I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Lin Xinghai observed, Liu Miaomiao, the thorny field, with her as the center, the straight-line distance extending outwards is about 500 meters.

That is, a circle with a diameter of 1 km can be formed.

Such a scope is definitely not too small. You must know that Liu Miaomiao has just mastered the field of thorns. As the realm of this martial arts improves, the scope will inevitably continue to expand.

And a total of hundreds of thorns can be released, and the number is quite terrifying. In just one or two breaths, Liu Miaomiao has already killed nearly 300 fish zombies with the help of the thorns field.

As for the fish zombies that didn't die, almost all of them were entangled with thorns.

And in the process, Lin Xinghai also discovered that as the thorns were tightened, the sharp barbs on them would continue to penetrate into the opponent's body.

The hard cuticle of the crocodile zombie finally couldn't support it, it began to crack, and then it was cut open layer by layer by the barbs, and finally brought out large chunks of flesh and blood.

After more than ten seconds, finally a crocodile zombie could not support it and died, and then the remaining crocodile zombies also died one after another.

"It actually carries continuous damage." Lin Xinghai felt a little surprised.

Compared to crocodile zombies, turtle zombies have much stronger defenses.

Especially when they indent their heads and limbs into the turtle shell, their defense is estimated to be stronger than the "iron armored corpse" of the same level.

In this case, the barbs really can't help them.

But Lin Xinghai suddenly found that some green spots appeared on the shells of these turtle zombies, and these green spots were still spreading.

"Huh!" Lin Xinghai let out a light huh, he could feel that the aura of these turtle zombies with green dots was constantly dropping.

"It's... Poisoned?" Lin Xinghai was really surprised this time. He didn't expect this thorny field to be so comprehensive.

It can attack, entangle, and also has toxins. The only fly in the ointment may be that the ability to directly attack is a bit poor, but the ability to entangle and toxin can completely make up for it.

At this time, the fourth-level "iron armored corpse" seemed to be a little surprised. It didn't expect that the fish zombies it had called would not pose any threat to the two humans in front of it.

More importantly, as these fish zombies were emptied, Liu Miaomiao moved flexibly and quickly approached it.

And when the distance got closer to 500 meters, thorns quickly sprang up from the soil under the "Iron Armored Corpse"'s feet, and started winding up along its legs.

Of course, the "Iron Armored Corpse" couldn't let these thorns entangle itself. As soon as the leg exerted force, the entire thorn was torn off, and the figure began to retreat.

At the same time, it continued to roar, and the fish and zombies around it came to assist it.

However, Liu Miaomiao's speed, with the help of Lin Xinghai's time acceleration ability, was much faster than hers, and she continued to approach as she moved.

At the same time, more and more thorns were drilled out of the soil. One or two thorns could easily be torn off by the "Iron Armored Corpse".

However, when the number of thorns around it exceeds 10, it is not so easy to tear it off by its own power.

And even if it is torn off, it is useless. Since it cannot leave the place immediately, the torn thorns seem to have the characteristics of rapid growth, recover quickly, and continue to wrap around it.

At the same time, Liu Miaomiao was not idle either. With her breakthrough to the body-shaping realm, her life control ability was greatly enhanced again.

In addition, the coverage range of the ability has also been increased to 200 meters.

So when she got close to the opponent's range of 200 meters, she decisively released the ability.

The life control ability is completely an ability that ignores physical defense. Whether it can resist this ability depends only on how high the level of life is and how strong the vitality in the body is.

For example, if Liu Miaomiao used the life control ability on these fourth-level mutant zombies when she was in the blood energy realm, the power of the ability would be greatly reduced.

Even if the other party stands still and Liu Miaomiao is allowed to extract life force, even if her abilities are exhausted, she may not be able to extract one ten thousandth of the other party's life force.

But now that Liu Miaomiao has reached the body-shaping realm, and then confronts the fourth-level mutant zombies that are comparable to the gods and demons realm, the effect will be completely different.

Lin Xinghai could see that the dense green light spots were extracted from the body of the "iron armored corpse" in front of him.

The breath on the other side is also slowly but steadily declining.

The "Iron Armored Corpse", which was originally entangled in layers of thorns, was a little angry, but it was nothing more than that. It didn't think that the other party could really cause damage to itself.

But at this moment, feeling the loss of its vitality for no reason, it really panicked.


Under the full force of the explosion, the thorns were torn off, but more thorns broke out and continued to wrap around it.

And the thorns that were torn by it are also growing rapidly and continue to wind up.

At this time, Lin Xinghai, whose perception had been shrouding the audience, discovered another detail.

Basically, every time Liu Miaomiao releases a thorn, the breath on her body will drop by one point. Obviously, this is caused by the consumption of the power of Aoki in her body.

But when those thorns were torn off and regrown, the aura on Liu Miaomiao's body would not decline.

"When these thorns repair themselves, don't you need to consume the energy in your body?" Lin Xinghai asked with some doubts, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This doesn't make sense.

"Basically, these thorns will draw energy from the earth and repair themselves. I only need to maintain the existence of the thorns, and the consumption is very small." Liu Miaomiao said.

Lin Xinghai was really surprised at this time. Does this mean that this thorny field also has the advantage of low consumption?

And soon, he thought of something and asked: "That is to say, these thorns of yours can actually be released from anywhere, not necessarily in the soil?"

"Yeah!" Liu Miaomiao nodded, then raised a thorn in her palm, which grew out of her palm.

"These thorns are condensed by the power of Aoki, and they can naturally appear from anywhere."

"But if I can't draw energy from the earth, let alone repair them, even if I maintain their existence, my consumption will be at least 10 times greater." Liu Miaomiao explained.

Lin Xinghai nodded, he had already re-positioned Liu Miaomiao's ability in his heart.

During the conversation between the two, the situation on the field was also changing.

When Liu Miaomiao controlled a full 50 thorns, and finally wrapped the fourth-level "iron armored corpse" around it, it was impossible to move.

The "iron armored corpse" at this moment has become the fish on the chopping board.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai asked again, "How much does this kind of forced control cost you?"

"It can last about 10 minutes!" Liu Miaomiao said almost without thinking.

Lin Xinghai knew that this "iron armored corpse" was dead.

This is still in a heads-up situation. If it is on the frontal battlefield, Liu Miaomiao does not need to do it herself. She only needs to complete the forced control for 10 minutes, which is enough for the friendly forces to kill this "iron armored corpse" more than a dozen times.