I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 956

Chapter 956

According to Huo Feiteng's explanation and tone, it is estimated that he planned to use up all the power of rules in his body.

There's nothing wrong with such an idea, and as long as it works, it's all worth it.

After all, the price is not big. Although Huo Feiteng practiced for two months before, but now with his help, it only takes 6 days to cultivate the power of rules again.

However, Lin Xinghai still felt that it was not worth it, or in other words, he didn't need to go to that point.

"Marshal Huo, I don't think you need to fight so hard. You only need to give me 100 strong people in the gods and demons. The remaining 157 will be handed over to you, and the power of rules should be saved as much as possible." Lin Xinghai thought for a while. , or speak his mind.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Huo Feiteng asked.

"What's wrong with this, I'm not like you, and I have to be wary of making shots. I'll kill as many mutant zombies as there are." Lin Xinghai said quite confidently.

"Okay! That's settled. Now we'll be grouped together. We will act on time in 10 minutes, how about that?" Huo Feiteng didn't worry too much about this matter. After all, Lin Xinghai had already proven his ability with practical actions before.

"no problem."

After the two sides were finalized, the grouping was quite quick. After all, the list has been gathered, and there is information on what kind of strength each **** and demon realm powerhouse has, and the areas they are good at.

With these data, input commands directly to the AI system to group them.

This saves time and effort, and everyone's strengths and abilities complement each other, so you don't have to worry about them. The AI system has a special algorithm for allocation.

One by one, the instructions were quickly sent to the wrist-mounted computers of the powerful gods and demons.

Soon, the 100 people who were grouped together gathered in front of Lin Xinghai.

Lin Xinghai glanced around, and felt a little emotional in his heart, these are 100 powerful people in the realm of gods and demons!

Two months ago, if you wanted to form such a team, it was estimated that nearly half of the country's powerhouses would have to be drawn.

However, with the popularity of the quenching body realm, a large number of warriors who were stuck at the peak of the body shaping realm broke through.

The powerhouses of the gods and demons kept popping up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Now, in just one war zone, 100 powerful people in the realm of gods and demons can be drawn.

Of course, because of this, more than half of them are the gods and demons that have just broken through, but it is completely enough for Lin Xinghai.

"Even if you haven't seen me take action in person, you should have heard of my record, so I'll take full command of everyone's next actions, right?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"No!" All the gods and demons immediately replied.

They were quite convinced about Lin Xinghai's quasi-regular environment.

"Okay, then I'll talk about the next action plan."

Lin Xinghai pointed to the projected zoom map and said, "We pay for this section of the river to the south, which is about five kilometers in length."

"We have 101 people here. On average, each person is responsible for about 50 meters. Do you feel there is a problem?"

Hearing Lin Xinghai's question, everyone's expressions became serious.

50 meters sounds short, and if they are fighting on flat ground, they can definitely pat their chests and say it's fine.

But the problem is that they have to fight in the river, so the field is three-dimensional.

Although the width is only 50 meters, the depth of the river reaches a depth of 1 km.

So this is definitely not a problem of 50 meters, it is almost the same as 1 kilometer.

In this case, they are not sure that they can stop all the fish zombies.

Lin Xinghai naturally knew what everyone was worried about, and continued: "You don't need to worry too much, after all, it's not just you who are in charge of defense, there will also be nearly 30 combat divisions who will cooperate in defense, and they will help block most of them. fish zombies, you are responsible for checking the gaps."

"And I can also assure you that there are no mutant zombies that can come to interfere with you, and I will kill them all before they get close."

Hearing the assurance given by Lin Xinghai, everyone couldn't help but be taken aback.

What they are most worried about is not those mutant zombies.

After all, in such a tense defensive battle, let alone a level 4 mutant zombie, even if there are a few more level three mutant zombies, and a little bit of their energy is involved, it is possible for those fish zombies to break through the defense line.

But now that Lin Xinghai was alone, to bear all the threats posed by mutant zombies, the task became extremely easy.

For them, those fish zombies are really nothing, and they can basically be solved with abilities alone, except for fire-type abilities of course.

"If you can really stop all the mutant zombies of the third and fourth levels, I think we will have no problem." After the 100 gods and demons whispered in a low voice, a veteran of the gods and demons peaked, took the lead and said. .

He even directly reduced Lin Xinghai's pressure, not including the first and second-level mutant zombies.

The rest of the people also nodded in approval.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai smiled and stopped talking.

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

And the action has officially begun.

The 30 ace divisions had already entered the Yangtze River one step earlier and pulled up the defense line.

Lin Xinghai led 100 strong people from the gods and demons to board a special cargo ship.

All the cable equipment has been placed on the cargo ship, and the cargo ship will lower the power grid as it moves forward, just like a fishing net.

As for the protection work, it is naturally left to them.

The action is the easiest at the beginning. After all, the power grid has just been laid down~www.mtlnovel.com~ There are only a few places that need to be protected, and there are hundreds of them here. the river area.

But as the cargo ships advance, their formations will gradually be pulled apart, and the area where each person is responsible for defense will become larger and larger, and the pressure will naturally soar.

Of course, this so-called soaring, for these gods and demons, is actually the same.

Until the cargo ship moved forward, about 1 km.

When a large number of mutant zombies were detected on the radar, and they were rushing towards this side, everyone's expressions became really solemn.

"Sir, according to the detection, there are a total of 1,325 mutant zombies coming towards us. Among them, there are 23 mutant zombies at the fourth level, 312 mutant zombies at the third level, and the rest are all mutant zombies at the first and second levels. Zombies." At this time, the soldiers in charge of the investigation hurried over to report.

At this time, almost everyone on the ship turned their attention to Lin Xinghai.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me." Lin Xinghai said calmly, and stepped forward into the water.

The wings of wind and thunder were released, and Lin Xinghai headed directly in the direction of the mutant zombies.

He has to strike first.

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