I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350 Borrowing and Repaying 2

She took off the schoolbag on her back, took a few evolutionary crystals from it, and threw the rest of the schoolbag to the vendor owner, saying, "The minimum is 13,000, right? There are 16,000 in it. Take it away, and the evolutionary crystallization inside will be replaced by Yajin 13,000 or more."

"Um, yes?"

The boss asked suspiciously, picked up the schoolbag that Xu Mengyun threw over, opened it and looked at it. In an instant, many people's eyes were attracted, and many people's eyes flashed with a look called greed!

The Asian gold trade, which is over ten thousand, is probably the first time many people present have seen it, and the heart can't help but start to tremble.

may be aware of the strangeness around him, the boss's eyes swept around, and many people quickly retracted their gazes. Although this boss looks very eye-catching, he is a seventh-order new human! Unless the managers of this market take action, otherwise no one dares to pay attention to this boss.

Therefore, under the warning from the boss's eyes, many obscure eyes turned to Xu Mengyun. Even though Xu Mengyun didn't see them, the cold hairs on the back of her neck stood up one by one!

However, the boss didn't seem to care about what Xu Mengyun would encounter next. He was only interested in the evolutionary crystals in the backpack. He opened the backpack and took a look at the evolutionary crystals inside. They were colorful, including a few cyan ones, which were worthless at first glance. Fei, weighed it, it seems that he is often in contact with evolutionary crystals. After roughly guessing how much the evolutionary crystals are worth, he said to Xu Mengyun with satisfaction: "Okay, you can take it, I There is no after-sales service here. I won't help you with what you will encounter next, but I remind you out of kindness that you should not leave this market until you are not sure. You may be able to find a few bodyguards for the evolutionary crystallization in your hand. ."

"Thanks for reminding."

Xu Mengyun said with a smile, the expression on her face seemed to be that she was not very worried.

"The backpack is for you."

The boss nodded, put the bag at his feet, and handed over the zombie skin rolled up in front of him.

Just as Xu Mengyun caught it, the boss's expression changed instantly, and he only heard him say, "What's the matter with you, why are so many people staring at you?"

"What?" This time, it was not Xu Mengyun who was stunned, but Yuan'e!

After a while, he reacted. All the flying insects were staring at the zombie skin in Xu Mengyun's hands. The focus was not on the zombie skin, but on the stuff wrapped in the zombie skin!

The boss said this sentence, picked up the schoolbag and ran away. The other items on the stall were directly discarded. Others had not had time to grab it. Several powerful new human blood energy appeared in everyone's perception. In this case, the people here Everyone is not stupid, and they immediately understand what happened. How dare they rob the owner of the stall? Run on the spot!

"I go!"

With a startled roar, he never realized that besides himself, there are other 8th-order new human powerhouses staring at Xu Mengyun. Logically, even if the new human took the blocking agent to hide their breath, the zombies could still tell the difference. It came out, but he didn't notice anything unusual. Maybe the blockers that those guys took were high-end products, which was enough to prove that those people attached great importance to these purifiers!

He immediately notified the others, then turned around and rushed towards where Xu Mengyun was!

But he was still a step behind. After Xu Mengyun frequently entered this trading area, many strong people were already waiting here, but they were not sure.

"Do it first, grab that quick zombie skin and talk about it, other things will be discussed later!"


In an instant, most of the buildings that enveloped the entire trading place collapsed, and now there are several eighth-order new human beings surging with strong blood energy, just lightly colliding with the surrounding items, they shattered, just like fresh tofu just out of the oven. .

Xu Mengyun's face changed, but she was still calm. She had considered such a situation, so she herself was prepared. Immediately shouted into the sky: "Mr. Five! Mister. Three!"

Following her figure, two figures appeared, one was holding a samurai sword, the other was dragging a giant axe, both were eighth-order rookies, both wore masks made of R alloy, one was a tiger, and the other was baring its teeth. People, the two of them shot together, and a frantic storm was set off between the waves, blocking several eighth-order powerhouses who had already rushed towards Xu Mengyun.

The power of the gods collided with each other, and some unlucky ghosts who had not escaped the range were blown away by the storm on the spot. Some people were alive, and some people vomited blood because of the violent impact and forgot!

It was just a collision, the huge building turned into a ruin, and the surrounding buildings were also affected. It was just a few symbolic shakes, and then it collapsed with a rumbling!

And Xu Mengyun also flew upside down. After hitting two walls, the corners of her mouth bleed. She didn't have the time to pay attention to the intense pain that stretched from her abdomen to her chest. She crawled out of the rubble and ran away. Someone noticed her. The behavior, immediately got out and chased after her, but was quickly stopped by the eighth-order powerhouse with the giant axe!

"Who are you? Why are you helping her?"

"This question will be known when you die!"

"Do you think it's necessary for the two of us to answer you?" said the eighth-order rookie of the giant axe. He was tall and strong, and he didn't speak very well in Chinese. He was a bit crooked and lame. The powerhouses on the opposite side heard it. Although he didn't know what his identity was, there was no need to doubt him as a foreigner powerhouse. As for the other one, there was nothing strange about Chinese, but he also had a little dialect. Similar to them, I can't tell who it is, but the samurai sword in his hand shows that he is from that area.

And he was very sure that the guy with the samurai sword was Kimura Yuki who had a few hands with Chu Zha.

As for the other one, he doesn't know who it is, and the influence on him is not very deep.

It's impossible to win between two eighth-orders and four eighth-orders, but if you just drag the other side, then it's okay to say that the two of them play crazy, not for the benefit of the shot, but to hold the other side's footsteps , Do not let the eighth-order powerhouses of these four two major forces leave this place.

Seeing Xu Mengyun running away, they couldn't help but get anxious, trying to get rid of these two **** fellows, but the more anxious they were, the more flawed they became.

Yuan'e didn't stop here either, and chased after Xu Mengyun's figure.

"She didn't go to that yard, pay attention to my orientation!"

e felt that her companions were already rushing this way, and she couldn't help but say, now that Xu Mengyun's direction has been changed, it seems that she intends to be farther away from the children's shelter.

(end of this chapter)