I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1664

Chapter 1664

Chapter 1664 "Hope You Live"

The other party seemed to have experienced an extremely cruel battle before. The military uniform on his body was already in tatters, which was the same as the military uniform on the vanguard of ordinary soldiers and zombies that several people saw when they were on the anti-corpse wall, and even more so. Dilapidated.

Moreover, this guy seems to have been buried in the ground and has not been exposed to the sun for many years. The skin on his body is pale and pale, with purple in the white, and there is a smell of fresh soil and a faint smell of rancidity on his body!

That strange temperament was both familiar and unfamiliar to the three of them, with an indescribable sense of disobedience, like a machine covered with a human skin! Even in real life, people can see the difference between them and normal at a glance!

His body was dead and dead, and the three of them would never forget the fake sergeant before, that thing almost killed them!


Guitouzai cursed in his heart, this happened again, he would rather be drowned by the corpse tide just now! He slowly moved his arm and touched the Destroyer grenade on his trousers with his fingers. Even when he was surrounded by corpses just now, he didn't even think about using it!

But now, the ghost head boy who has gone through too many things has a certain experience, and the weird people with the same temperament as Yong or the former fake sergeant are all zombies! And the level is generally not low, at least it is above the seventh level!

This kind of existence, only the destroyer grenade in their hands is threatening, as for other items, it is not as real as a burning stick.

At the moment when Wu Zhixiong and the soldier faced each other, the hearts of the three almost stopped. Brother Shi frantically pinched the skin of Guitou Zai, he was hinting at him, and Gui Tou Zai was choking on his other hand. Brother Shi responded with a shoulder.

In this way, the three of them looked at the soldier, and used the howls of zombies everywhere as the background music, making the atmosphere very strange. Suddenly, the soldier moved, and he suddenly moved his head forward, nose. It was attached to Wu Zhixiong's collar, which made him even more afraid to move!

I don't know what the soldier in the tattered military uniform is going to do to make such a strange action! After the other party brought his head together, the original fresh earthy smell disappeared, instead, he smelled a strong **** smell. In addition, there were some musty smells, sewage smells, the smell of mushrooms in the mountains and the smell of rotting corpses, etc. The strange smells formed together, these smells seem to be immersed in each other's bones, and Wu Zhixiong often inhales the smells emanating from him.

That smell is not like the smell of surface creatures at all!

He tried his best to calm himself down, and then he felt the nose of this strange soldier twitching!

He's... he seems to be smelling himself!

Wu Zhixiong had goosebumps all over his body when he noticed this guy's actions, this Nima, did he get fancy by a zombie, he didn't have such a strong taste! Even if there is, it shouldn't be a man like that, and the worst is a cute girl, right?

Wu Zhixiong's expression became as uncomfortable as he had eaten a piece of shit, and he almost cried, but fortunately, he thought too much. After a while, the strange soldier retracted his head, his eyes narrowed and his face squinted. From time to time, he showed a thoughtful look.

He was thinking about something, and it took some time to figure it out, but some existences didn't seem to give him this time. At this moment, a shocking corpse roar sounded outside the building. Moved away from the people and looked behind them, Guitou Zai also looked over, but his expression changed when he saw the scene outside!

The high-level silver-armored corpse, who was originally having this gluttonous feast outside in the corpse tide, stopped his behavior for some reason, and his huge body crawled on the ground, ignoring the zombies hanging on him and biting frantically, looking at the strange The soldiers, roaring frequently, looked a little anxious on their hideous faces, making Guitouzi puzzled.

Look at this, the silver armored corpse seems to have a grudge against this strange soldier. In this case, the camp of this strange soldier is the magic sound zombie side?

Thinking of this ghost head boy's heart is cold, the "cute" silver armored corpse alone attracted the attention of all the magic sound zombies around, and this allowed him to live until now. From another point of view, that big "cute" is also It gave him a sense of security. Even if he was killed by a zombie, he would rather die in the hands of a silver armored corpse!

But the right to choose is not in his own hands. If he can be valued by the silver armored corpse, the rank of this strange soldier will not be low. There is no way to escape the palm of the Buddha's hand!

Seeing that the strange soldier's gaze shifted to the silver-armored corpse, Brother Shi and Wu Zhixiong finally had the courage to look back, but after seeing what happened, they turned back quickly, shaking their heads in disappointment, Since their own lives, nothing matters, and the only thing they are looking forward to now may be what kind of sparks will be wiped out between this silver armored corpse and this strange soldier.

But what happened next was unexpected. The strange soldier and the silver-armored corpse did not fight directly as they thought. He first saw a strange smile on the face of the strange soldier. contempt!

Seeing such a smile, Guitouzi was shocked, and Brother Shi was the same. The two looked at each other. At this time, they felt that this strange soldier's rank was definitely above Yong, because that smile was too smart. !

If the two of them hadn't experienced those bad things before, they would definitely think that this strange soldier is a normal person!

"It seems that you can't wait for me to **** your things, well, I finally see the outside world, I will relax, and I have to remind you that before the kid comes to grab us back, I hope you alive."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange soldier had a strange expression, his tongue sticking out, very thin and long, like the letter of a poisonous snake, and he licked his lips lightly. He didn't mean to avoid the three of them, but Guitouzi and the others could hear him. Confused, why did you finally see the outside world? what kid? Who is he talking about? Also, what does he mean by licking his lips with his tongue?

Although he said to the Shining Armored Corpse: "I hope you are alive." But that tone was not caring at all, and that look was clearly looking at a plate of food!

What is the relationship? Judging from the information from the strange soldiers' mouths, they seem to have emerged from a place that no one knows about and is completely closed. What would that place be?

(end of this chapter)