I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1828

Chapter 1828

Chapter 1828 Don't be afraid?

"Nima!" As soon as he heard A Beng's words, A Fu was furious, stretched out his arms that were almost violent, and grabbed the opponent!

In front of Ah Fu's huge body, Ah Beng, who looks like a child, looks like a rag doll. In the next second, Ah Beng rushed into the crowd like a monkey, leaving Ah Fu helpless.

"You come out for Lao Tzu!"

"I'll go back and tell Khan, you don't like the name he gave you!"

Ah Beng's mocking voice came from somewhere in the crowd, which made Ah Fu even more irritable!

"Fuck!" He roared and tried to pull away from the crowd to forcefully find A Beng, but was stopped by Dong Wenlu, who had an ugly face.

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu, let's bear it for a while, and then go back and clean up that kid."

This strange scene made Jiang Zhenbo frown a little. Brother Hu, doesn't he seem very calm?

He became puzzled, this brother tiger has a lot of blood on his body, he doesn't look like a zombie, and that little brat has the same blood and energy as an ordinary person, he is a zombie... How should I say, what is the situation in this royal court?

How did the zombies turn back with people? Shouldn't the zombies be more grumpy?

But he didn't know that the new human "Brother Tiger" he thought was actually a zombie like A Beng!

Under Dong Wenlu's persuasion, Ah Fu could only give up and snorted coldly.

He was very upset. I don't know when, A Beng, who was afraid of himself, dared to tease him?

But soon he wanted to understand and glanced at the others, it was these guys! I have broken myself, and the character design has also collapsed!

Looking back at Jiang Zhenbo, he recovered his expression: "It was just an accident, don't mind."

"No, no." Jiang Zhenbo shook his head quickly, with a pleasing expression on his face, and then asked, "Then do you have any orders next?"

A'Fu observed around. There were nearly 200 soldiers behind Jiang Zhenbo. People on the surrounding streets had already been driven away, and these soldiers naturally occupied the sidewalks and roads.

"Do you have any clues about the culprit who destroyed the laboratory?"

"This... no." Jiang Zhenbo shook his head. If there were clues, there would be no need for people from the royal court to join in the fun.

"No, in this case, we can only find them all." Ah Fu murmured while shaking his huge head, and Jiang Zhenbo, who was standing in front of him, also heard his words clearly. He is still an old man in his life. After being refined, I immediately heard other meanings in Ah Fu's words.

"All... All caught? What do you mean?! There are a lot of zombies in the Yunxia base?"

"Huh? You don't know, oh, yes, you are human, you can't feel it, let's put it this way, there are a lot of zombies in your area, some of them are crowded together, if you release them all, you can make up a small-scale corpse. Corpse tide."

"This... so much?" Jiang Zhenbo was shocked when he got the answer from Ah Fu's mouth.

"What are you surprised about, we're not here? We don't know much. If we talk about how to catch zombies, we brothers will say second, no one dares to say first!"

"Is that so...then what should we do?"

"According to our original plan, we were originally divided into eight groups to find out the hidden zombies, but now you join... No way." Originally wanted to change the plan, Ah Fu quickly rejected it.

"What's wrong?"

"You still have several Tier 8 zombies in your Yunxia base. You won't be able to avoid fighting. If you have more people, you can kill each other quickly. Otherwise, you will destroy a few more houses. Your Su Sigui is afraid and suspicious. What bad things are we going to do to Yunxia Base?" After saying this, Ah Fu snorted dissatisfiedly, and at the same time gave Jiang Zhenbo a sharp look, consciously or unintentionally pointing out his behavior of monitoring himself and others.

But who knows, this guy was stunned for a moment, and reminded with a strange face: "That tiger brother, I understand you, but I have to remind you, the mayor is now a ninth-order new human being, angering her, if she is iron If my heart wants to kill you, no one can stop it!"

"Now, as long as there are 8th-order new human beings with names and surnames in China, they have to show their loyalty to the mayor. There are more than seventy eighth-order new human beings! Originally, they were all unknown to the mayor. At this moment, it is all the emperor. The basement in the building is closed!"

Jiang Zhenbo's expression was very sincere, and it seemed that he was really thinking about Ah Fu and the others, so he reminded them.

His reaction surprised Ah Fu and the others, but he didn't think much of it. Ah Fu even snorted, raised his head and said proudly, "You are afraid, but that doesn't mean our royal court is afraid!"

"Brother Hu..." Jiang Zhenbo's face became dull when he heard Ah Fu's words. As an old fritter who has lived in Yunxia Base for more than ten years, Ah Fu's words should not be a question of calmness or not. To put it bluntly , a little sabi!

He suspected that Ah Fu had no idea what the power of the ninth order was!

Or else I wouldn't say such a thing!

If this was placed in ancient times, it would be equivalent to discussing the emperor in front of the royal family and relatives. If the emperor knew about it, all the nine tribes would have to sing a song "Listen to me and say thank you".

In the end, Jiang Zhenbo still compromised. After all, Ah Fu is stronger than himself. Since you are stronger than me, what you say is reasonable, and I will not speak.

This is the experience he has come to realize in the last days, don't try to reason with a person whose fist is bigger than himself.

"Yes Yes Yes"

"According to our original plan, there are a total of eight groups. You will find someone to leave the team, Jiang Zhenbo?"


"You distribute your people evenly, let's go."

It didn't take long for Ah Fu from the royal court and the other soldiers to form eight groups each, and they moved in different directions one after another. Among them, Jiang Zhenbo looked at the other groups and saw that there were almost enough people. , In desperation, he could only choose to act with the A Fu group.

They did not immediately take action on the eighth-order zombies hidden in the Yunxia base, but started with the weakest, Jiang Zhenbo will also have trouble, and they kept stroking at Ah Fu along the way. "Brother Hu" called him sincere and respected more than anyone else, but it made Ah Fu look more and more pleasing to him.

The population of Yunxia Base was about to explode. When entering the bustling district, the streets were densely packed with heads. Fortunately, there were soldiers who opened the way, no matter how many people were crowded. People didn't dare to stay for even a second, forcing a way out for them.

Jiang Zhenbo and Ah Fu were talking very happily at the back. At this moment, Jiang Zhenbo seemed to see something and said to Ah Fu flatly, "Brother Hu, wait here for a while."

"What are you doing?" Looking at the mysterious appearance of the other party, Ah Fu became curious.

"I'll find out later, this stuff can't be enjoyed by ordinary people, I'll come right away." Saying that, Jiang Zhenbo walked towards a smoking hotel.

(end of this chapter)