have lapped up, but humans! You know how cruel the world is outside, Instead of a piece of trash who is naive enough to think that everything outside is beautiful!"

"In the past, I admit that I did some things that were not perfect, and I knew my fault, but what if I was wrong? To admit my mistake or not to admit my mistake, I have the initiative in it, and I won't do it if I don't do it. Do, no one can force me! If there is someone, then he will have to die, no reason, because Lao Tzu is powerful, and you are all trash, you are all trash, you all need me to protect you!"

Speaking of this, Tang Ye's tone slowed down and continued: "I realize that what I did is wrong, and now, everyone has seen it, I realized my mistake, I didn't want to say it at first, but someone used the cost of life to let me I said it, it is undoubtedly pleasant, and I don't feel that this transaction is a loss, so, how about you?"

Hearing Tang Ye say this, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched, but they couldn't refute it. Tang Ye's words were very straightforward and rude, but every sentence was a reality. Times have changed, so must life. It will only be asking for trouble, unless you are a strong person yourself.

"Of course, it's very simple for me to deal with my mistakes, so from today onwards, I won't let the zombies outside, and I won't let you make senseless sacrifices. You have to thank Feng Quan for all this, because It's all about him, everything that he bought with his life."

"I have already done this, and your safety has the most basic guarantee, but you still can't forget what era this is, I must warn you, follow me, I am your boss, and as the boss, I will let you You will not be threatened by zombies, but the ones who can threaten us are the survivors who are still alive like us! What we have to guard against is them!"

"From now on, I promise that none of you will die in the hands of zombies, but I can't guarantee that you will not die in the hands of others! So, exercise and become stronger, so that you can be truly safe. !"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Hearing the cheerful discussion from the crowd behind, Tang Ye's face covered by the mask showed a strange smile.

People are no longer threatened by zombies, but only threatened by the same kind. Such seeds have already been planted by Tang Ye, and the next step must be carefully completed by Tang Ye.

He wants to control this place, control the thoughts of everyone here, and that person's wish can be easily achieved. The initiative to live peacefully with zombies lies in the hands of humans, so how can Tang Ye take the initiative?

Back in the luxuriously decorated hall, Tang Ye called Xuchangchi, Bai Xipeng and Zhou Ranjun over and ordered some things.

After a while, Tang Ye and the three drove to Chuntunhang with dozens of survivors.

(end of this chapter)