I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Chapter 255 Sin Angel 1

"Zombie! It's a third-order zombie! No!"

"No! No, save us!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, who will save me!"

"Damn Bai Eupeng, I am a grass and mud horse, I curse your whole family to die!"

Seeing the huge body of Ah Fu walking this way step by step, the survivors went crazy all of a sudden, screaming in despair, their bodies kept struggling, and the wounds kept bleeding, as if they were being placed in strips. Like fish on land!

Again, death is not scary, what is scary is the feeling of waiting for death!

And now, this group of survivors who violated the rules are experiencing this torture!

This kind of torture that knows that he will surely die, but he is not dead yet, and he cannot escape the torture!

The two people on the truck in the distance stared blankly, but they temporarily forgot to escape. The two of them really couldn't understand, and couldn't understand why a third-order zombie was riding a baby **** the neck?

why is that?

They have never encountered zombie dominators, and they are unprecedented for survivors who can order zombies. When they encounter Nannan and Afu, they are like a group of country bumpkins.

"Is that girl human?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like a zombie!"


The key was inserted into the hole. Bai Xipeng wanted to start the engine and leave now, but Feng Quan raised his hand and pressed it when he was about to turn the key.

"Don't die? Let's take a look at the situation first, and now the sound of starting the car makes it think that it will attract it!"

"oh oh."

Bai Eipeng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, took a slow breath, and tried his best to relax.

Now they can only pretend that there is no one in the car and avoid the eyes of this third-order zombie, but whether they can avoid its nose can only be left to fate.

Ah Fu walked up to the big net and glanced at the survivors who were crumpled into a ball inside. After a few strange screams of "quack quack", he grabbed a corner, dragged the big net up, and turned to leave.

"It was pulled away."

"Could that be the zombie that Brother Nian said?"

Under this shocking scene, the two of them originally said Li Henian's name was changed to a respectful brother Nian!


The truck started the engine and walked towards the gathering place with a noise.

On June 11, the first year of the first year of the late century, the situation in Huachen Jiang Tianli became more and more chaotic.

The secret battle between Chenhua Technology Company and the government has completely turned into an open struggle. With the completion of the Yunxia Base, most of the troops and survivors have immigrated to the past one after another, reducing many of the survivors' base population. pressure.

Huachen Jiangtian spent a lot of material and manpower at the beginning of its construction. Originally, the government of Huachen Jiangtian wanted to give up control here and hand it over to Chenhua Technology, but there were always some ambitious parliamentarians and politicians who could not bear to give up.

There are too many vested interests rooted here. Once they give up everything here and immigrate to the Yunxia Base, they will lose a lot.

The value of gold is depreciating every day, and it has gradually become an evolutionary crystallization that dominates the circulation of currency, and the evolutionary crystallization cannot be transformed into a data currency like it did before the end of the world, so it is difficult to transport, which also makes too many high-level elites reluctant to go. The so-called Yunxia Base.

Without these elites... oh no, or even aristocrats, they would not be able to drive the development of Yunxia Base, and there would be serious class faults!

As the original largest survivor base in Huaxia, the government will of course not let this place become a private back garden. In order to prevent the government's discourse power from being weakened, or to prevent Chenhua Technology from becoming too powerful to control, the government chose to die. Biting the piece of meat of Huachen Jiang Tian.

Just the day before yesterday, the negotiation between the government and Chenhua Technology Company failed, and the relationship between the two sides became more tense. One side has a huge army and heavy weapons, while the other side has a large number of new human troops, and there are biochemicals that were prohibited from being developed before the end of the world. Weapons, the two sides are evenly matched!

At four in the morning on June 10th, a gunshot sounded, and the two sides began to fight. The roar of guns continued, and various powerful new weapons emerged one after another, attacking the enemy.

It's ridiculous. The new weapons developed by mankind are not used to target the common enemy of mankind - zombies, but to fight civil wars with their compatriots. Isn't this ridiculous?

Blue lasers and missiles flying all over the sky smashed into the area where Chenhua Technology Co., Ltd. adhered to, knocking down countless buildings and countless overpasses, and corpses burned to black carbon by the flames can be seen everywhere. The new human soldier of the weapon roams the streets.

There were even a few powerful new humans who jumped off the wall and smashed into the government army to start massacres!

There were also cannonballs containing 30 kilograms of compression smashed into the unknown laboratories. The explosion destroyed countless experimental equipment and ignited the dangerous liquid developed by countless scientific researchers day and night.

The southern part of Huachen Jiangtian is covered with thick green smog. In the smog, there is a faint hint of dangerous fluorescent light!

No one knows what harm the green smoke will cause to the human body, but at least none of the survivors outside have seen anyone come out of the green smoke.

Outside a compound in the No. 6 prevention and treatment area, there are countless soldiers in military uniforms. They point their guns at the gate of the compound, and there is an extremely dangerous light in everyone's eyes!

They are either half-squatting, standing, or lying down, but without exception, any action made by everyone makes the muscles pulled up by the body swell, giving people a powerful feeling!

These soldiers, whether it is their murderous aura or their combat effectiveness, are not comparable to the soldiers Tang Ye had encountered before. They are the strong players in the army selected through heavy training!

At this moment, they are going to kill a person, an extremely dangerous person!

"Break the door." A man in his mid-thirties wearing a non-commissioned officer uniform said lightly, playing with the round object in his hand.


The soldier with the gun at the door responded with a sound, and he stepped in front of the door, raised his foot, and kicked it violently.


The door was violently kicked open, and the soldiers kept their formation and got into the courtyard at a very fast speed.

In the main house in the courtyard, Ning Tianlang slowly sorted out the tea set. Hearing the crack of the door, he muttered to himself, "Have you come, is this day finally here?"

had anger on his face, but there was nothing he could do. From the beginning, he had gone wrong. Perhaps, he should not have entered this muddy water.

"Yu'er." Ning Tianlang called out to his daughter in the dark.


Ning Yuer heard her father's voice and walked out from the side, looking at Ning Tianlang with a complicated expression.

"Are you all ready?"


"That's good, go with Uncle Bai, and never come here again."

"how about you?"

"I...let it go." Ning Tianlang smiled bitterly.

(end of this chapter)