I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176 Roshan

After a zombie evolves to Tier 6, the defense on its body is no longer something that ordinary laser weapons can handle. It can only be dealt with by some powerful new humans with weapons made of high-grade H-steel, but this will inevitably cause casualties. In order to reduce casualties, it is natural to reduce this kind of close combat, but it is difficult for long-range weapons to break through the defense of the sixth-order zombies, so the penetrating dead line gun appeared, because such weapons can reduce the attack area to a point , the penetration is extremely strong, thus breaking the defense of a sixth-order zombie, so the penetrating dead-line cannon has become a special weapon for dealing with sixth-order zombies.

At the moment when the three penetrating dead-line cannons were just stretched out, one of the non-commissioned officers roared furiously: "Fire!"

With this sound, the three penetrating dead-line cannons made a "zizizi" sound. After about three seconds passed, a purple light the size of an adult's index finger shot out, killing dozens of zombies along the way. After the waist was cut off, it directly slammed into the two sixth-order zombies!

Boom! Boom!

The continuous explosions sounded, and the two sixth-order zombies continued to burst into flames. Under the adjustment of the soldiers, they penetrated the dead line and slammed into the heads of the two sixth-order zombies. sound!

One of the sixth-order zombies couldn't handle such damage. The intelligence and consciousness that it has evolved to the sixth-order kept telling it that it was dangerous, and it began to retreat, but in the next second, its body froze, and a gleam appeared in the corpse's eyes Fear, it seems that at this moment, it was warned by some terrifying existence!

As a result, it stepped stiffly like a robot, and it approached with difficulty with the attack that penetrated the dead line. Soon, one of the sixth-order zombies was about to approach the protective shield. fly.

And the remaining sixth-order zombie was also quickly blasted away by the fatal weakness of the zombie and fell to the ground under the attack of the three penetrating dead-line cannons.

Before the soldiers cheered, the front of the corpse tide was not far from the corpse wall, and it would soon be able to touch the protective cover.

The soldiers began to frantically block the corpse tide. The dense lasers killed the zombies that approached the shield one after another, but the number of zombies was too large. No matter how hard the soldiers tried, it was difficult to stop all the zombies. The low-level zombies touched the protective cover, and then, the second, third, fourth, zombies came to the protective cover one after another, and raised their corpse claws to attack frantically!

In this regard, the soldiers above are not panicked, because the back is only the agricultural planting area, and this protective cover has not become popular yet, which means that it can last for a while. If it becomes popular, then they can retreat to the second one. The line of defense has an anti-corpse wall as an obstacle. The corpse tide cannot flow in on such a large scale as it is now. It can only enter through some entrances one after another, and this way, it can also give the soldiers a good output environment.

As some zombies have touched the protective cover, the zombies behind them become more and more excited, jumping over the corpses of the same kind, and rushing towards this side.

In the intensive attack of laser weapons, you can see that many zombies' heads and bodies are splashed with flesh and blood, and many zombies have been shot in the head, and the huge impact rushed their bodies four or five meters away.

However, under the best defense of the soldiers, a large number of zombies came to the protective shield and frantically destroyed the protective shield. However, their strength was too small to destroy the protective shield.

As time goes by, more and more high-level zombies appear, and the soldiers' defense work becomes more and more difficult.

I don't know how long it has passed. After a long-time focused battle, the soldiers can no longer feel the passage of time. It may be a day or just a few hours. The battle is now stiff. The aching hands began to feel comfortable, not because they were used to it, but because their senses had become numb from the initial discomfort in such a high-intensity battle state.

That is, at this time, the sun in the west only exposed a small part of his body, and this little body was still disappearing. I believe that it will not be long before night will come, and fighting zombies in the dark night is the most difficult, fortunately. , the next batch of combat-ready soldiers is also ready.

This is a fierce battle. It may be that the battle with this group of corpses will consume less than one-tenth of the total, but no one knows how much.

"Brothers, come on! Come on! Don't give up! We won't fail!"

The non-commissioned officers above shouted loudly and used their voices to inspire the surrounding soldiers. In the face of such a dense tide of corpses, their first line of defense has not yet become popular. You know, this is four million. Huge corpse tide! The density is also something they have never seen before.

However, their first line of defense can still be held. Every non-commissioned officer here knows that the only reason they can hold it up to now is that the soldiers are desperately daring not to relax, because the tide of four million corpses has made them not dare at all. There are any mistakes, so the first line of defense can last until now.

It can be said that all this is the credit of these soldiers!

At the same time, all the non-commissioned officers here and the big men on the Sky Continent saw hope and couldn't help but get excited.

From the battle to the present, on the battlefield outside the Yunxia Base, the dead zombies, their corpses forcibly raised the altitude of the ground by five or six meters, and the zombies behind them ran forward on the corpses of their own kind! Even the heavy snow falling from the sky could not cover up the corpses.

No one knows what time it is, but when they look at the body of the sun with only a little bit left, they know that they can rest immediately, and now they all feel their existence, just like their own consciousness As if floating in mid-air, he didn't feel anything, but he could see his body repeating every movement mechanically.

Soon, there will be combat-ready soldiers to replace them against the corpse tide, but just thinking about it, suddenly, they saw an incomparably huge creature appearing in the distance, and the observation soldier immediately picked up the anti-living substance detector and locked it. The huge object, the data on it jumped for a while, and finally locked at the sixth-order level.

"It's a zombie! High-level zombies!"

A non-commissioned officer said with a frown. He rubbed the temples on both sides and only felt a little headache. The giant zombie that had just appeared in front of them in the distance was twenty meters tall. A short but sturdy foot like a turtle's leg supported the behemoth to move forward.

(end of this chapter)