I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095 Voodoo Evolution 2

It was at this time that Xu Haihai stepped into the line of defense, and the soldiers behind noticed his move and quickly said, "Vice President..." But before he finished speaking, Xu Haihai raised his hand with his back to them. , indicating that it doesn't matter, then he sped up his legs and rushed into the aberration body like a gust of wind.

And his silence did not allow the surrounding aberrations to attack him, and he didn't even know when he passed by.

On the side of the large aberration, it was also attacked by dozens of sixth-order zombies around it. These zombies suddenly focused all their attention on themselves, and jumped to their chests one after another to attack themselves. , and it was fully alert to prevent a sixth-order zombie from suddenly jumping on its chest and pulling itself out with a single claw.

It just knocked down a sixth-order silver armored corpse that wanted to jump on itself, but in the next second, it felt that its head was being grabbed by several heads, and a huge force hit, and it was unprepared. , its huge body was pulled to the ground like this!

Immediately, the sound of biting came, and one of his hands was torn off by a sixth-order zombie in one go, swallowing half of the flesh and blood, and then with a wave of his claws, his torn hand flew out. Falling into the silver corpse tide in the distance, without Xu Haihui to give instructions, these silver armored corpses also roared and surrounded them, swallowing the flesh and blood of their broken hand one by one, not even a minute. This broken hand doesn't even have scum left!

Before I had time to look, the flesh and blood on my back actually fell off, and the pus and blood spurted out like a fountain. I turned my head slightly and saw that a sixth-order zombie had appeared behind me, with one foot on my head. , the sharp corpse claws tore off a large piece of flesh and blood on his back like a skin!

Then, it watched the piece of meat on its back being thrown out dozens of meters away, falling into the group of corpses and being swallowed by those silver armored corpses bit by bit.

In the group of Shining Armor corpses surrounding him, in an instant, the bodies of hundreds of Shining Armor Corpse suddenly exploded like bombs!

On the other side, his aberrations are crowding towards this side frantically, and the Shining Armored Corpse around them explodes from time to time, and even some Shining Armor Corpse becomes furious and even attacks their own kind!

The group of aberrations is getting closer to itself, and there is only a distance of less than ten meters away from it. It can't help but secretly rejoice. As long as these aberrations get close to it, it can use the flesh and blood of these aberrations to return to it. peak!

But at this time, it suddenly felt that something jumped on its chest. It didn't care at first, because he was now surrounded by a few sixth-order zombies, so he couldn't move, but soon, he felt himself. The flesh on his chest was torn off by something.

hurriedly raised his head to look at his chest, and saw that there was a person on his chest unconsciously!

And this person is the target that he wants to kill just now, because he regards him as the main brain of these strange silver creatures, and controls all the actions of these creatures!

But now, it jumped to its own chest!

In an instant, a deep panic grew in its heart, it knew what he was going to do! Because before, he saw where he was, so he took the initiative to attack, and the target was himself!

"Do not!"

Hear it roar, the sound is no longer a meaningless roar of non-human beings, but a word in human Chinese! Just no!

Xu Haihui was stunned for a moment, how could he actually speak human language?

It seems that this thing cannot be kept no matter what!

Thinking about it, the killing intent in Xu Haihai's eyes became stronger and stronger. The next second, the clothes on his body suddenly swelled up, his body was raised, and the skyrocketing flesh and blood suddenly pushed Xu Haihai's clothes away! Show your body!

And the skin on his body also began to silvery after a while. On the fingers of both hands, the nails skyrocketed, the flesh on the wrist was torn open, and bone spurs grew out, forming bone claws of different lengths!

On 's forehead, pieces of scale armor broke out from the flesh, and four or five thick bone spurs drilled out of the head. Combined with the scale armor, Xu Haihai seemed to be wearing a dark purple crown on his head!

Physically, his back is not made of pure flesh and blood. In the center of his back, there is a blue crystal embedded in it. The helicopter above is passing by, and the light of the searchlight below shines on it, emitting a faint blue light. .

Xu Haihui, who was just over 1.7 meters tall, turned into a monster that was over 2 meters tall!

Yangtian roared, and a strange electromagnetic wave raged!

[Group 024 is under continuous observation, reporting the situation in the defense line in real time, and the No. 16 command room will give it quickly...] On the helicopter, a soldier was talking with a contactor, but at this moment, a "Zizzi" The sound of the ground sounded, and all the displays in the helicopter cabin instantly turned into snowflakes!

"I go!"

The soldier screamed, and he noticed that the helicopter was leaning towards the ground, which made him panic all of a sudden.

But fortunately, it was only for a while, and it didn't last for too long. Soon, the helicopter returned to normal.

"Quick, quick! Quickly rise to the height!"

The driver next to was sweating, but fortunately, the helicopter had begun to rise a little bit, and the two were relieved!

Not only their helicopters, but even the lights for five or six kilometers in the distance were all extinguished in an instant. The world seemed to fall into darkness in an instant, but it also returned to light in an instant.

Beyond the line of defense, a soldier sergeant looked at a loss, what just happened?

All of this came too fast, without the slightest precaution, the world suddenly turned into darkness, but soon returned to light, but the light didn't last for a long time, and soon, on the defensive line, one can overwhelm all The roar of the zombies sounded. This roar sounds familiar to you. After this roar, the darkness came before you could touch it. Before people, it once again turned into darkness!

This time, the darkness lasts longer!

"Look, it's dawn in the East!"

"What is that blue light?"

At this time, two people noticed different lights, people looked in two directions, the east was lit up with fish maw white, and in the southeast, a faint blue light came into people's eyes!

The sky seems to be bright, but at the dawn of the day, there seems to be a dense cloud of sand and dust coming this way!

(end of this chapter)