I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093 Priority to attack the big guy

"Up! Next!" In the distance, Xu Haihai directed the sixth-order zombies that had already moved, rushing towards the large aberrations one by one!

One after another, that large aberration body had not had time to deal with the sixth-order zombies he was facing, and the next one suddenly jumped to his forehead, and opened his terrifying giant mouth to bite himself!

The multi-headed sixth-order zombies came up one after another, and the aberration was suddenly caught off guard. Gradually, it also felt that something was wrong, and there was a chain of flesh and blood formed by the normal-sized aberrations decomposing the flesh and blood around it. Shrinking rapidly, it quickly changed into a twisted aberration body and ran towards the large aberration body!

They avoided the place where the sixth-order zombies were, quickly climbed onto the large aberration body, and fused the flesh and blood of their whole body into it, becoming a part of it.

With these normal-sized aberrations as a supply, this large-scale aberration immediately appeared, without any fear, and attacked the sixth-order zombies that besieged him!

But in the face of the siege of the multi-headed sixth-order zombies, it is difficult for one aberration body to resist, so helpless, some of the other aberrations under the feet begin to merge with each other and become; Five-headed meat piles appeared one after another, attacking these sixth-order zombies that besieged large-scale aberrations, but the attacks from these meat piles were only scratching the itch for the sixth-order zombies, and there was no damage at all.

A random blow from the sixth-order zombies can directly grind the flesh and blood on their bodies into mud. Not only that, the flames spitting out from the mouths of those flaming silver-armored corpses are even more devastating to the aberrations!

"go to hell!"

Xu Haihai shouted, and in the battlefield, two silver armored corpses suddenly jumped up, climbed onto the body of this large deformed body, opened its huge corpse mouth, and faced the flesh and blood in a position on its body. With one bite, the huge bite force directly gnawed down a piece of flesh and blood the size of a small house!

Under the direction of Xu Haihui's brainwaves, several more powerful zombies crawled towards the body of the large aberration body, and within a few seconds they came to its chest, and the sharp bone spurs on the limbs stabbed into the opponent's body. In the flesh and blood, make sure that your body will not fall from above.

The four or five sixth-order silver armored corpses behind him were madly attacking himself. A careless, a huge force came, and the large aberration body could not react at all, and was pushed from behind by a power-type sixth-order zombie. At this point, half of the tentacles under him were held by another Tier 6 zombie, and they did not give the slightest chance, but exerted the same force!

Its huge body began to tilt, which is so shocking in the eyes of people! Spectacular!

With a loud bang, the huge body with a height of more than 60 meters just fell down, and the buildings on the ground were flattened on the spot. The huge pressure caused cracks to appear on the ground, and these cracks appeared from large The place where the aberration fell directly spread beyond the line of defense, scaring many people to rush to run further away.

Before the large aberration body climbed up from the ground, two sixth-order zombies grabbed the tentacles on its body and the tentacles on its head, respectively, and the huge body of the large aberration body was pulled up abruptly! Another sixth-order zombie rushed behind him, swung his flesh and blood to blast, and in the blood mist, dense bone spurs drilled out, poking out blood holes one by one on the body of the large deformed body.

The large aberration body realized that something was wrong, and quickly ordered all the aberration bodies to start gathering towards where they were.

It seems to be very angry, and the mouth is constantly making a sound full of anger, no longer sharp, and people will think of the word anger when they hear it!

The following aberrations also seem to be affected by its emotions, as if they have lost some restraint, they are unrestrictedly merging towards the piles of meat. The piles are getting bigger and bigger, but some of the piles are still being fused by some The high-level silver armored corpse was destroyed on the spot!

But the piles of meat that were not threatened too much were getting bigger and bigger, and a large number of tentacles were waving out, and the shape of the piles of meat was slowly changing. For example, the body formed by the mud began to grow one eye after another, and they began to move. , The tentacles full of teeth are constantly attacking those silver armored corpses. They are crazy and have no intention of stopping. It seems that they will keep waving their tentacles for the next endless time, regardless of whether there are enemies or not. so.

Affected by these tentacles, several Tier 6 zombies were also angry one after another, wanting to attack those disgusting guys directly and destroy them, but before they acted, Xu Haihui noticed their thoughts, banned them directly, and ordered them all to attack. Those large aberrations!

As a result, a total of fourteen sixth-order silver armored corpses can only besiege large-scale aberrations against the attacks of these piles of flesh. Some of the flesh piles are fused with a large number of aberrant individuals. The tentacles have already done damage to the sixth-order zombies, but these damages For the sixth-order silver armored corpses, it is not enough to see, only a thin cut wound can be drawn on their silvery metallic skin.

The damage is indeed small, but these nearly 100 tentacles full of teeth attacked, and the skin of the Shining Armor corpses began to fester in a short time.

"Don't worry about other things, kill that big guy first!" Xu Haihai continued to grow in shape. The sixth-order silver armored corpse on the battlefield had completely overwhelmed the large-scale aberrations. Even though the strength was strong, it was still in the sixth-order. Within the range, under the turns of fourteen sixth-order zombies, it was powerless to parry!

Under the order of Xu Haihai, these dozen or so sixth-order zombies were like monster brand pushers, pushing away the flesh and blood on the large aberration body in large chunks, without giving the slightest chance, in the large aberration body. A huge gap has been bitten out in the waist, and its size is more than half smaller than that of the new born.

But the bite out of its body is growing little by little and recovering, that's because there is a steady stream of aberrations merging towards its body below, supplementing the flesh and blood on its body.

It was at this moment that a sixth-order silver-armored corpse jumped to its chest, probably because it thought that the flesh and blood of other parts of the opponent's body had been eaten up. In order to perform well in front of Xu Haihui, it chose to come The place where the flesh and blood gathers more is the chest of this large aberration!

It came to the chest of the large aberration body, and its hideous corpse claws grabbed a protruding rib above it and pulled it hard!


(end of this chapter)