I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1786

Chapter 1786

"Uh..." Tang Ye was a little stunned. The figure behind the curtain seemed to be unfamiliar, but the strange thing was that he felt something familiar, like Lu Xiaojie, but not at all.

couldn't see anything, Tang Ye simply opened his mouth and shouted to the figure on the curtain: "Lu Xiaojie?"

The person behind the curtain seemed to be weaving something. After hearing Tang Ye's voice, she stopped and stood up from the chair.

"There are guests here."

Tang Ye waited until he heard the voice of the other party, he was stunned, this is not Lu Xiaojie's voice at all, the voice is very old, this is clearly a voice that a woman in her sixties or seventies can make!

Afterwards, the curtain was pulled open by the other party, and the person inside also revealed her true face. It was indeed an old woman with a peaceful smile on her weathered face. Although she was not very kind, she still had a little bit of edge, and it didn't look like she was a bad person. correct.

Also, her hair was neatly groomed, but there were not a few black hairs in sight, and the rest were all white, and the wrinkles on her face made Tang Ye a little stunned.

He tried to find the traces of the other party when he was young, and wanted to determine whether the person in front of him was Lu Xiaojie, but after observing for a long time, the change was so great that Tang Ye didn't dare to confirm his guess easily.

Neither side spoke. Fortunately, the old woman spoke up not long after, she sighed: "I haven't seen anyone for a long time, I thought I would never see anyone again in this life, hehe..."

Hearing her words, Tang Ye bit his lip and glanced at the door. Lu Xiaojie still didn't appear, but he and the other party were the only ones around.

After being silent for a while, Tang Ye also knew that it was okay to continue like this, so he could only ask, "Are you Lu Xiaojie?"

"What?" I don't know if the old woman heard what Tang Ye said clearly, she looked puzzled, and quickly asked tentatively: "Are you looking for someone? If you are looking for someone , then there won't be the person you're looking for, I've been here for decades, and I've never seen anyone other than you."

As she said, the old woman shook her head and sat back on the chair, picked up the needle and thread on the table, and continued to knit. She seemed to be knitting clothes. There were several shelves beside her, and there were many animal dolls on the shelves. They are all very delicate, much more delicate than those in Deria's "collection".

He noticed that the original horizontal "V"-shaped staircase in the grocery store has now been changed to a spiral staircase. The handguards are covered with colorful paper flowers, and there are many toys made of paper or fabric hanging on the ceiling. It looks like These seem to be there to welcome someone.

Tang Ye was thinking about how to speak when he suddenly thought of something.

"Uh... old man, what I want to ask is, are you Lu Xiaojie?"


"Are you Lu Xiaojie?"

"Lu Xiaojie?"


"I haven't heard of it, and I'm not her."

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"Son, I should be asking you this sentence." The old woman answered Tang Ye's question without turning her head, but Tang Ye was not embarrassed, she glanced at everything around her, and said, "This is the beginning of the , doesn't seem to be yours."

The old woman's movements stopped, and she turned to look at Tang Ye again, with some surprise in her eyes.

"Are you the master here?" the old woman asked.

Her words verified Tang Ye's conjecture, but he was not happy, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He turned his eyes back and looked at her deeply, but he did not give a positive answer to the next words.

"I don't know, I'm not sure..."

"Then do you know where you are from?"

"I don't know, but I know I don't belong here." Tang Ye shook his head, and the old man seemed to recall something, and suddenly said: "Maybe I know why you came, go."

"Where to go?"

"There's a door behind the stairs, and that's where you go."

"Door?" Tang Ye squinted his eyes and walked around the stairs a few steps, and he really saw a door, but behind it was a pillar, it didn't look like there was room, but after thinking about it, put it on The real world is really unreasonable, but here, everything that is unreasonable becomes reasonable.

Gently twisted the door handle, and as the door was opened, Tang Ye saw a twisted and wrinkled dark purple passage, and at the end of the passage, he saw the familiar grocery store.

There is the "real" world. It seems that I don't have to wake up, I can walk directly there. When I kill the last animal, my existence seems to be separated from the illusion, and I am now a complete individual!

He didn't go in immediately, but glanced at the old woman again, she was focusing on her own business, and what she said just now didn't sound like a lie.

So, where did Lu Xiaojie go?

Where is now?

Shaking his head, Tang Ye didn't think about it anymore, looked away, stepped into the passage, and the moment his body entered the passage behind the door, the opened door closed automatically, and Tang Ye looked back. , the door has disappeared, and the passage is stretched indefinitely.

"Heh..." With a shrug, Tang Ye turned his head and walked towards the front. He quickly walked out of the passage. He came to the stairs of the grocery store by himself. When he came out, the door closed automatically. At the beginning, Grocery stores don't have this door.

He didn't care, because he sensed something, he looked out the door, frowned, eased down, opened the shop door, and looked at what was happening outside jokingly.

"Hey, it's not good to abduct and sell children on the street. If you see it, you will be killed on the spot!"

After his voice came out, Teacher Ellie, who was completely indistinguishable from a zombie, moved. She slowly raised her head and looked at the man at the door of the shop. She tilted her head in confusion. Her severely rotten mouth let out a roar at the other party, but she didn't do anything else. After roaring, she turned around and ran away?

Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, but didn't chase after him. He focused his attention on Deria. When the other party heard his voice, he was sluggish for a moment, then turned around and looked over with an expression of disbelief. She quickly saw Tang Ye's face, that is, Mr. Pillai's face, and it was at this moment that she burst into laughter.

She laughed, and Tang Ye laughed too, but the next second, Deria suddenly ran over and hugged her tightly!

"You..." The other party's sudden behavior made Tang Ye froze, and he himself did not expect her to feel so much affection for him.

"Mr. Pillay..."

"Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine..." Delia let go of Tang Ye, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked up at Tang Ye's face, forced her smile to become brighter, and then said, "Mr. Pillai , you don't go to the dream forest, as long as... as long as you are fine, really!"

"What are you talking about, Mr. Pillay will be fine, but then again, I have a surprise for you."