I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1540

Chapter 1540

Chapter 1540 Only the strong can have hair

Seeing these black ashes flowing out of Lu Xiaojie's body, Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, which means that he did not kill the wrong person. If the other party is a real flesh and blood, he may consider that he can't get out of the figure graffiti like this. The strange people continued to entangle.

Looking up and looking into the distance, endless people once again formed layers of huge waves and rushed towards Tang Ye. At this time, in Xijiang City, these people were no longer the only flesh-colored bodies on their heads, and they had grown on their heads. From the beginning, the black spots are getting longer and longer, and even some people's hair has reached the level of lush.

Among these people, Tang Ye saw quite a few familiar faces. Not all of them were from him, but some of them met outside, such as one of the women. As the hair grew out, he could see the person clearly. It turned out to be Qiong Li, this is a person he doesn't know very well but knows his name. Most of the rest know and have seen it, but the image is not so deep, he does not know the name of the other party.

They were at the top of the giant waves, and after approaching Tang Ye, they shouted those words!

Join us!

"It's a bit tricky..."

Tang Ye frowned. There were too many people, maybe more than any corpse tide he had ever seen. If according to Lu Xiaojie's words, to kill everyone, when will he kill them?

In this second of thoughts flashed, the huge wave of the body in front of him roared and roared! Tang Ye hurriedly raised his arm, wrapped the thick black fog and blasted it forward, abruptly destroying the incoming huge wave to both sides, under his control, the black fog surrounding him quickly condensed into tentacles, People who fell to the ground were killed one by one!

At this moment, Tang Ye noticed that something seemed to be floating in the sky in the distance, narrowed his eyes, and he immediately saw that it was a human figure!

At first, he thought it was Delia who was going to tentacles himself, but after seeing what the figure looked like, Tang Ye was startled, the face was so familiar and unfamiliar, it turned out to be himself!

Unlike other people, the "self" floating in the air already has very thick hair on his head, the length reaching his shoulders, black and translucent, and beside him, there is also the same black mist as himself!

Tang Ye's brows furrowed into a word "Chuan", he suddenly remembered what Lu Xiaojie had told him before, what was it when he got back what should belong to him?

He remembered the question she asked himself not long after he met Lu Xiaojie: "Do you remember what happened after you entered that room that day?"

He really doesn't remember what happened behind the room he entered, but something must have happened. His power was reduced by half. In this fake world time, no matter how confused he was, he could feel it.

"What belongs to me, is that you?"

Tang Ye muttered to himself, and then looked at the other self floating in the air in the distance. The other party's eyes met his own, with a little provocation, and then his head crooked.

"Bring it!"

With a low roar, Tang Ye started to run in that direction, facing the huge waves that re-gathered ahead, the black mist behind dissipated and condensed, helping Tang Ye break through the huge waves!

Under his frenzied destruction, those huge waves collapsed one after another as if the high-rise buildings had lost their foundations. People who lost the support of their companions fell to the ground. The lucky ones lost their arms and legs, and the unlucky ones died on the spot!

The dead remained motionless, together with the stumps and broken arms that fell off their bodies, while the still-living people stubbornly wanted to stand up despite their screams. He moved his body with his hands and feet, and approached Tang Ye little by little!

When they came to Tangye, they attacked Tangye with their own heads, hands and feet, even though their attack was not even a mosquito bite to Tangye.

And when the other Tang Ye found out that the real Tang Ye was approaching him, the corner of his mouth lifted up, revealing a smile that was full of sarcasm.

I saw him raise one arm and gently move forward for a while. The people in the city who came out of the figure graffiti didn't know if it was Tang Ye's illusion, and they seemed to become more crazy.

They roared lowly, chanted inexplicably in their mouths, and kept crowding. They used both hands and feet, desperately climbing up to the bodies of their companions, and after a while, a huge wave was built up, and as the wave topped One of the people roared, the huge waves began to roll, and the surrounding air became thick, with an unpleasant smell, and couldn't help but want to vomit!

"Fuck me!"

As the giant wave just formed, Tang Ye's roar followed, and the thick black mist accompanied his heavy punch, and the giant wave that had just formed suddenly exploded! Black and ash spewed out from the sky, and the huge waves collapsed with it. Countless people fell to the ground. People not far from Tang Ye shouted at him: "Join us! Come and join us!"

These voices are like waves of magic sounds, which are disturbing.

"Give me death!"

After getting rid of a few people around who were screaming and screaming, Tang Ye continued to stride forward. On the way, someone grabbed his feet with both hands, raised his head and shouted at him, "Join us. "There was pleading in that tone, but in the end, it was all smashed to pieces by Tang Ye!

But the number of people is ridiculous. There is a steady stream of people like this. Just after solving one, the next second, it's like taking the place and repeating what the previous person did. It's very annoying!

Some people even used their partner's broken arm and broken foot as a weapon to kill Tang Ye. The most ridiculous thing was that some people were on the ground with their bare hands.

In the front, millions of people gathered again, forming a huge wave that rolled over again. They gathered very fast, as if they wanted to stop Tang Ye from approaching another self. This made Tang Ye relax slightly. This has proved that it is very important to be in another self, and all you have to do is to get close to him! Kill him, melt him! Take back what is rightfully yours!

However, he also gradually discovered a phenomenon, that is, the strength of these people who emerged from the figure graffiti is gradually increasing, and as the strength increases, some changes will occur in their appearance, such as hair, those who have just emerged from the figure graffiti Drilled out, the person with no hair or a bare head is the weakest, the strength is similar to that of ordinary people, or even weaker, and the hair is also dense, the closer the appearance is to a normal person, the strength of a normal person, can already be comparable to the first-order Evolved Zombies compared.

This is only the strong can have hair!

(end of this chapter)