I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Alien Zombies

Bounty hunters, as the name suggests, are those who complete the tasks issued by the employer to receive the bounty, but this employer is not someone else, but the government in the survivor base!

Those new humans who are unwilling to be recruited, the government will not force them. After all, once the new humans are angered, the casualties will be greater, but even so, these new humans who are unwilling to be recruited, the people in the government It's not a bunch of idiots, and naturally there are many ways to use them.

For example, the bounty tasks that have been released, giving them some jobs that can survive, is equivalent to letting these new humans work in disguise, or as temporary workers.

The recruited new human beings can be regarded as their own people, and they will not lose their own people if they do not lose, and those who are unwilling to be recruited, how much they die does not matter to those in power. Kind of good!

Of course, the bounty task does not have to be released by the government. Some survivors who have been oppressed can also give up some precious things to release the bounty task, so that the hired new humans or some who were trained before the apocalypse When an ordinary person kills a person, or does something, if you let them kill an evolutionary creature for you and take its evolutionary nucleus for you, don't even think about it!

The evolutionary nucleus is the most precious thing in the apocalypse. It can be directly eaten by the new humans to enhance their strength. Once the new humans have an evolutionary nucleus, they would like to put it in their mouths and give you to complete the bounty task?

The bounty in the bounty task is divided into three categories:

1: Food. 2: Gold. 3: It is the crystallization of evolution.

Evolutionary crystals can also be used to enhance the strength of new humans, but it requires some very complicated processing to extract some harmful ingredients inside, and the remaining evolutionary energy can be made into a tube of potion before it can be eaten.

After this process, many people will find it troublesome, and then they simply use the evolutionary crystals in the zombies' brains as currency, and when they have time, they can also make medicines to supplement their nutrition.

Secondly, the industry of bounty hunters has begun to spread in major bases. At this stage of the end of the world, almost every base has bounty hunters.

Compared with ordinary people, the strength of the new humans is really too different. The consequences of this can also be understood. The new humans use their inhuman strength to disrupt the order everywhere. The strength of human beings has completely turned into an identity that represents who can become the person in power, and it has also begun to turn a blind eye to the event that the new human beings are superior to the old human beings.

Slowly, he simply closed his eyes, and the society established by human beings has completely become a respect for strength. The old human beings began to wake up, no longer dared to provoke and became a different government, and began to hold its tail and be a man!

The inaction of those in power has made those bases a breeding ground for the birth of evil. Can you imagine all the results behind this?

The forces have risen one by one, occupying different sites, and even some forces in the base can compete with those in power in the base! And behind every force is a powerful new human being!

In this situation, it has become the norm for the new humans to arbitrarily dominate the lives of the old humans. At the same time, the first-order new humans are also the objects that are arbitrarily dominated by the second-order new humans!

In troubled times, human life is worthless!

In the end times, human life is worth a lot of money, but not a piece of moldy bread!

A world where strength is respected is born, but when you kill another person, you may also attract the forces behind that person, and then get into some trouble, and the enemy will post photos or portraits on the bounty task.

And in order not to be encountered by those bounty hunters who have received quests, they will wear masks to hide their identity, but there are also many people who wear masks just to pretend to be mysterious, but these are no longer controlled, you can wear them if you want. Dai, no one will give you a second look, because there are many masked survivors and new humans at the Qinshan base.

This point, Chen Chaoyang is very clear, but you don't have to wear a mask to directly enter the base. When you enter the base, you need to register and take a file.

These processes are actually useless. Generally, as long as you have the ability to sneak into the base, no one will be idle to check on you.

After listening to Chen Chaoyang talking about the situation in those bases in the last days, Tang Ye suddenly realized that he hadn't returned to human society for a long time, and now the world has become like this.

However, after knowing the situation of the Survivor Base, Tang Ye suddenly became excited for some reason. This was not from Ning Yuer, but his curiosity about the current human society.

He just wanted to go in and have a look, just...do something.

"Okay, I'll find a mask, you guys are waiting for me here." Tang Ye said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared in front of Chen Chaoyang, seeing Chen Chaoyang's expression of fear and envy.

"As expected of a different type of zombie!"

Of course, he knew what the alien zombies he was talking about. During his time at the Qinshan Base, he also learned about some zombies from the mouths of some researchers.

The general evolution of zombies is divided into three directions: strength, speed and mind control.

Power-type evolutionary zombies are zombies that are good at strength and defense, but it does not mean that they have no speed. Power zombies all have the most basic speed and will compete with the level.

The same is true for speed-type zombies, which are also biased towards speed and have basic strength.

These two kinds of zombies are very common, but spiritual zombies are very rare. Most of them have a big head, and there is no evolutionary crystal inside. Compared with other evolutionary zombies, the brain is very full, not the kind of black dry up!

Their characteristic is that they can order a lot of zombies to surround themselves, and they can even order zombies of the same level as themselves to act as big hands, but their combat effectiveness is very weak, and they are not as good as ordinary zombies. Usually they are alone. But as soon as it encounters danger, it will call the surrounding likes at a very fast speed!

This is also the reason why many hunters hate it, it is difficult to kill, and there is no gain in killing anything!

And there are many types of alien zombies, but many of them are guesses, but some types of alien zombies have also been encountered, and Tang Ye is one of them, power and speed coexist!

The other is the xenogeneic zombies, that is, all the evolutionary directions are concentrated in one evolutionary direction, for example, a zombie throws away all the basic speed, and all concentrates on the power! The result of this is that their power will be more than two or three times higher than that of other evolutionary zombies of the same level.

This is this kind of zombie, and it's talking about A Fu's iron and naive, but its physique looks similar to an ordinary power-type evolutionary zombie, and Chen Chaoyang can't tell that it is a xenogeneic zombie.

(end of this chapter)