I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189 "Everything is a Dream"

At this moment, the doctor's heart is ready to die. He knows that if he takes a few steps forward to meet him, he may be blown up by the other party and become rotten flesh.

But he is no longer afraid, and he is also thinking, is this the feeling of being fearless?

"It should be, this is what it feels like to be fearless."

This feeling is wonderful, it seems to be liberation, no matter what it is, anyway, it is accepted, whether it is killing them or they kill themselves, there is no need to face her.

It may be that the doctor's behavior touched the sky. When he was still more than ten meters away from the sixth-order powerhouses, these powerhouses suddenly collapsed on the ground, the wounds on their bodies festered, and some still intact skin began to dim. , start silvering.

These powerhouses who had just collapsed soon rolled on the ground like the others. Seeing this opportunity, the doctor hurried forward and roared, "Go to hell!"

On the other side, Song Muyuan controlled the corpse dragon to let it destroy the wheat on the farmland. After a bite of the dragon's breath eroded the more than 20 acres of farmland, the corpse dragon suddenly couldn't control it.

"This side, this side, what are you doing?" Song Muyuan didn't react a bit, and his own brain waves on the corpse dragon didn't have any effect at all.

He let it destroy the farmland here, but the corpse dragon roared and rushed towards the second corpse wall.

The sound of the laser hitting the corpse dragon's hard body made a "crackling" sound. The huge body twisted and crushed large swathes of wheat ears. When the storm generated from it was like a tsunami, it made people feel extremely depressed. .

"The corpse dragon wants to attack, and the Qishan Legion is ready to attack the corpse dragon with all their strength, hold on, and someone will come to help in a moment!"

"Yes!" By this time, the supreme commander couldn't care less, shouting, compared to destroying farmland with the corpse tide, once the corpse dragons are allowed to enter the second corpse wall, the power contained in the huge body is enough. Let everyone lose the phalanx.

Which is more important and which is more important, he can still clearly distinguish.

It may be because there were too many and important things, he didn't take a good look at the corpse dragon in the panic. Under the fierce firepower of the soldiers, what was unexpected was that the corpse dragon roared and took Song Muyuan on his head. into the ground.

Its body was thrown high in the sky, like a **** waving a giant's whip in his hand, and then quickly entered the ground, leaving only a huge hole in the farmland. Not only did the soil wriggle and fall into it, it gradually buried the hole.

The farmland was drilled to the point where it was flooded with water, and the wheat ears were uprooted by the tumbling soil. For a time, this piece of farmland looked appalling, and none of the soldiers dared to look at the tragic situation below.

That is the lifeblood of Yunxia Base!

More and more zombies entered the Yunxia base. Pieces of wheat were pushed aside and pulled up by the crazy zombies. Some self-destructing zombies exploded directly after rushing into the area with the densest wheat, and the corrosive pus scattered everywhere. The fertile soil was dyed dark green, and the wheat ears planted on it quickly withered, but these are not the main things, the most important thing is that the land has been polluted.

If the crops are gone, they can be replanted, but if the land is destroyed, it will be really destroyed!

"The Peace Conference that kills a thousand knives is really poisonous!" The top commander on the corpse wall looked at what was happening below and gritted his teeth with hatred. He asked the soldiers to guard against where the corpse dragon would appear.

It has the ability to burrow into the ground. After burrowing in from here, where does the ghost know where it will crawl out?

But in the next second, a roar sounded from behind. Listening to the intensity of the sound, it seemed that it was not far from you?

The supreme commander turned his head in surprise, and saw the corpse dragon emerging from the ground, causing serious damage to the concrete street.

The gravel flew around, and before the soldiers there could react, they were knocked over by the huge body of the corpse dragon and flew out, either dead or seriously injured.

That place is more than 100 meters away from him, which is the distance from the medical center. As the top commander, he breathed a sigh of relief. There are dozens of sixth-order new humans in that place, which is enough for the corpse dragon to appear in that place. After drinking a pot, he didn't know that in the place he thought, several sixth-order new humans had transformed into sixth-order silver armored corpses! Crazy slaughter is being carried out on the people around!

The scalpel in the doctor's hand fell little by little, and was about to insert into the body of a strong man in front of him, but at this moment, he felt the tremors from the ground, and then, the ground broke through and burst open! Large pieces of gravel flew in all directions, and along with it, there was a thick and huge black unknown object rising into the sky!

The gust of wind was generated at this moment, and the strength of the doctor's fourth-order new human could not control his body at all. He was blown away by this gust of wind on the spot, and it was during the time of flying backwards that he clearly saw the black "Qing". What is the "Pillar of Heaven"!

is a train!

A dragon emerged from the ground!

The moment drilled out, the corpse dragon opened its mouth, and nearly seven or eight sixth-order powerhouses were swallowed by one mouthful without any preparation!

didn't give them time to realize what was going on at all. The corpse dragon's mouth closed, and its ferocious teeth merged, directly shattering their bodies!


The doctor spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He fell under a wall of ruins, staring blankly, a giant dragon swallowed so many strong men in one go!

The huge body with a diameter of six meters, and the huge and ferocious dragon head, made him not dare to move even the slightest sense of oppression!

Although he is now seriously injured and unable to move, he tried his best to hold back the severe pain from his body and mind, and did not dare to make any sound, even his breathing was slow!


He's about to suffocate!

He can swear to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, the Jade Emperor, the Tathagata Buddha, the Sanqing Patriarch, the Eight Immortals, the God of Wealth, etc. He has never seen such a huge creature!

The dragon-shaped giant creature made him feel like he was in a dream...

How he wished today was a dream! Even if it was a nightmare, he didn't want to do it again in his life, he just wanted to wake up quickly and see Wei Er's gentle face.

There was no corpse tide to attack, no sixth-order new humans from the Sky Continent to come down to block the high-level zombies outside, and he did not come to the battle medical department to be the chief person in charge.

Everything is a dream! After waking up these are all fake.

How he hoped!

Even if there is no hope, he still sees hope as real.

The soldiers around were not startled, and hurriedly ran past him, the huge shadow shrouded the panicked backs of the people.

(end of this chapter)