I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1951

Chapter 1951

Chapter 1951 The Privilege of Trading Your Life

Yunxia base, the glare from the south made the night as dark as day, and the slightly cold feasting and feasting shone in this behemoth.

Here, people can no longer tell when it is day and when it is night, only the atmosphere of panic before the end of the day permeates the whole city.


I don't know how long the harsh and damning siren sounded. It seems to have never been interrupted, and it has always existed. Gradually, people seem to get used to it all.

It is estimated that at 18:00 tomorrow, the second corpse king will approach the Yunxia base. Brave fighters, tell me, are you afraid of death!

Don't be afraid!

That's right, take up our weapons, with the consciousness that we must die! Let our lives ignite the most dazzling fire!

Soldiers, go all out! The answer that belongs to our civilization is at the last moment! Be a hero who will never look back! Let our names leave a heavy mark in this thick book of history!

Soldiers, Huangquanbiluo, why! Hero Road!

As the last sentence of the passionate voice sounded on the radio, the crowded crowd suddenly set off a commotion. Some soldiers suddenly raised their weapons above their heads and shouted: "Yellow spring and blue fall, it is the road of heroes!"

And this shout made the other soldiers unable to control their emotions anymore, and they raised their weapons high, and shouted: "Huangquanbiluo, is the hero's road!"

"Huang Quan Bi Luo! It's the hero's road!"

"Huang Quan Bi Luo..."

At the last moment, they, who are about to face the corpse king, can only vent their inner tension and panic in this way.

The people crowded on the street stopped in their tracks. Some raised their heads to look at these soldiers with complicated expressions, but then quickly lowered their eyes. The look in their eyes became numb again. They felt ashamed because they did not You don't have the confidence to face those enemies that are completely impossible to defeat, and you don't have the courage to go to death to win a chance of life.

It's just ordinary people, and they can only hope that someone will come forward, instead of facing the danger by themselves.

At this time, a soldier came to a young man who looked about thirty, took out two cigarettes from the cigarette case, held one in his mouth, and handed the other to the man, asking at the same time : "Why don't you go and say goodbye to her?"

The man played with a magnetic card in his hand, and looked at the tarmac that was separating from the main platform in the distance. On it was a huge military transport plane, and inside was his lover.

Hearing the words of the soldiers next to him, the man shook his head and put away the magnetic card: "I won't go, it will only increase my troubles."

The soldier heard the words, with an unknown smile on his face: "You really think so?"

The man didn't speak any more. He lit his cigarette and took a puff, then fell silent. His expression was inexplicably complicated. He seemed to have seen a face that was crying in a certain porthole on the huge transport plane, looking at it expectantly. The confused and desperate people below are looking for their own figure.

However, he couldn't get through, couldn't go to say goodbye, waited until the transport plane started to climb up, and gradually became smaller in his eyes, the man finally said silently in his heart:

"Girl, don't waste your tears on me..."

The soldier next to the man who was familiar with the man didn't say anything to him, but just squatted down and honestly enjoyed the satisfaction brought by nicotine. He knew very well that he had also experienced so-called love, and people who fall in love always worry about gains and losses.

"What are you going to do next?" Suddenly, the man who calmed down asked aloud.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said casually: "What else can we do? We have to gather again at eleven o'clock. It seems that we are going to Yunchuan City overnight. Chenyang United City has already established the first line of defense in the north. .

"Are you sure you can come back alive?" the man asked, but the soldier became a little impatient when he heard this question: "Don't ask me, I don't know, can I come back alive? I can't see you anymore..." The soldier's tone paused, and then he calmed down and comforted him: "Brother, you don't have to worry about me, I have inquired about it, there seems to be a wave of silver-armored corpses on Chenyang's side, the pressure is not as expected that big."

"Oh? The corpse king here is not our enemy?"

"Ghost knows, the large area to the north is full of silver-armored corpses, and the mayor doesn't care. It seems a bit true, but who can be sure about this kind of thing."

"I hope so... If there is another corpse king, take the time to settle yourself."

"Okay, what are you going to do next?" The soldier threw away the cigarette butt.

"Go to the tavern to drink some wine." The man licked his lips and said carefully. He seemed to have never been drunk in his life, and it might only be at this time that he wanted to try being drunk. what kind of feeling...

"Haha, I really envy you." The soldier said this half-jokingly, but in fact he didn't envy him at all. The man in front of him did have some privileges compared to himself, but he traded his life for this privilege.

He sacrificed his life in exchange for his loved one being able to leave Yunxia Base safely and legally as a new human being, he sacrificed his life in exchange for being able to get drunk before dying.

"That's fine, I won't bother you, let's go first, the time is almost up, let's gather." The soldier patted the man's shoulder, turned around and walked towards the array of soldiers that had been lined up in the distance, and the man I stood there for a while, looked at the soldier's back, finally sighed, threw away the cigarette in my hand, and walked towards a deserted street.

The bright light from the corpse king shone on the earth, and the dimly lit street lights on the side of the road seemed a little non-existent.

Under the street lamp, there is a tavern. The door of the tavern is open. There are not many customers inside. The bustle of the past is gone. People just focus on drinking, or get so drunk that they crawl on the table and fall asleep.

As soon as the man entered, a little boy who looked only about ten years old ran over.

"Guest, what do you want?"

The man sat down, looked at the young boy and asked gently: "Is there any liquor, the stronger the better."

The boy had a difficult time, and finally replied with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry for the guest, we don't have baijiu here, do you want the self-brewed mixed wine?"

"Okay, just come here, a little more, the money will not be bad."

"..." The boy hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing, and trotted into the back kitchen.

After the boy left, the man wanted to take out his mobile phone to pass the time, but just as he took it out, he realized what it was and stopped. He was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the tavern was a bit weird, but it didn't seem to be aimed at him.

(end of this chapter)