I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542 Abnormal Black Mist

"Be on trial!"

Just got rid of one person, and when he got close, another person rushed up. His hands turned into thick black sharp cones, and the moment he approached Tang Ye, he waved vigorously and stabbed at Tang Ye's brain!

But when the spiked part was just a few centimeters away from Tang Ye's brain, a tentacle of black mist that came out of nowhere suddenly wrapped around his waist. In an instant, the tentacle of black mist began to exert force. Suddenly his body twisted into a twist!

Tang Ye turned around, grabbed the opponent's head with a big hand, red light flashed in his eyes, and then saw him open his mouth, revealing two rows of inverted triangular teeth like sharks!


growl! A large amount of black mist spewed out of Tang Ye's mouth, and the black mist poured into the other party's mouth crazily. Soon, the body of this strange man began to shrink, wrinkles appeared on the plump skin, and then it dried and cracked, and finally turned into a human body. Was thrown aside by Tang Ye at will!

Goodbye to deal with one person, Tang Ye turned his head sharply, and saw a person walking around his side. After realizing that Tang Ye's line of sight had caught him, he accelerated suddenly, his mouth made a roar that was indistinguishable from a zombie, and his chest burst. , the tentacles covered with thorns stretched out and stabbed towards Tang Ye as he moved!

On the other side, there was also a person who sprinted all the way up and came to the ruins formed after a building collapsed. His arms wriggled and turned into a machete. He just jumped up, and the arms that turned into machetes followed. Dancing on his body to form a circle of circles, he slashed towards Tang Ye with a strong murderous aura! But in the next second, Tang Ye waved his hand, grabbed the tentacle that was stabbing towards him, and flung the man at the end of the tentacle with force, and in mid-air came a 180-degree slam on his arms. On the man of the machete!


Immediately afterwards, like a bomb that was detonated in the middle, a large amount of black dust was scattered, with a large number of human fragments in it!

"Get out of here!"

After raising his hands to deal with the two, Tang Ye moved his legs and continued to run towards the other self. Only the two remaining people looked at each other and let out a roar. The black liquid quickly solidified after touching the skin, and finally covered his whole body, forming a set of armor that looked very hard. Teeth's tentacles!


The two of them let out a roar and rushed towards Tang Ye without hesitation, but just as they made a move, Tang Ye had already come to one of them!

"too slow!"

He directly covered the other person's entire face with one hand, lifted his hand, lifted the other person's whole body, kept his feet, and then walked towards the other person. After seeing that the distance was about the same, Tang Ye picked up the The unlucky ghost smashed at each other!

Under his power, the person in his hand has no ability to resist at all. Like a broken kite, it quickly retreats and hits his companion with precision. The two fly out together, smashing through several buildings in a row, and then bursting into black ashes. Then there is no and then!


Just a casual glance, Tang Ye snorted coldly, and continued to move forward without speed, swept through the long street like a mad thunder, and crashed through countless buildings that collapsed due to damage, and the other one was far away from Tang Ye himself. It is getting closer and closer, and the figure of the other party is constantly enlarged in his eyes.

It can be said that a few subordinates were eliminated so quickly, it can be said to be an instant kill! Fake Tangye couldn't help but feel flustered. After a while, his arms were bent, as if he was trying to do something, but the result he got was far from what he wanted, and his brows were getting tighter and tighter. Looking up at Tang Ye again, he could only let out a roar, and with a wave of one arm, the densely packed people on the ground began to move, trying to block Tang Ye's progress, but their strength was too weak, their existence To the real Tangye, it is no different from non-existence!

His footsteps never slowed down even half a minute, and he went on a rampage all the way. Wherever he passed, those black and gray **** burst out one after another!

Ho~ Uhhhhh!

This scene happened in front of the fake Tangye. He couldn't bear it any longer, and a hoarse and unpleasant voice kept coming from his mouth. After a while, the skin of his mouth began to peel, and then the flesh exploded, cracks and cracks. His mouth was covered, and these cracks were obviously not honest. After they appeared on the fake Tangye's mouth, they continued to extend. The cracks started from the mouth and spread in all directions. After a while, the fake Tang Ye's face was like a vase that had fallen on the ground, luckily it didn't break into pieces and was picked up and put back on the table after a simple repair. The cracks on it had already made him lose its beauty.


The sound from his mouth continued, the hoarseness at the beginning gradually became sharp, and the cracks that began to appear on the skin of his mouth have extended to his body, and it can be seen that the state of this fake Tangye is now Very bad, not only on the body, but also in the thick black fog lingering around him, which seemed to have lost his control and began to surging, forming fog circles, hovering beside the fake Tang Ye, The aperture got smaller and smaller, and finally the fake Tang Ye was completely wrapped in it.

"This is"

Tang Ye was a little surprised, he didn't understand what happened to the other self, what happened, not to mention other, the black mist around the other side was essentially the same as his own, but the other side He had never encountered such a situation before, and with his understanding of his own black fog ability, he could see at a glance that those black fogs were abnormal from the black fog he usually recognized.

He didn't stop. For him, just as Lu Xiaojie said, what he has to do, besides killing everyone, is to get back what belongs to him. The former is not so easy to do now, there are too many, even in Weak and small, and the number exceeds a certain level, it will be super troublesome to deal with.

In the past ten or so seconds, the fake Tang Ye, who was enveloped in the abnormal black mist, let out an astonishing roar. In the next second, the black mist enveloped him was blasted away, and his body was revealed again. He looked towards the real man. Tang Ye's eyes have already turned into the scarlet color unique to the silver armored corpse. If you don't look carefully, it's like a red sun is in the endless abyss. The light emitted by the red sun can't dispel the darkness in this abyss at all!

Full of surging resentment and killing intent!

I don't know if it was an illusion. After his figure reappeared from the black mist, the black mist surrounding him seemed to be much thinner.

(end of this chapter)