I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1627

Chapter 1627

Chapter 1627 Blockers

They are struggling to the death, but they are also self-sacrifice. After all, he was right in what he said before. Before learning the feasibility of something, someone has to try, and the person who fails is naturally the victim.

Yan will watch the soldiers march towards the corpse wall in batches, silent for a while, then suddenly look back at the three people behind.

"You three... I'll give it to you once, but..." He looked at Brother Shi, and continued, "You'd better be like what you said, you won't be deserters again, the next time we meet, I hope you Live upright and let me see you, or let me see your corpses!"

"Yes!" Brother Shi nodded without hesitation.

"Okay." Yan turned his head to the other side and called out a name: "Nijan!"

This name does not seem to be a Chinese name. With the voice of General Yan, one of the directions he shouted quickly ran over. As the two guessed, this is indeed not a Chinese, but a typical Southeast Asian race. The face, if you guess correctly, it should be from Tianzhu.

"You take the three of them to register, as fast as possible, and re-equip them with weapons and battle suits."


This Tianzhu native named Nirang replied in some broken Chinese, and then he looked at the three of them and said, "You three, follow Hulai."

Brother Shi and Guitouzai were stunned for a moment, barely understanding his Chinese, nodded and followed this Nijang into the command room, and Yong followed the two of them in the same way.

Yan stood at the door and watched them for a while, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and finally entered the command room.

As soon as came in, Nijan took out a registration form from the table next to him and asked the three of them one by one, "What's your name?"

"The Rhododendron."

"Okay, what's your name?" After filling in Brother Shi's name, Nijang asked Guitou Zai again, and Gui Tou Zai's eyes were dazed.

"my name"

He murmured aloud, and his name appeared in his mind at the same time, it also brought back a long time. The last time he heard someone call his name has been a long time since now, so long that he feels unfamiliar, no Knowing when it started, the nickname Guitouzai has completely become his name. If there were no problems now, he would almost forget what his original name was.

"My name is... Rong Xiangfei, it should be..."

Nirang raised his head and wondered for a while, but he still filled in the name of Guitouzai. Brother Shi turned his head to look at Guitouzai. It was the first time he heard the name of Guitouzai.

After quickly naming Guitouzi's name, Nijang asked Yong again, but when Yong said his one-character name, Nijang didn't find it strange, but it attracted Yan Jiang's attention, and his eyes narrowed. , I don't know what was on my mind, but without saying anything, I turned my head.

Yong has a Chinese face, and his name has at least two characters. The name "Yong" doesn't sound like a person's name at all, but it looks like a code name used by an agent when he performs a secret mission.

After filling in the names of the three, Nijang entered a warehouse not far away, and after a while, he took out three sets of armaments and asked them to quickly replace them.

"You can change the suits on you, it's new."


"That... I can't take it off."

Guitouzai saw that the exoskeleton suit on his body was in trouble, and looked at Nijan for help. After removing it, the ghost head boy could successfully change into a new exoskeleton suit.

After all this was done, Nijang came to Yan Jiang with the registration form he just filled out, and handed it over to him. In the square over Lingyangpo, the seventh team is preparing and has not left yet."

Yan handed over the registration form in his hand while he was speaking. Brother Shi took it and looked at it. It was the application for the three of them to change teams.



Yan Jiang waved his hands to them, and he seemed very impatient. The three of them didn't dare to stay any longer. They looked at each other and walked out. I feel like I have been reborn. Although there will be more difficult challenges in the future, I don't know if the thoughts in Yong's heart will be the same as mine?

"Let's go!"

The three of them didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly ran towards the direction of Lingyang Slope that Yan Jiang said, but the next second they just left, someone suddenly stopped in front of them!

"You are"

Brother Shi took the lead and stopped, looked at the person who was blocking them, and looked puzzled. They knew this person, but they were not familiar with him at all. The time when they knew each other was the general who passed by them twenty minutes ago. Sergeant!

He stood there quietly, with almost no expression on his face like Yong. In his right hand, he was holding a huge laser weapon with the muzzle on the ground, as if waiting for something.

"Is there a problem?"

In Dangerous Sanctuary City, the lowest level of the characters above the general level is the existence of the sixth-order new human beings, and such existence and the three new human beings who are only second-order new human beings cannot have anything to do with it, unless it is Brother Shi's brother, because The other party may also be Yan Jiang's subordinate, just like Luo Dianfeng.

Brother Shi asked the other party suspiciously, and at the same time tried to be respectful in his tone when speaking, carefully glanced at the laser weapon in the other party's hand, that thing always gave him bad thoughts, but it was strange. Yes, the other party didn't answer, his eyes stared straight at him, Brother Shi and Guitouzai glanced at each other, and finally looked at Yong, Yong's eyes and the guy standing in front of them looked at each other, in the air. Also a little more nervous.

There is even a trace of blood!

"This...this is..."

Brother Shi didn't understand what was going on. It seemed that among the three of them, Yong seemed to know something. He wanted to ask what was going on with Yong, but he didn't know where to start.

"Well, what's the matter with you?"

The other party didn't answer for a long time. As a last resort, Brother Shi could only ask the guy in front of him again, but he still didn't get an answer from him. He looked left and right, Brother Shi hesitated for a while, and walked forward with Guitou Zai, while Yong Continue to stay in place, looking directly at the other party, as if confronting each other.

And when Brother Shi and Guitouzai were still eight or nine meters away from the guy, the other party suddenly raised the laser weapon in his hand, and the sturdy launch port was aimed at them!

"Fuck! Hurry up!"

(end of this chapter)